
Ecchi na Kanojo (Natsu) - English Patch

Azusa is pretty cute.

Okay, so here’s patch 1.0 of this game I’ve been working on for longer than I care to admit. I’ve had trouble finding people to help edit it, so I’ve edited it as best I could (which is a job I loathe doing… expect a few derps here and there!). Anyway, if you see any typos, lines that you feel could use a better edit, bugs, etc comment below and let me know, and I’ll fix it all up for a super-final-patch⁶⁴ a bit down the line. You’re gonna need Japanese locale to play it, too. Dunno if applocale works, never used it.

Full release includes the entire game and is already patched. Support the doujin group and buy a copy if you can though.

As for the patch only version… Extract the patch.xp3 file into your game directory and you are set to go. It will work with existing saves, but it will be a bit fruity as your saves contain certain variables that won’t be changed… and it might crash. I’d recommend just zipping up or moving your existing saves and starting from scratch. I’d also recommend using either the default font or Yu Gothic UI. Since they appear to work properly and wrap text correctly. Also, support the doujin group and buy a copy if you can.

Since this is my first time coding a game I’ve come across a couple of issues. Which if anyone can help me fix would be great.

1. Adding a bigger border to the fonts to make them more readable/bold.
2. Changing the item names to lower case when they arrive in the mail.

Big thanks to maus for helping me test the game and catching a million bugs and shit. Anyway, enjoy and feel free to leave suggestions.


  • Translation: Ero_Yatsu (A lot of it!), ixlone/odinigh (Little bits!)
  • Photoshop: ixlone, odinigh
  • Coding: ixlone
  • Video Typesetting: TheThing
  • Play testing/QC: Maus, ixlone

Full Game: [Doki] Ecchi na Kanojo (Natsu) – Game + English Patch [BADF3BDB].zip

Torrent | XDCC

Patch Only: [Doki] Ecchi na Kanojo (Natsu) – English Patch Only [F05C0040].zip

Torrent | XDCC

66 comments to Ecchi na Kanojo (Natsu) – English Patch

  • Dasuu -

    Azusa a qt! so when can i expect the next eroge release? ( ¬‿¬)

  • Ero_Yatsu

    I forgot about this. I just now remembered the times when we were in Japan last year working on this in the hostel. lol

  • Rokudaime

    Lol, first anime, then visual novels, then manga, and now this! Doki’s expansion continues! 😀 There were a few times where you did some OST’s as well, I seem to recall. Can’t remember if you ever did any artbooks though.

  • That feel when you were supposed to beta test a loli game and totally forgot.

  • getoverit

    Hi there. I know it’s completely unrelated to this post, but did you guys dropped Henjyo – Hen na Jyoushi Kousei Amaguri Senko?
    You’re updating mangas with a relatively good frequency, but not that one, which latest update was 3 months ago and there are nearly 50 raw chapters out and they aren’t that long(20 pages/chapter).


    Did you guys dropped Henjyo – Hen na Jyoushi Kousei Amaguri Senko? iam waiting for it come on

  • donovan20055

    Thanks for the work on this not much of a Loli fan but I love reading peoples fan subs.

    I noticed the config menu in-game and the menu bar say two different things in regard to text display. When checked in-game what is said in-game is correct it’s for the display speed of text unread/read not display speed/Text Delay Speed which is what the menu bar said so I changed it.

    I also changed the tilde (~) symbol to the wave dash/full tilde (〜) symbol since that displays better in-game.

    In the config.tjs file I wasn’t sure if the font name was correct so I tinkered with it and added MS PGothic to the load list also added the Japanese font names which should help those using Japanese system locale.

    The files inside the patch.xp3 file were organized this I did just for fun you can see the code used for it inside the “config.tjs” file.

    I changed the encoding for some of the files from Shift-JIS to UTF-16LE Unicode which should help with windows compatibility.

    I’ll look into the two issues you listed to see if I can do anything but don’t get your hopes up I’m pretty green myself (What I know I’ve learned from tinkering/reading).
    1. Adding a bigger border to the fonts to make them more readable/bold.
    2. Changing the item names to lower case when they arrive in the mail.

    I’m trying to see if I can get the game to work without applocale or the need to switch the system locale to Japanese but since I’m not sure if I can do that and since it will require a bit of time I’ll post that later if it gets done. It’ll require the save data folder to be deleted to work properly to use it though. This is mostly to help windows 10 users since I’ve heard applocale doesn’t work with it.


    In-case above doesn’t work here is the download link:

    • Oh, nice. Thanks for the help.

      I’ll make this base update for final patch! Going to wait a while to give people a chance to report any derps I’ve let slip through though, but this is much appreciated. I was actually struggling to find a solution to the ~ issue, too.

