Here’s Blazewardog:
So we finally released this series. Only around ~100 weeks since we released EP01+02! It was an interesting project for taking so long as because of that, has (I believe) the longest list of staff to work on a single project. As I mentioned in the years past, we finally got our hands on the BD/BDMVs for S2 so that is going to be redone from Doki’s even more ancient BD-reencode release. As we don’t have to translate it this time, I expect it will only take 50 weeks instead of 100! (I kid, I hope). S3 should also be done in Valve time soon.
Anyways, thanks for waiting patiently for this release!
PS: Mai waifu do not touch
PPS: Please stop fapping to our musume Illya also kk
And here’s everyone who have worked on this:
Translator: Kuzu
Timers: teg, iken, Fan, odi, Mokona, Fuko_Ibuki, meneldal (Inserts)
TLC: sonikku, JinK, sakurahime, Kanade (OP/ED)
Editor: FatAndy, supersilvi, Entranced
Typesetter: teg, meneldal
QC: FatAndy, Holo, odi, albatrossdot, zobocamel
Encoder: Blazewardog
Monetary support: odi
Emotional support: Kristen
Btw, if you are for some reason still waiting for Cherry-NiceBoat’s release, you can either think of this batch as that or consider it dropped there.
HD: Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu (2008) [Doki-Chihiro][1280×720 Hi10P BD FLAC]
SD: Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu (2008) [Doki-Chihiro][848×480 h264 BD AAC]
I REALLY loved this show, the ending 4 of Finale were pure badassery. I just wish this were available to buy here.
Thank You Very Much!!!, I have been waiting for this to be finished.
Congratulations!! on finishing this project it took a long time but in the end you people came through thank you very much
Holy crap…I never thought this day would come!
yatta.. I’ve been waiting for soooo loooooooonggg.. 本当にありがとうございました
Yay! thank you for this!
Time to switch out my Coalgirls release (which I’ve never actually watched yet…It’s just been sitting downloaded on my computer as part of my massive backlog…).
Is this show like Oreimo without the harem?
No it’s not. Uh… It’s been a while since I watched this series but off the top of my head it’s a bit like Ai Yori Aoshi.
Ai Yori Aoshi.. which reminds me. It’s sad how we never got a third season. Such a great show..
time to abuse speed
Thanks for the release! Been waiting on it.
S3 by spring of 2014, watch!
Two freaking years. Bloody logarithm of 441 in base 21 years.
Even after this I doubt there won’t be still people asking whether you dropped something.
Replacing the one I have, was it from coalgirls?
I just can’t stand reading about seniors and juniors, I always forget and have to check a dictionary again what’s the high school year they’re referring to and it becomes worse in a university context, as there aren’t enough university focused anime for me to remember this third definition.
It’s five in my book, since I’ve been working on this series since day one.
Yeah, this sort of thing just makes Doki even more respectable as a fansub for me.
Five years, if you’re really in a hurry you could get a master’s degree in that time…
What the hell I thought you guys dropped this show thats why I deleted my episode 1 to 6 hours ago cheched my fb and boom nogizaka haruka no himitsu ep 1 to 12 complete damn it
We were waiting for you, mimi.
We were waiting for you to delete those files before we released this.
Finally, we could stop stalling this thing.
Thank you, mimi.
Keikaku Doki
Lol, nice pun.
Why just 720p? Was the source interlaced?
It was drawn when HD wasn’t really a thing anime did yet and it was done digitally so its not like they could rescan it from the cells.
Also yes it was interlaced.
I think that’s more a budget thing if I’m not mistaken. Isn’t it more expensive to produce anime in HD?
At last… Thanks!
whats wrong with s2 that you need to redo it?
Nothing was “wrong” with our release. But everything can be improved.
Wait, season 3 2014?? I thought the show ended with a 4 episode OVA last year?
That’s what we meant by S3.
I visit Chihiro’s site every day as well, so I was sad to hear that Doki and Chihiro won’t be collaborating anymore in the future. :-/
Long Time Lurker, First time poster.
Hey guys, don’t mean to be rude or anything but I’m watching this and so far I’m at ep 6 (720p). At 15:47 there’s
“Sure, but don’t don’t push yourself too hard”. There’s one too many don’ts in that line.
ooops one more thing, the line at 16:14 “You over there, miss” seems to be off on timing a bit
Doki, thanks, you’re all making my summer fun enough!
Good to see that you guys remembered about me. ^^
You could always re offer your services and continue to be remembered
I frequent your site quite a lot and really like your releases. I thought you had dropped this but now I can rest assured about Kokoro Connect as well
This is my first time posting, and I’d like to say, also on behalf of others like me- Thanks a lot for all that you do. It is really appreciated.
We appreciate your support!
Shiina Best Girl!
I know this might have been answered already but will Doki ever do the Nogizaki Haruka no Himitsu Finale (final 4 OVA episodes)?
As mentioned in the post, yes.
aren’t there any patches for those who downloaded eps 1~6 earlier??? its huge burden for a user like me to download eps 1~6 just for v2 ’cause i’ve internet with a speed of snail, it would take 2~4 weeks to download this whole season.

and last but not least many thanks for completing this series.
No patches because they are reencoded as far as I know.