
Tomoyo After Status Update

Greetings, Doki Legion.

I am contacting you to provide you with a status update regarding Doki’s Tomoyo After Translation Patch. Dispite the best efforts of the VN Team, the coding for Tomoyo After RPG minigame Dungeons & Takafumis (D&T) is taking longer than expected, meaning the patch will need to be delayed. This problem is due to the minigame not following the same code structure as the main game’s scenes. Furthermore, an error was discovered during the Beta-Test period which causes the game to crash at specific points during gameplay. While the VN Team feels as though we could release the patch on time, the consensus is that we do not wish to do so until these problems are fixed. Fortunately, the team’s coders have a good idea of how to solve these errors; unfortunately, the work is tedious and will require considerable amounts of trial and error to get right.

I want to make it clear that this delay is not indefinite, and that there’s no reason why the game shouldn’t be released within a reasonable amount of time. Though Doki has remained quiet about the status of the project until now, it is only fair that updates provided to you from this point forward. As usual, I will be responding to comments made for those who have questions about the VN Team’s status.

Our current status (as of July 17th) for Tomoyo After ~It’s a Wonderful Life~ is as follows:

Game Translation:                      100% Complete
Game Translation Check:             100% Complete
Image Edits (1,005):                   100% Complete
Beta Test Text Error Fixes:            90% Complete
Coding Fixes:                               50% Complete

These statistics are somewhat misleading. By far the most time consuming and visible parts of the project are the combined translation & image edits. The code that needs to be fixed is only a small fraction of the size of the game text. Yet, this is what is causing the holdup.

While the patch’s code is being adjusted, the editors & translators have agreed to do one final consistency check to catch any errors that may have been missed during the beta test period. This includes a play through of the game with Doki’s most recent internal patch to make sure that the changes to the patch’s text and code were successful. Again, though this is time consuming, we feel it is necessary to provide Key fans with the patch they deserve. The last thing we want to do is release an unfinished or buggy product as a way of keeping an arbitrary time scale.

While this is understandably disappointing, I do have some good news to provide. Doki has recently acquired the ability to create a patch for the consumer safe (that is, hentai free) Memorial Edition of Tomoyo After. As you may be aware, the Memorial Edition of Tomoyo After has a differing storyline from the original and contains substantially more text than the aforementioned hentai version. The VN Division will pursue this release in addition to the original edition previously promised; in this way, we hope to provide fans with different options to better suit their preferences. Additional information will be provided once the final consistency check of TA is complete.

I understand the decision to delay the release of the Tomoyo After patch will not be a popular one and that naysayers will just use this as ammunition to discredit Doki as a quality fansub group. This is to be expected, though such an assertions are ill-founded. Please understand that the delay is not being caused by a lack of interest or influx of laziness but rather due to unexpected coding errors which were not present in other Key visual novels.  Your continued patience and support is appreciated.

Switch your watches to ‘Valve Time’ for a short while. We’re very, very close to the finish line.

July 30 EDIT: To send questions or comments about the VN, either check out the forums to send a private message or go HERE. This is a way of consolidating the number of posts needed to be checked on a daily basis.

355 comments to Tomoyo After Status Update

  • Helvetica Standard

    Is it possible to combine the two versions into one?

    • Ash

      The different versions are available as two separate games and therefore, they install as two separate games. The patches change the text from Japanese to English and thusly, could not do what you would want it to do. Additionally, if a combination were even possible (which would take waaaaaay more work than it would be worth, even if it is possible), Doki would have to build their own version of the game out of the two different installs, which would mean hosting a new game version on their site, which would be in direct violation of the game copyrights and Doki’s clearly stated intent to not offer the game itself for download, but just the patch.

    • What Ash said. The simple answer is that Doki would not pursue such a project. The games are separate, and will need to be treated as such when installing & patching them.


    Just wanted to answer everyone who is asking about info related to other KEY vn’s translations,here is every translation project(other than this one) that i found on the net:

    kud wafter translation:

    Air translation:

    i also found a Clannad fan-made prequel:

    if you know any else translation projects/fan-made stuff related to KEY pls post them as a reply to my post so we keep them in one place:D.

    i would also like to thank every one who worked on this and especially “clannad man”. i am new here but it is clear that you guys are great IRL and very helpful. a warm thank you from me :).

    also,since Air and Kud are being translated,can you guys pls translate Little Busters:ecstasy? i have been waiting on playing LB bc i want to play this instead,and it will be easier since you will only have to translate the extra scenes bc the scenes included in LB are already translated. how about that ;)?

    • Just a reminder to everyone, the Clannad project posted above is fan made and not part of the official storyline canon. I know some people are real picky about those sorts of things.

      I’m happy that I could be of service. Feel free to make yourself at home here! The community (which I affectionately have dubbed the ‘Doki Legion’) is very responsive and generally a great pleasure to be a part of. I’m sure you’ll be welcomed warmly.

      Team Fluffy is working on the Little Busters! VNs, including EX. (Our very own Phlebas works on Team Fluffy as well as the Doki VN Dept.) You can find out more about their project here.


        Cant find the link to their official website. link pls?:)

        • Rokudaime

          It’s in CM’s post. Just click on the “here” part (the last word in his post).

          • FFTHEWINNER

            it leads me to LB’s TLWiki page 🙁 . i want a link to the official translation site. i also wanna know how far they are in translating the “ex” version.

            also,you are welcome 🙂 .