      • donovan20055

        Ok so I was able to fix the text border, I made it darker and thicker but I wasn’t sure whether to go with a 2 pixel border or 3 pixel border I think the 2 pixel border looks better because the 3 pixel border starts to block out the letters a little bit.

        I couldn’t recreate the second issue 2.”Changing the item names to lower case when they arrive in the mail” either it isn’t an issue or I was looking at/for the wrong thing.

        I was able to run the game without using applocale or changing my system locale to Japanese. But in order to do that you need to make sure the .exe file doesn’t have any Japanese or the file path to the .exe file also doesn’t have any Japanese or you’ll get an error. You also have to delete the save data folder or some error is bound to show up sooner or later. I didn’t extensively test it so I may have missed something.

        • Good stuff.

          Yeah. I’ll use 2px version. The 3px version fills in the gaps in “o”, “d”, etc.

          [position layer=left=120]The “[emb exp=”f.宅配商品”]” I ordered is here![p][cm]

          This line in 商品到着.ks is the culprit. I can’t work out how to lower case the item name in the variable.

          Thanks again.

          • donovan20055

            I think I did what you asked or should I say I hope I did otherwise it was just a waste of time xD.

            Do you still want the double quotes in that sentence?

            Also does this line need to be changed too?
            [position layer=left=120]I bought “[emb exp=”tf.使用番号”]”.[r]Seems like it will be delivered tomorrow.[p][cm]

            Also I noticed when saving/loading an extra space is present before the day of the week I made a change to remove that extra space.


          • Yup. It worked for me. It crashed when I tried using an older save, but worked fine with new game.

            Quotes was only there to try make the use of uppercase look less dumb lol. So I’ll fix them and that line, too.

            Many thanks. Seems that’s all the outstanding issues I couldn’t resolve fixed.

          • donovan20055

            I moved some things around just to make sure those lines would work. The quotes should now be gone and the names should now be shown in lowercase.

            After I know you’ve got it I’ll delete the file.


          • Saved me the effort, thanks. 😀

            I’ll be waiting a month or so before releasing a final patch though. Want to hold out for anyone spotting typos or derps.

          • donovan20055

            I’ll check back in a month then for the release and to see any other help is needed, hopefully I can remember to check back in a month.

  • Classic

    Thank you for working on this!

  • JoshB

    *thumb up, nosebleed* I finished this 30DVN under 4 hours. I liked it.

  • Anon

    Is there a walkthought or guide online anywhere english or otherwise?

  • Firefall

    Is there some secret to make this work? I have tried run all the applications in the folder, and I get nothing but message boxes full of gibberish characters, or a blue box full of code.

  • Rokudaime

    Lol, before you released this patch, there were only two votes for the game over on VNDB, both of which gave it a 10. After you released this patch, apart from your own vote of 9 yesterday, there have been three more people voting on it just within these two days, and they voted 5, 1, and 5. Not sure what to make of all that. 😛

    • Same shit happens for anything we release.

      Our manga gets downvoted on mangaupdates instantly. Same for doujins on exhentai lol

      • Rokudaime

        The fuck? So there are a few otaku stalkers out there who automatically hates on anything that Doki releases, be it manga, anime, or games? That’s so incredibly petty and pathetic…More importantly though, I wonder just what the heck their problem with Doki is anyway…

  • Blanchimont

    Stupid question I know, but… How do you save? Can’t find an option for it in the menu dialogs, or the hotkey for it.

  • noname

    is it me but i don’t have any music or voice on the game

  • choukawaii

    For anyone that facing gibberish text issues and can’t run the game. It’s not just changing the locale of the PC, but locale of the unicode too.

  • yoyo

    I got some Error when I try to open the game

  • Set locale/region to Japan/Japanese. Or try applocale.

  • Tom

    What exactly do you mean by “A Japanese Locale”? Is this something in the installation process?

    • Nah… It’s in your windows settings. Locale to Japan and region to Japan.

      Depends on windows version so just google change locale/region windows xx.

      Only thing it changes day to day is some programs show a yen sign instead of \ and some program installers use Japanese.

  • Nyann

    Not able to play:
    After confirming, only black screen is displayed and I can only return to the title screen.

  • seekay

    When I double-click the game exe, instead I get an error prompt and a blue window with what I think is VB code. Does anyone else have this problem?

  • seekay

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask. I’m missing one picture from the review, on page 6, first row, first from the right. Does anyone know how to unlock that particular one?

  • TheHoudhini

    I know you said a month but do you know how much longer you plan on waiting? Just curious, I have waited years for this so I will be patient.

    Also, I am having difficulty finding the XDCC files. They don’t show up in the AniDex list. I live in a place where I can’t torrent so I have to rely on XDCC.

  • The bot website is going to be moved to a new server soon… files will start to show up when it does.

    Final patch will be some time in October is my current guess. I can’t confirm exact dates. Or even if it will come then! Got a lot of other stuff to do atm so busy.

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