Greetings, Doki Legion.
I am contacting you to provide you with a status update regarding Doki’s Tomoyo After Translation Patch. Dispite the best efforts of the VN Team, the coding for Tomoyo After RPG minigame Dungeons & Takafumis (D&T) is taking longer than expected, meaning the patch will need to be delayed. This problem is due to the minigame not following the same code structure as the main game’s scenes. Furthermore, an error was discovered during the Beta-Test period which causes the game to crash at specific points during gameplay. While the VN Team feels as though we could release the patch on time, the consensus is that we do not wish to do so until these problems are fixed. Fortunately, the team’s coders have a good idea of how to solve these errors; unfortunately, the work is tedious and will require considerable amounts of trial and error to get right.
I want to make it clear that this delay is not indefinite, and that there’s no reason why the game shouldn’t be released within a reasonable amount of time. Though Doki has remained quiet about the status of the project until now, it is only fair that updates provided to you from this point forward. As usual, I will be responding to comments made for those who have questions about the VN Team’s status.
Our current status (as of July 17th) for Tomoyo After ~It’s a Wonderful Life~ is as follows:
Game Translation: 100% Complete
Game Translation Check: 100% Complete
Image Edits (1,005): 100% Complete
Beta Test Text Error Fixes: 90% Complete
Coding Fixes: 50% Complete
These statistics are somewhat misleading. By far the most time consuming and visible parts of the project are the combined translation & image edits. The code that needs to be fixed is only a small fraction of the size of the game text. Yet, this is what is causing the holdup.
While the patch’s code is being adjusted, the editors & translators have agreed to do one final consistency check to catch any errors that may have been missed during the beta test period. This includes a play through of the game with Doki’s most recent internal patch to make sure that the changes to the patch’s text and code were successful. Again, though this is time consuming, we feel it is necessary to provide Key fans with the patch they deserve. The last thing we want to do is release an unfinished or buggy product as a way of keeping an arbitrary time scale.
While this is understandably disappointing, I do have some good news to provide. Doki has recently acquired the ability to create a patch for the consumer safe (that is, hentai free) Memorial Edition of Tomoyo After. As you may be aware, the Memorial Edition of Tomoyo After has a differing storyline from the original and contains substantially more text than the aforementioned hentai version. The VN Division will pursue this release in addition to the original edition previously promised; in this way, we hope to provide fans with different options to better suit their preferences. Additional information will be provided once the final consistency check of TA is complete.
I understand the decision to delay the release of the Tomoyo After patch will not be a popular one and that naysayers will just use this as ammunition to discredit Doki as a quality fansub group. This is to be expected, though such an assertions are ill-founded. Please understand that the delay is not being caused by a lack of interest or influx of laziness but rather due to unexpected coding errors which were not present in other Key visual novels. Your continued patience and support is appreciated.
Switch your watches to ‘Valve Time’ for a short while. We’re very, very close to the finish line.
July 30 EDIT: To send questions or comments about the VN, either check out the forums to send a private message or go HERE. This is a way of consolidating the number of posts needed to be checked on a daily basis.
I’m checking every half hour to see if its up XD I’m so freaking excited, I hope the 200$ I spent on the game is worth it
Thanks everyone who worked on it!!!
Your enthusiasm is awesome, lol. Make sure you take some time to rest. The coders need more time to fix the problems that have been discovered.
Out of curiosity, how far along are the translations for the extra scenes in the Memorial Edition?
It is early on in the process. However, the original patch’s coding issues have allowed the translators an opportunity to begin translating the new material, after their final consistency check for the current patch is complete. In other words, there is some overlap between the work on the two patches, which will save time in releasing the ME patch.
You guys are doing your best, it’s good to hear the status of the project, and i’d love about the all ages Tomoyo After Ver.
Well, gokuroosama deshita minna-san!
Thank you Brazillian Guy! We hope you and all of your Portuguese speaking brethren will enjoy it!
One year ago, I couldn’t even think about the possibility of reading Tomoyo After in full English, but now the translation is almost done! Man, as a Key fan, I’m REALLY excited about this one and I’m even planning to buy the Memorial Edition if you’re planning to translate that one too. How long do you think it would take to properly translate ME?
