
Doki is looking to recruit new typesetters. In particular, we’d like someone (or multiple people) to help un-stall PriPara, though applicants will not be obligated to any particular show from the start.
No experience at all is required to apply for one of the typesetting positions. Experienced typesetters are also welcome, but we’re more than happy to train newbies from the ground up. Jocko in particular (who is currently typesetting Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry) would like to offer his expertise to anyone willing to learn.
In case anyone is not sure what typesetting is, it is the art of making sign translations appear as though they belong in a show. For a more visual understanding, click on the image above to see the full-size version, which contains nine screenshots of typesetting from several recent Doki shows. It does not require a large skillset to be able to do reasonably complex typesetting, and the skills you learn are highly applicable to work in graphic design. (We even use Adobe Illustrator.)
To anyone interested, please email Holo at holo@doki.co with the subject line “Doki Typesetting” and join the IRC channel #doki-recruits@irc.rizon.net, where you should try making contact with any of the staff there — preferably me (Pikminiman) if I’m online.
If anyone is interested but unfamiliar with IRC, leave a comment down below, and I will help you get situated.

Well, only a fraction of editors remain from the last batch of editors I recruited (which was a while ago).
QC: Your job is to check the script for spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax. Your attention to detail should be second to none. I don’t expect perfection, but I do expect near perfection.
Edit: Your job is to take a translated script and change the awkward/literal English into smooth, natural English. The level of your English should be akin to that of a native speaker, preferably better than my English. (English is my second language.)
Your attention to detail should also be very good.
After sending me an email (holo@doki.co), join #doki-recruits@irc.rizon.net. You will be given a QC test, and if you pass, an edit test.
In your email, state your timezone and any info you feel supports your application. Previous experience in fansubbing is not a requirement, but willingness to learn and a level of dedication is.
Edit: Recruitment closed, no more emails please!

I’d like to recruit another translator to translate an airing show next season. You will get closed captions (Japanese subtitles) to work with!
Experience in fansubbing not required, but proficiency in Japanese is.
Please email me at holo@doki.co if you are interested and then come to #doki-recruits@irc.rizon.net.

Update: Thanks to those who have applied. No more applications, thanks!
It’s been 2 years since I last did a recruitment/training campaign of new timers, and now the number of active timers have fallen.
So if you are thinking of getting into fansubbing, but have no real experience, here is a good opportunity.
If you would like to learn how to time, you should satisfy the following conditions.
- A lot of patience. Timing can be very monotonous and tedious.
- Speak coherent English. If we can’t communicate with you properly, we can’t teach you.
- Ability to take initiative. If you have nothing to do, ask me for something to work on. Don’t just sit there waiting.
- Have a lot of free time. If you are only available for two days a week, this gig is not suitable for you. While I don’t expect you to be online 24/7, I would expect you to be around for a couple of hours at least 4 or 5 days a week.
- Able to idle on IRC when you are online. If you can idle 24/7, then all the better.
- Be talkative on IRC! Don’t just idle there and not say anything. We’re all friendly and love to chat.
No experience required. You will be taught everything. I am looking for people all over the world.
Please email me with a little info about yourself, (including your timezone and motivation for joining), then join #doki-recruits if you are interested. If you don’t know how to use IRC, use this, and someone will teach you to get a proper IRC client like chatzilla or mirc later.

It’s time to recruit another translator for the following:
Short term projects: Some OVAs.
Long term projects: An airing show next season.
Experience in fansubbing not required, but proficiency in Japanese is.
Please email me at holo@doki.co if you are interested and then come to #doki-recruits@irc.rizon.net.

Edit: Thanks to everyone who expressed interest. We are good for now.
Doki are in need of one more typesetter. If you would like to learn to typeset, please get in touch.
Please drop by #doki-recruits and email holo@doki.co.
Some notes:
- You don’t need to know japanese (all translation will be supplied).
- Patience and dedication is required.
For those that don’t know what typesetting is, it’s basically adding subs for signs inside shows (basically this only not as nearly as bad). Most shows only have like 1 – 2 signs, either containing the episode title or some in-house sign that says “Class 3-A” or something.
Edit: If you typeset like this, your application will probably be misplaced.

We are looking to get the Clannad project off and running, and for that, we’d like to recruit an extra translator. Your job will predominantly be checking the accuracy/validity of the existing translations, and working with the editors/TLCs. If you are interested in visual novels, please apply!
Experience in fansubbing not required, but proficiency in Japanese is.
Please email me at holo@doki.co if you are interested, or if you want more information.

Well, only a fraction of editors remain from the last batch of editors I recruited (which was a while ago).
QC: Your job is to check the script for spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax. Your attention to detail should be second to none. I don’t expect perfection, but I do expect near perfection.
Edit: Your job is to take a translated script and change the awkward/literal English into smooth, natural English. The level of your English should be akin to that of a native speaker, preferably better than my English. (English is my second language.)
Your attention to detail should also be very good.
After sending me an email (holo@doki.co), join #doki-recruits@irc.rizon.net. You will be given a QC test, and if you pass, an edit test.
In your email, state your timezone and any info you feel supports your application. Previous experience in fansubbing is not a requirement, but willingness to learn and a level of dedication is.
Edit: I’ve had enough emails, no more please.
Ecchi na Kanojo – English Patch
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