No kara this week, will add it to next ep. Vocal had to go sleep, it’s late in Japan!
Vocalonation is almost at his 1000 followers, help him out! Follow @necrophantasia on twitter.
You can also check out his latest pics here. The Illya cosplay from the c85 is nice! Be sure to follow him on twitter to hear about his travels in Japan as they happen!
Here’s a few photos vocal took of places in the show.
Vocalonation: that is the sakura river they visted at the end lol
Vocalonation: That’s the Sumida river i believe
Vocalonation: this is from the park they are in at 17:17 as well
Vocalonation: here is the ame yoko thing whatever
Vocalonation: here’s the gate where she gets stopped at the beginning
- Translator: Vocalonation
- Typesetting: biki
- Encoder: anonymlol
- Edit/QC: ShijouTakane
- Timing/Project Leader: ixlone
HD: [Doki] Wizard Barristers – Benmashi Cecil – 01 (1280×720 Hi10P AAC) [BA0F7080].mkv
SD: [Doki] Wizard Barristers – Benmashi Cecil – 01 (848×480 h264 AAC) [5EBA2837].mkv
hey, can u guys also do Nagi no Asukara BDs?
i know it’s not the poll winner, but u guys also did Ars Nova’s BDs even though it didn’t win either.
Thanks in advance,
I’d love for them to do Nagi no Asakura as well, but I don’t think they will.
I thought the artwork in that series was excellent.
Ye, that’s one of the main things that draws me to it. It sounds like it has a good setup for a story as well.
Thankyou for this, I’ll take a look.
I did notice there seems to be a lot of magic related anime out at this season.
A half-canadian main character, that makes me laugh xD
Canadians representing in ANIME!
Still doesn’t beat the gundam fighter from neo-canada fighting neo-japan in the Niagara Falls in representation! xD
Thanks for this… let´s see it
There was nothing to censor.
I knew I recognized that facial art from somewhere. Downloading for that reason alone. Thank you!!
Kite/Mezzo Forte?
Thanks for this, been hoping someone would pick this one up
Nice work, definiely better than Watashi-Koi, they have too many errors in their script. I did copy-paste their OP and ED to your release as a temporary measure.
Hmm, I don’t really know anything about this one…Bit of a wild gamble…Oh well! ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ *adds to endlessly long to-watch list*
I thought it won’t be an interesting show.
…I guess I was wrong.
Definitely on my watchlist for this season
Thanks for subbing it! ‘w’)b
That gate, isn’t that in Asakusa?
Most of the locales in this show are in asakusa and oshiage (where the sky tree is)