In August, I will once again be selling mousemats, as I did a couple of years ago, to help with some of the costs of servers (and other fansubbing related costs, domains, etc) not covered by donations. I recall that there was a huge demand for it last time. I only had about 20 up for sale, and they were all snapped up within 12 hours of me posting.
This time, I will be more prepared, hence this advanced notice. I will have a lot more for sale, and should be able to cater to far more people than last time.
The way I’m going to sell them will be the same as last time, except that I may have more of a variety this time. I haven’t decided the final prices, but normal mousemats will probably go for £6 this time, and padded mousemats (boobs etc) will sell a for a bit more. People may even be able to request their own character designs on the mousemats.
I would prefer some sort of online bank transfer to avoid Paypal fees, but that might only be available for UK and EU people. Failing that, Paypal is always an option.
As with last time, I will post anywhere in the world that Royal Mail lets me. Postage will be come in 3 tiers. UK postage will be cheapest, followed by EU, followed by rest of the world.
Obviously there will be discounts in postage if people buy more than 1 mousemat.
I will have multiple copies of mousemats from many series, as well as custom designs (requested by you). Custom designs are only available for normal mousemats (I don’t think I can get custom padded ones).
I may be able to sell other stuff as well (not just mousemats), but we’ll have to see what I can get my hands on!
Comment below to register your interest!
I’m not certain which one to get, but I am very interested. I will look forward to a future purchase in august.
I already have 3 mousemats, but a 4th would be nice
Would love a Kotegawa Yui mousemat! *-*
Count me in on a Misaka pad!
I would (strongly) consider ordering one, but I never been able to use normal mousemats. – Has to be hardcover one for me, sadly.
But hey, can’t have it all! Right? =D
Would be interested in a Biribiri mat…would pay a bit extra to get it signed by Holo aswell >_>
Would like to buy Misaka <3
I’d be interested.
I’m very interested.
I’d definitely be interested in this too. Since I never saw the first sale of them, I was wondering what the range of characters/series would be, or would the “custom” mouse pads be the catch all for any that are not mass produced?
There will be a wide range of series/characters. Popular/recent series will definitely feature. I’ll probably only do 1 copy of requested ones, unless I really like them, then I may do more.
Expressing my interest!
Would love to buy some 3D mousepads. Anything sounds good, and if for some reason this effort doesn’t cover it, I would be willing to donate more, as this is basically the greatest fansub place ever
I’d have a couple with Sawako from Kimi ni Todoke.
What’s the quality of the mousepads? I know it’s hard to define, but for example I don’t want the design to start peeling off or the ink to flake off when I use it. What is it made of?
It’s printed cloth over some kind of dense foam. I’ve been using one from the last batch, which means I’ve been using it for nearly 3 years, and it’s still as good as new. I guess it means that if you’re using it “normally”, it’s not going to peel off or anything. Hopefully people who bought some last time can answer you as well.
Depending on what you have i might buy some, it’s one time i feel i benefit from living in the UK :3 get some good girls or loli’s and i will snap them up… even the padded ones might be nice to try xD
That Hidan no Aria mousepad looks very enticing to me. I’d definitely be interested in acquiring one if there’s any available by the time August comes around.
Wonderfully interested in a custom mouse pad. And looking very forward to seeing what regular ones you have available.
I am intrested. I hope you guys do a good job with them and I’m looking forward to the previews and all of the choices. You should probably do it in a preorder kind of fashion. But I’ll definitely get one. :3
I’d kill for Kanade Tachibana related goods/mousepads. Also regarding the payments, I don’t use paypal and I live in Canada. How exactly would I pay to you? I think my bank allows me to do transfers..
Yeah, we can do a bank transfer then. Or you could post me a cheque, lol.
Yep I could do that with an IBAN # and such. Few more questions, since you’re doing this in August. When can we request a “Custom Image”? Now or in August. Also would I post the image here?
When the time comes to accepting custom images, I’ll make another post and sort out a method for you to get an image to me. I need to clarify the criteria first since the images have certain dimensions.
I’d be interested in a pad!
Hey! If i order 1 or 2 mousemat, do you post it in canada , quebec ?
Yes, I post to Canada.
*** Hey! I have a Paypal account and I live in Canada Quebec.
Do you Post it there?
I dunno which character i should pick, but my mousepad is near 10 years old. so I thick for im to go to rest
Thx you very much for your good work
PS: I’m a Frenchie Québecois!
Prefer the VostA because it’s more near the real japonese word then the VostFr do they translate from a Vosta.
I’m also interested in buying one or even a few. But since I live in Germany, I probably would have to use PayPal.
I could provide an IBAN number and you could do an international bank transfer.
I think I’ll buy a couple custom ^^
Definitely interested in purchasing a pad.
I would absolutely be interested in this. Clannad one please. :3