Anyway, I really wish you the best of luck. I’m from Brazil, and I believe many other fans around the world are also looking foward to this release. Good luck with the bug fixes, and thank you for the oportunity to play this game! ^^
To eliminate the risk of falling short of our translation time (though I don’t think that would really be a problem; the VN Team hit their mark with the translations right on time), I’m not going to reveal our anticipated release time outside of that it will be shortly after the original patch is released. That doesn’t mean a day or a week later. Just give the team some time and it will be available.
Another Brazilian! Most people don’t know this, but you guys have been providing us all with a lot of support! Kudos to those at Visual Novel Brazil for drumming up interest in this translation project of Doki’s. Kudos to you specifically for stopping by to offer the VN Team good wishes!
I’m glad to hear that. We from Brazil are starting to get into visual novels now as the genre is spreading, so it’s really good to hear we’re helping with your project in some way =D
The first big brazilian VN translation projects are also starting this year, and “Planetarian” is almost fully translated to portuguese by my team, “Zero Force Translations”. We really hope to make the VN genre in Brazil as popular as it is in other western countries, and we are working really hard for it. So yeah, know that your comment really boosted our morale up!
Now i’m felling that “on home” sensation xD
Also, good to know about your group too, i’l be
visiting soon!
I’m glad to hear that as well! The world will know the name of ‘Key’!
where can i buy the hentai version
look on ebay, I just bought it for 200, but there might be another one being sold later, so keep your eyes open
I managed to score a used copy for about $50 when my friend went to Japan. Its usually cheaper to get a used copy from a gaming store in Japan if its possible. If not, then you have to pay that guy $200 for a new copy. He’s a trustworthy guy because I got Clannad Full Voice from him.
The cheapest method for a person outside of Japan is to go on Yahoo! Auctions Japan, find a copy, and then bid on it via a proxy service such as Taigaya.
Just out of curiosity, is there any way to find out how many extra copies of “Tomoyo After” Key sold (or will sell) thanks to Doki’s English patch?
Not that I know of. For their sake I hope the number is substantial.
If its the original then none because its no longer in production. If its the ME I hope enough to make a difference
Sorry to sound stupid, but when I was reading the rules of how to buy stuff on taigaya,it says that they will only accepts customers who have dealings with them on ebay, dose it mean that you have to buy something on ebay from them first?
I think that they like to do that as a precaution since they have to purchase the items without a guarantee of someone paying them back. However, they may be willing to make an exception if you ask. I like working through them because their prices are reasonable and they packed my high value goods better than any other proxy service I have dealt with.
$200 for one untranslated VN?
thats even more expensive than a full anime series..
I have a feeling it was unopened and marked up due to it being outside of Japan. The original edition was actually a limited edition release.
Clannad Man, will you guys be making a patch for the ME Edition of Clannad as well, or will it work only with the SD Edition?
To be determined. As of now its not in the works (though full voice is).
Ok thanks.
wait wait wait wait………. The upcomming patch for just the original ed of Clannad? Not the full voice version?
Yeah, who cares about the original ? The Full Voice version is superior in every way and should be the priority.
They’re being worked on at the same time.
Even though I’m looking forward to playing, I don’t mind it being delayed for a bit, like most other replies I’ve seen. I’m just happy since there is at least a translation coming, and a great one at that, I’m sure. And like some others have said as well, the wait is half the fun – I couldn’t agree more since I like reading the replies posted here a lot.
Just wanted to say thank you for making sure that the release will be of the best possible quality and for putting so much time and effort in this!
Besides the thank you, I was also hoping if someone could help me with my installation of the original version. I currently have the game installed and playing(after some random button clicking xD), however, since I’m running a dutch windows 7, I’m having some troubles with the texts in the game and during the installation. I’ve been trying with language packs and what not, but so far nothing worked. Whatever I try, the japanese text always appears in some strange code. I’m pretty sure this is the result of my computer/os still not being able to support japanese characters. So if anyone knows what I should be downloading to get my windows to support it, please enlighten me!
Have you changed the locale of you computer to Japan? Changing the language packs does nothing unless its set as a Japanese computer. If anything you shouldn’t need the language packs in Windows 7 as it comes preinstalled when you change it.
