HD (h264): [Doki] Ladies versus Butlers! – 04 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [68719DC3].mkv
SD (XviD): [Doki] Ladies versus Butlers! – 04 (848×480 XviD MP3) [8D4589A9].avi
According to ANN, the first volume of Ladies versus Butlers! Blu-Ray/DVD will include extra footage and a DVD special. The extra footage will feature Tomomi and Selnia while the special DVD will include the special preview episode featuring the interviews with the respective seiyus. Specific details regarding the nature of the extra footage is unknown as of yet, but it should really be more ecchi stuffs. I will most probably translate the extra footage as long as I have access to appropriate resources. If you are thinking about the seiyu interviews, they will obviously not be subbed since there is really no point in doing that. If we planned to do that, we would have released that along with the pre-release episode a few weeks ago. I’m the translator of Ladies versus Butlers! I received several feedbacks about episode 01, and I thought it would be good to clarify some here. The story setting is at 「白麗陵学院」 Hakureiryou Academy. It consists of a middle school and a high school. The high school is further split into 2 factions; 1. 「上育科」Jouikuka = Upper Training Department/Upper-ed/Upper-class -Trains rich girls to become well-mannered high class ladies. 2. 「従育科」Juuikuka = Servant Training Department/Servant-ed/Servant-class. -Trains males and females to become butlers and maids respectively. Their aim is to serve. 3. @03:35 Selnia asked for Orange Pecco straight, which can also be spelt as Orange Pekoe as well as Bulgarian Scorn with Marmalade. 4. @04:09 Tomomi asked for Lapsang Souchong. 5. Lastly, I understand there are various romanising of the names of the main characters. We have decided to stick to “Selnia Iori Flameheart” and “Saikyo Tomomi“. I guess that’s about it for now. There’re actually more detailed notes about the characters, but it may spoil those who’re watching. So I didn’t post it. EDIT: Fixed the kanji mixed up, thanks for the correction Windia. GIGA DRILL BREAKER! The censorship in this episode baffles me. White opaque mist obcures some scenes, but in other scenes that ought to be censored, there is nothing. This is the best raw I could find (A-TX). I just hope that the actual episodes (which comes out starting next week) are uncensored. And since this is a prerelease, minimal effort has been put into it. There won’t be a v2 to fix errors, since there is no point as this ep will not be in the final batch. HD (h264): [Doki] Ladies versus Butlers! – 01 – PreRelease (1280×720 h264 AAC) [C5A7D577].mkv SD (XviD): [Doki] Ladies versus Butlers! – 01 – PreRelease (848×480 XviD MP3) [96146F66].avi |
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