Following on from Dys update on airing shows I thought I’d throw in an update about BD progress.
Release soon/On time:
Astarotte no Omocha! -Batch soon™
C – The Money of Soul and Possibility Control -Batch soon™
Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi – Up to date.
Mayo Chiki! – Up to date.
No. 6 – Up to date.
Ro-Kyu-Bu! – Up to date.
Usagi Drop – First vol sometime in the next day or two.
Yuru Yuri – Up to date.
Zero no Tsukaima – As they are done…
Release 2012/Delayed:
30-sai no Hoken Taiiku – Trying to find a BDMV source to start this (don’t paste us links to raws, we do not use raws).
A Channel – Vol 4 waiting on Mogu for TLC. ETA December.
Ah! My Goddess – OVA 2 at TL, ETA unknown.
Blood-C – ETA for BD version unknown.
Chu-Bra!! – I’d like to update this to BD version, if you know of a BDMV source let me know.
Clannad – Hi10P verson ETA late December.
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko – Vol 2 waiting on Mogu for TLC. ETA late December.
Hanasaku Iroha – At Thaerin for TLC. ETA unknown.
Hidan no Aria – Vol 4 at ixlone for timing. Kanade for TLC. ETA 2012.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kira – Original TL Mimori, currently MIA. ETA unknown.
Koe de Oshigoto – Waiting on Vol 3 release.
Kore wa Zombie Desu ka – Vol 4 at Kanade for TLC. ETA 2012.
Lucky Star – Vol 2+ ETA late December.
Nichijou – At Nanakoto for TLC. ETA for this is early next year.
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu – Vol 3 at Chihiro for QC/edit. ETA unknown.
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai – At Holo for encoding. ETA unknown.
Saki – At SGKK for typesetting. ETA Unknown.
Seitokai Yakuindomo – At Nanakoto for TL. ETA for Vol 2 around late Dec/Jan release.
Shuffle – Batch ETA unknown.
Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu – AT Zdm321. ETA 2012.
The Idolm@ster – ETA for BD version unknown.
Time Paladin Sakura – OVA 2 at Chihiro for TL. ETA unknown.
And there you have it. Quite a few unknowns but such is life. We shall endeavour to get things done as soon™ as we can. Patience is a virtue.
Thanks for the update, but I have some doubts about your schedule. I think that you take too much shows and then redoing them in BD version, take more for the next season and go on, you are getting a lot of work.
I really thank you for your quality and constant work, take your time and I hope that everything can go right for you.
lol, our number of shows has DEcreased since last season. Also, we have a far greater number of staff who are able to devote time to Blu-Ray releases rather than airing releases, because they don’t run on the same kind of schedule.
You should also note, a fair number of those are “planned for the future” type updates. Like a lot of the ones under the “release 2012” list are just ones we will do, once we have the time. As opposed to “active projects”.
This season has had reduced shows (sadly some are delayed still), next season I suspect we shall take on even fewer and try to clear as much backlog as we can.
Doki ftw!
Dear all,
I apologize for my delay. Recently, I have been diagnosed with MDS (RAEB-1).
And before I can get my Bone Marrow Transplant, they needed to remove all obstacles that would cause infection. They removed all my wisdom teeth on Oct 31. Since that day, I have been having horrible pain. They haven’t healed to full yet. It takes a lot of concentration just to face a computer.
If things go well, I will be admitted into hospital early December to start Chemotherapy and spend Christmas in hospital for my transplant.
See you all next year.
Best of luck with everything.
Kanade, best of luck to you during your surgery and recovery. If it means anything to you, you’ll be in my prayers going forward.
I’d like to say we all wish you luck, but some of us are ass holes, so I’ll just wish you luck myself.
today’s disease is gettin’ more horrible and more horrible. my condolences for you. Good luck for ya!
Sorry to hear that Kanade, hope you get better soon!
Hope you have a good christmas in hospital regardless of your situation. Must be a horrible prospect being in hospital for Christmas anyway, I almost faced that last year when dealing with the complications of a burst appendix.
Good luck Kanade. ^_^
Best of luck, Kanade.
Damn, you have it rough. :-/ I really hope things go well for you. Every problem in my life just seems trifling when I hear about things like this. You probably shouldn’t even consider working on anime until a good while after your operation has gone well, if you don’t feel up to it. : ) Best of luck to you Kanade. : )
All the best, Kanade.