You’re quite welcome Forvaine! I’m glad you enjoying the anticipation period for the patch. Thankfully you’ll have a bit more to enjoy in the near future.
Also, it is important to change the locale of your computer just as Stan said. It isn’t necessary, but it should solve your problem.
Ah, that did the trick.
You’re welcome Tsuruya-san. ( ¬‿¬)
Had to look that name up, to be honest. Guess that’s another anime I’m adding to my to-watch list. ^^,
I don’t get it. Why are you calling him Tsuruya-san? He doesn’t have an avatar of her or anything. :-/
Until now, Tsuruya-san was the only individual I had ever read/heard use the word, “Thankies!”
This is my first time posting, but I have been checking this site (or more specifically, Tomoyo After) CONSTANTLY for the past year or two. And I just HAD to post.
Although its not a release for my birthday tomorrow (yay) I’m glad to find this piece of news as a present, I’m not at all discouraged. THANK YOU GUYS! You’re almost there! KEEP IT UP!
Happy Birthday to you, Mr. Cunanaman! I’ve been giving out a lot of birthday wishes here lately. What is it about this time of year that caused so many children to leap from the womb? Not that I’m complaining, mind you. More people means more potential additions to the Doki Legion!
So this is your first post, eh? Thanks for saying hi. No one bit… yet. I hope you’ll stick around and say hello again sometime!
Just here to let you guys know how excited I am for this patch. I literally just found out about the patch right after trying to storm through the game in japanese. It didn’t work, so I’m just really glad you guys take the time to do this stuff and I look forward to the release.
Greetings MasterLeeter. Would I be correct in assuming that the patch’s delay didn’t effect you too much? I hope not. I’m optimistic that you’ll enjoy the final product of the VN Division’s labors.
I only really discovered Clannad last week (was bouncing around VNs after finishing G-Senjou after finishing Umineko after finishing etc), finished it yesterday and started looking around for more. And then I found this. You would not believe the size of the smile this brought to me. Thank you so very, very much for the work you must have put into this.
You only discovered Clannad last week? And you finished it? Surely you didn’t complete all of the side routes and secret routes. To get that all done in one week without a guide would be stunning.
I’m glad the chance to play Tomoyo After in English brought a smile to your face. I’m hopeful that I’ll hear (or who knows, even see) a lot of people’s smiles due to the patch. The VN Team also appreciates your kind words.
I have a LOT of time on my hands. The whole week off, in fact, given how I’m in that weird period between end of high school and start of uni. So I played. And played. And played and played and urghh…
Probably will need sleep sometime.
Have a good rest, John. We’ll bring you out of stasis when you’re needed.
*Clannad Man assumes he got the S117 reference right*
Did you find Jet Saito, Baseball Path, and Sunohara Bad Ending?
All of them are funny, especially the bad ending.
Sunohara Bad Ending!? Lol, now that sounds really interesting and hilarious! XD
Oh.. it certainly is hilarious. =P
Hello all and a warm thank You to the team for their efforts!
I’d like to ask a question:
Because the collectors and memorial editions were labeled (if i recall correctly) as “windows vista compatible” and “windows 7 compatible”, does that mean that the original version (for witch this initial patch is for) is only compatible with windows xp and older?
I’m asking because I didn’t try to install the game in it’s japanese-only form and don’t want to until the eng patch is out.
Also, i correlation with the above, will You post an installation and setup guide along with the patch, so that we could know how to properly install and configure the game?
Thank You again for Your efforts!
I can verify that the original version both installs and works on Windows 7. Also, the installation is incredibly simple. When it prompts you, just click the leftmost icon on the bottom and the rest is self-explanatory.
Hi GPz. Thanks for chatting us up.
I don’t think the VN Team was planning to post a setup and installation guide, especially because we’re only offering the patch. At the very least it is something to consider, since the coding work still needs to be completed. As Ash said, installation is pretty easy overall.
No worries on the delay, ive been peeking in on this site since December, I can wait abit more
thank you so much for all the efforts involved, by all those people involved.
You’re welcome whoever you are. Thanks for letting the VN Team know your appreciation!
