End of the first arc.
I think we are catching up a bit. With any luck we might be able to release 06 before 07 airs!
720p: [Doki-Chihiro] Kokoro Connect - 05 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [A06D0EE0].mkv
480p: [Doki-Chihiro] Kokoro Connect - 05 (848x480 h264 AAC) [EE103347].mkv
Thank you! Saved me from having to watch rori and gave me hope that 6 is right around the corner!
Making it sound like Rori are bad subs.
They aren’t bad per se but their not the best subs available for this show are they?
That would be Commie.
Too bad Hadena ain’t working on this, if they were we could have watched some quality subs
He spoke the truth
> Making it sound like Rori are bad subs.
‘eh, yeah, Rori’s are pretty bad. The differences between theirs and Doki’s for Ep.’s 4 and 5 are not only noticible, but Rori’s create viewer mis-understandings.
thanks a lot for this episode! already downloading will seed for a few days…
any word on jinrui wa suitashimashita?
Typesetting in progress… 9001 lines remain…
Lol. Over 9000 lines :3
Arigato! I hate how I have to wait a whole week for these things, and then some for you guys to finish it, but in the end it is well worth it! I will seed the 720 for afew days…. Keep up the good work, and I cannot wait for the next additions of:
Korewa Zombie Desuka
and Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru
Godspeed to you all.
Yup… i almost hit my monitor while watching this ep, that balloon vine, honestly its name is worth of a Twisted Metal Character.
Thanks a lot for the release!, oh and that im eagerly waiting for ep6 goes without saying xD
Troll of the year award goes to Balloon Vine…well played…well played indeed.
Thanks! 😀
Slowly, but surely catching up… Thanks for the release!
A fantastic episode again, goosebumps @ beeps! Thanks Doki! Ofcourse I’ll be sharing the 720 version a number of weeks.
Thanks! 😀
Thankyou for this too.
Doki catching up?! Doki with TIMELY RELEASES!?! IMUPOSHIBIRU! This isn’t 2010!!
It happens more often than you’d think!
I’m still waiting for those Lucky Star BD’s Holo. (¬‿¬)
Hah. I bet they come out of nowhere, when you least expect it, to surprise you Rokudaime.
Even if it takes a few weeks or months.
After what happened with SHUFFLE!, I totally believe you on that statement. ; )
Dys surprised everyone there.
Imouto and Tari Tari have always been on time this season.
Arcana and DD are also released before the next ep airs, usually on Tuesdays.
Indeed but they’re not as fast as Imouto and tari Tari. It’s the only shows were you manage to release before most groups. I don’t blame you for delays I know that it takes time and you can’t work on this all day.
Was referencing a time when everything was very delayed due to disappearing translators.
Great work, guys. thanks for your hard work!
thanks ever so much for this series, it has become important…precious to me. please continue your efforts to sub this amazing anime. it’s messing with my mind, and I like it!
sorry im in the wrong spot and should go on IEC but im in a bit of a rush…
Holo, are you still working on encoding Clannad After Story and Air in 10-bit?
one your facebook runners told me to remind you when i brought it up XD
I will be doing that during September/October