Hope you get well soon.
The size of that list is quite impressive. I’m confident everything will get done though. Isn’t it amazing what a few missing people can do?
Anohana, Lotte and C all had final volumes released this month. Shuffle is waiting on batch.
So list is going to be four series shorter pretty soon.
Indeed. My first reaction was “holy sh–”
Doki is by far the most active of all the fansub groups I follow, but even then it’s hard to grasp the magnitude until it’s all laid down in a row like this.
(Thank you.)
>Dys’s workload (read: Skyrim)
this is what makes me worry
/me facepalm.jpg
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
I’m sorry, are you expecting me to take fansubbing as a full time job?
ofc not
( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
You have a point there, better to fansub something when you’re in the mood to do it, rather than feeling like its a chore, the latter would make it seem less enjoyable, the former more enjoyable.
Work on the SHUFFLE! batch BEFORE C, and not after, would you? Makes a whole lot more sense to finish BD batches of older shows you started work on earlier, than finishing BD batches of newer shows you started work on later. I’ve never been able to understand why fansubs would operate on the process order of “finish BD volumes of show X -> finish BD volumes of show Y -> finish BD batch of show X -> finish BD batch of show Y” anyway, when it should be “finish BD volumes of show X -> finish BD batch of show X -> finish BD volumes of show Y -> finish BD batch of show Y”. In other words, when the same people are involved, once you’ve finished the BD volumes of one show, you should proceed to work on the batch for that show directly after, not start on a NEW show first, and THEN do the batch for the first one. -_- I’ve always found this way of doing things both strange and annoying.
Thx for the status update and for the great work in general
Take your time and go on giving us the great quality-fansubtism we are used too!
Can you also give the status updates of upcomming movies (e.g. macross frontier)?
Thx in advance for that
Macross is still on the cards. Nothing confirmed yet though.
Well said Loomy, also Hi, haven’t said hey in ages.
First thx for the status update
Btw can you also give status update for persona 4 the animation, just curious about why it delayed
thx again
Check out the Guilty Crown post below.
ah so there it was, sorry i didn’t read Guilty Crown post
since i didn’t follow that shows
thx for the info
Pay a little more attention. This post was made BECAUSE I gave a status update on Person 4 and various other shows.
Can’t wait for more Lucky Star. Looking forward to getting when the whole bunch in high quality for another re-watch.
Thanks for the update! I know its kinda hard juggling RL and fansubbing on your side… Patience really is a virtue…
By the way, the Blazewardogs blog link in your list of blog links seems to be dead. I’m getting HTTP 404 not found when clicking on it. Just thought you may want to know.
Okay, that’s nice and all but what about Persona?
“Following on from Dys update on airing shows” – Really that hard to scroll down and read it?
faggot can’t read.
So glad none of this is at me… oh wait I’m fixing AnoHana again :L
teg, your Picard pic fills me with joy. Thank you.
The idiots replying here… it’s all made better with one Picard in a silly hat.
Awesome gravatar is awesome! XD
Shana TV series BD no?
For S3, yes (doesn’t come out till January).
For S1 and S2, no. The BDs are crap. Even the DVDs look better than the BDs.
Thanks so much for the status updates and not leaving us in the dark like some groups do. It’s just amazing to see how much you guys (and girls!) are doing, especially considering some circumstances (eg Kanade, PS get well soon, hope your Christmas + new year is not plagued by illness).
Thanks again Doki – you’re still my favourite fansub group to date
Thanks for the update. Glad to see the 10bit version of Clannad will be ready soon. Will After Story be released around the same time?
This is really the only group that I can still count on for high quality (in encode, subbing, and styling) anime torrents.
Do you guys take requests? 10bit releases of Spice & Wolf and K-ON! would make me a happy camper.
They’re taken into consideration.
Spice and wolf get english dubs.
Many of the staff dislike K-ON (myself not included)
But it’s not impossible
wat? K-On! ?
Many of “the staff” not including myself or Holo.
K-ON! is a fun show & a good time filler
nahhhh…..there were bunch of groups that already did that…..
it’s better for them to do Denpa
I’ve never heard of anyone at Doki hating K-On before, though I’ve only been coming here for like 18-20 months now lol. That said I think I’ve only spoken to like 7 staff members on the cbox.