Hey Clannadman, another thanks but this time for telling me about Taigaya, I just got them to order Kanon, Clannad, and Air for me for only 50 bucks XD, thanks again and I’m still eagerly awaiting the Patch
No problem. Taigaya does a fine job with their service; I’m very glad it worked out for you.
Hey Clannadman, first off I would like to thank you and everyone for bringing a complete translation to Tomoyo After~
It has been a long road I’m sure. Anyways I also would like to know if you all plan to work on Translating Kanon ME Since there isn’t one. Well I guess thats it Thanks for all your effort guys.
Hollo Eos! The road to patching has been a long one, and everyone is looking forward to having the patch complete.
As for translations and patches, Doki only has plans to work on Tomoyo After (Orig and ME) and Clannad (Orig and FV) at this time. Looking forward to other VN translations would both overextend the team and remove flexibility which is important to have when working on long term projects.
Why would you want a translation for Kanon ME ? As far as I know, it doesn’t add anything when compared to the Standard Edition.
It’s All Ages which I think most people would rather have then the 18+ Standard Editions
There is an all-ages patch for the Standard edition available so there is no need for anyone to work on the ME edition.
Exactly. The only improvement that could be done to Kanon is to make a voice patch with the protagonist’s voice files from the PSP version.
any new news?
Coding is progressing but not yet complete. Please stand by. Biggest viable change thus far is that image effects are improving. More work left to be done.
I’m very glad to see you once again keeping a ball on progress; that is the one thing that annoyed me the most back when this was in the handsof B-T, let alone the fact they really said it without really saying it clearly.
As for those having issues post-installation with code 2100 or those who want to be able to lauch without the DVD in the disc drive, I found a link to a viable version of ONLY the NoDVD patched REALLIVE.exe, and nothing else. Additionally, it seems with this patch I can launch with System Locale in English (before, I think the received error code was 1301), but text turns out to be random symbols (likely due to lack of unicode support. Poot).
With this, if the staff of Doki allows it, I will be willing to post the link for the patched file.
I was going to start out with a bad joke, but stopped myself after typing it. I’ll save it for another time.
As for the link, ask Holo. He’s responsible for everything posted & linked to on this site; I take no responsibility for it. (Though I don’t really see the problem with posting what you found.) The best ways to contact Holo are to email him or send him a message in IRC.
Oh, wait, this is for CLANNAD, not Tomoyo After, so I doubt that you’ll need the patched file anytime soon. I just have to remember to mention it before you begin beta-testing.
Any more scheduled release?If not maybe you can make a new goal?
LOL? Change goals and stop their almost-completed work….NOOOOOO T.T Tomoyo..T.T
Don’t worry Yap. I don’t think that’s what our favorite random visitor was inferring.
The goal is to get an optimal patch out as quickly as possible. Waiting time after the patch has been given the A-OK will likely be a matter of hours, maybe less. Expect Holo to post a link to the patch without warning.
Hey guys. Because there have been several Tomoyo After posts I’ve been having to refer back to, I’d like to move the conversations to a single location. Please click on the link below if you want to ask a question or leave a comment you wish for me to respond to. Thanks! I appreciate it.
Is this the version in which he *spoiler alert*? Cause I heard one of the ports had him *spoiler alert*…
Someone please edit his post! No one wants to be spoiled….
You idiot! That was a MAJOR spoiler! What are you doing nonchalantly making a post like that with no care for the people who might read it! Damn you! >_< Somebody remove this guy's post!
As I said before, I won’t be responding here, but I’m making an exception. Anyone who posts major spoilers to ruin the game for others will be looking at a swift ban from one of Doki’s mods. Giving away such details is inappropriate and only serves to piss people off. Do you enjoy tarnishing people’s enjoyment?
Hopefully only a few people saw the post I’m responding to. Those that didn’t, be aware that there is more to the story than what was said. So, you’re not screwed over.
cange *spoiler alert* with vomit
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
I got to it as quick as I can. I work all week. Sorry I couldn’t catch it sooner.
Thanks Chad001 for spoiling the game. Now I don’t want to play the game anymore…
Soleios didn’t spoil the game, though he came close. The Manga is not the same as the VN…
not yet released, I see?
=__= oh what the hell, I’m checking again tomorrow
Take your time and release this master piece as its supposd to be