BanG Dream is back! Poppin’ Party is all together now, so it’s going to be smooth sailing from now on, …right?
I thought the wait might kill me, but luckily the Girls Band Party mobile game was released just in time! It would have destroyed my social life if I had had any to begin with, but I’m still backlogged on my Youtube and airing anime so there’s that.
Insert kfx in this episode by Jocko!
Edit: It turns out that the line at 06:44 was accidentally left commented out. It says, “Apparently the staff at Space is out with influenza.” [<- Highlight]
<Ojii> “Thanks for making you wait”
<Yayoi> 4 star rimi-rin y u no come
<Pikminiman> Arisa is very attractively lit in this episode. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<heyman> consistency
720p: [Doki] BanG Dream! - 09 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [3DE31E8B].mkv
480p: [Doki] BanG Dream! - 09 (848x480 h264 AAC) [F97D2603].mkv
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