Well, we’ve finally reached the end of this demonic stall. To finish, I’ll leave you with some comments from the people who worked on this show. Please note the following opinions do not reflect those of Doki as a whole. In fact, some of these folks are just jackasses.
I’m really excited to present to you all, my first translated series, and of course I’ll treasure it myself. As fun as was, it’s been a rough journey. But I couldn’t have made it through without these guys. I’ll have you know, I am the only staff member who has worked on every single episode. (I even timed a few myself.) Speaking of which, I’ll look forward to seeing you guys again next season on Guilty Crown as a timer. (Taking a break from what I didn’t realize would be so much work.) Nyu~
I hated working on this show. No raws followed by no CCs followed by no editor followed by no TLC followed by no workraw followed by no encodes. A slow and painful process followed by high-300 to 400 lines is awful. T_T Tip: Don’t pick up 4 shows even if you’re only QCing them. If you QC for Flammia, be careful as he’s a radical editor… However, there is one good thing about working on Mayo Chiki, I really enjoyed working with my fellow co-workers.
KANADE! ‘Nuff said. KANADE!
K. for real. this show has annoyed me more then any other thing I’ve worked on up-to-date, coming in here on episode 5, and having to work on these scripts around 2 hours to fully get this done, it’s been a major pain, not even mentioning the rage that was blown at me when I 1st came here. Still TLCing 1-4 for the BD’s. The delays… I don’t even want to mention them, so much triggers causing them, psi already wrote them down on the 10th episode, so I won’t.
based on the comments above, i’m one of the only real people who enjoyed working on this series (almost) every week. This show was a big change for me, as previously i worked with some great teams who always finished their shows the day the show aired(it helped that we always had a raw back then). Mayo Chiki has given us both ups and downs, and Cho definitely worked hard to translate it for us, even though it was his first time. though, i guess all “good” things must come to an end, and Mayo Chiki has been one hell of a ride.
With that said, Chiki’s batch will probably be a little while, as the others have been.
HD: [Doki] Mayo Chiki! – 13 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [E15CC2E2].mkv
SD: [Doki] Mayo Chiki! – 13 (848×480 h264 AAC) [D3C86FE8].mkv
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