[14:09] <&teg> only if we start doing a few coal shows as well
[14:09] <&teg> we’ve only worked on shit since Ika S1
[14:09] <&ixlone> Like what?
[14:09] <&teg> I dunno
[14:10] <&ixlone>
[14:10] <&ixlone> Ika s2 :p
[14:10] <&teg> I asked about NGE and you were like ROBOTS ARE BARD
[14:10] <&TloskPD> i refuse to help on ika
[14:10] <&ixlone> No.
[14:10] <&teg> haha!
[14:10] <&ixlone> NGE is bad
[14:10] <&teg> NGE is good!
[14:10] <&teg> an anime can’t recieve critical aclaim worldwide and still be a bad show
[14:10] <&ixlone> NGE, K-on, hayate, fate stay night, i will never do them :p
There’s some K-on hate for you from today :p
You hate Fate/stay night!? o_o Are you sure you’re quite well in the head? : p
What happened to the kamisama dolls pages on your website?
What Kamisama Dolls?
So, in keeping with Doki’s philosophy, kamisama dolls wasn’t dropped. It simply never existed.
So this reality is/was wrong:;gl=ca
No prob; I’ve fixed my reality check now.
“Kamisama Dolls – 13 [END]”
Can’t drop a project that’s complete.
Nor a project that never existed, either.
Good to see the last horse finally crossed the finish line.
Wow, that’s quite some list.
Hanasaku Iroha BD version prob Shana from the unknown list are the only once I hope don’t get too much time on the back burner. Lets be real the BD Iroha that is being shared now is not what I want to be archiving and thus haven’t even cared to dl it. Best of luck and hope the pace stays stead with that gigalist of projects
Well, a lot of our earlier episodes need a fair bit of work on the translation, so Thaerin is fixing them up, he’s a good TL, but he has very limited time. So you’ll have to wait patiently while he makes the scripts magical.
Very Nice.. Awesome indeed. uhm, by the way, from what anime is that screenshot from? i suddenly got an urge to watch it.. thanks..
Yuru Yuri.
the fuck with all those list
please priority the airing anime at this moment first
ive waiting patiently for doki release
but i think i ve got enough…gonna Shift+delete and change to other fansub
really …really dissapointing !!!
no offense just IMO
cheers for the late release
Another idiot who missed the BD staff aren’t working on airing shows point.
Well done with the missing gene.
You’re a complete and total moron. That’s what I’m sticking with.
There are 4 translators on airing shows, we INTENTIONALLY delay Blu-Ray’s that they’re working on to make sure airing shows get out. Most Blu-Ray’s don’t even HAVE translators to check them, because the scripts are already good enough.
Read the update below. It doesn’t say “airing shows delayed by Blu-Ray” does it? It says “airing shows delayed by missing TL’s.”
If you don’t understand, don’t post shit.
Dumbfucks that can’t read…sigh…
IDIOT can’t read
Well lazy posters reads only the top or some parts only and scans only, not reading the whole post and understanding it.
No excuse as it only takes 30 seconds to read and understand the update post. And in the time it takes someone to type a silly question they could of read the above post
Thirty seconds to read a post, or butthurt all day because of the comments they receive back for it.
Lol, if only more people did that.
I’d like to make a request for Kimi ni Todoke BD Season 01 and 02, as the BD is currently being released on ShareRaw.
what happened to idiots?
well, ever since Skyrim was born on to this world, couple of work progress is delayed, lol.
Don’t worry mate, same story happen with me.
btw, thanks for the release, I appreciate your hard work!
Thanks for the update.
For me it’s nice to know that things that I would like haven’t been completely forgotten and for the BD releases we’ve generally got the original TV ones to tied us over until things get released.
Of the delayed/2012 list the thing that I really want is Hanasaku Iroha (mainly as I prefer the Doki translation and there was at least one episode in the TV release where an inferior source had to be used). I’m also eagerly awaiting BD releases of A Channel, Usagi Drop and Denpa, (although of all of the above I can only see two things which I wouldn’t bother downloading).
no plans for qwaser 2nd season?
Though I’m not into that kind of show and haven’t watched it before(No intention too either) this was at the end of DmonHiros post here
I will return in a little while with season 2. See you guys soon.
Hope that answers your question, it seems to rest with Dmonhiro as he did most of the work on Season 1.