          • Rokudaime

            There is no other official translation site. Don’t know why you’d assume there is one to begin with. That is the only site the team is using. If you scroll down to the bottom, they have posted a list of other relevant links, none of which is a homepage of theirs. It also says right there that if you want minute detail of their progress, you need to follow them on Twitter.

          • FFTHEWINNER

            too bad:(. it doesnt even say how far they are in translating it :/. oh well.



        “Just a reminder to everyone, the Clannad project posted above is fan made and not part of the official storyline canon. I know some people are real picky about those sorts of things.”

        i beleive i already said that 😉

        “Clannad fan-made prequel”

    • Rokudaime

      Thanks for that, I was having trouble finding that site for the Air translation project. 😀

  • Ash

    Clannad Man,

    Three questions. First, what would you say the probability of the patch being done in the next two or three weeks is, if you had to guess? Second, with the announcement that you’re also going to release the ME edition, will the release date of the H version patch be delayed because of the additional translation work being done? Lastly, is there enough variance in the game that I can play through the H version when it comes out and then play the ME version when that one’s released whilst making different choices without seeing mostly the same exact scenes again?


    • To answer your questions…

      1) I believe there is a high likelihood of the patch being released in this time frame. However, I do not specialize in programming/coding. I can only go by what is told to me by the people doing the coding work on the project. Furthermore, if an unexpected issue arises, I don’t know how long such an event would take to fix. Even I’m being forced to keep my fingers crossed that the patch’s coding will be completed in short order.

      2) The Original H-Version will be given preferential treatment as it is the furthest along in the TL process (100%). The ME Edition will be released shortly thereafter.

      3)Chances are you’ll see about two-thirds of the game rehashed if you played the ME version after the original version. Those rehashed scenes will not be exactly the same either, but will be very, very similar.

      • Rokudaime

        Hmm…So if I want the whole package, and not miss any scnes of any type, it might actually be better to play the ME version first, and then play the Original version, and skip everything except the H-scenes when playing through the Original version? Or will I need to do the painstaking thing, and play through both without taking the risk on skipping anything? ^^’

        • H-Scenes are often unnecessary in VNs, and Tomoyo After is no exceptions. The H-Scenes add very little if anything, to the plot. That being said, if you plan on playing both, I would suggest playing the original version before the ME edition, as such was the order which Key intended they would be played in.

          • Rokudaime

            You are forgetting that complaints from Japanese fans that Clannad had no H-scenes was what brought Tomoyo After into being in the first place, CM. ; )

          • Clannad didn’t need H-Scenes to be the greatest VN of all time. That just happened on its own! ^_^

          • FFTHEWINNER

            “H-Scenes are unnecessary in VNs”

            go play Hanako’s route in Katawa Shoujo then comeback and say that ;D.

          • JbstormburstADV

            I gotta agree with FFTHEWINNER. Katawa Shoujo is perhaps the best example of this.

            Also, Lilly’s route… I cried manly tears when I completed it.

          • Rokudaime

            I didn’t say they are necessary (I agree, it isn’t), I just said the lack of it in Clannad was what brought Tomoyo After into creation, and I wasn’t just making a random claim about that, I actually read about it. I’m afraid I’ll have to correct you Clannad Man. It did NOT just happen on it’s own. I read that Key received many letters from Japanese otaku that complained about lack of H-scenes in Clannad, which they had come to expect since Air and Kanon had them. So Key decided to make Tomoyo After to cater to those fans. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

          • Rokudaime

            Oh, wait, maybe you didn’t mean that Tomoyo After being made happened on its own, but that the game became the greatest VN of all time on its own. If so I guess I made an unnecessary reply. Doh! >_< Oh well. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ But, I'm gonna have to disagree with that too though. The greatest VN of all time is Fate/stay night. : p

          • Hey now, those are fighting words! But that’s an argument for another day. ( ¬‿¬)

          • No one wants to refuse Tomoyo hottest body

            ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

          • FFTHEWINNER

            you didnt answer me, did you play Katawa Shoujo ;)?

  • RHys

    Hey take as long as you need once you have it perfected release it then. We can all afford to wait a few more days/weeks 🙂 keep up the brilliant work!

  • micah686

    I am a little disappointed that the patch won’t come out on the 20th. I was looking forward to this. But I do understand the desire for a quality patch, and if you are this far, I understand following it to 100% completion.I have waited for a while, a little more won’t kill me. Anyway, good luck with finding a fix for the bugs. I anxiously wait the final release.

    • You aren’t the only one, micah686. We got a little further along today. Every day there’s progress with this code, but its like walking through mud. Not fun. Better for the patch to be top notch, though.

  • VanENTerrier

    Question, if there any major difference between the consumer safe version and the adult version?

    If there is a big difference, can u tell me in which part (excluding the inclusion of the h-scene)?

    is the ending differs?

    • Ash

      The CS version adds different scenes in place of the H scenes. It also adds a third more text to the game, making it substantially longer.

      Additionally, I’ve read that the non-H version has a slightly longer ending, but I’m not positive on that.

      In other words, if you don’t mind waiting and don’t care about the H scenes, you should really wait for the second version.

  • Rawr

    Just a random comment to say good job Clannad Man, its nice that you have the passion and believe in the project so much to make this kind of an effort.

    Keep up the good work lol

    • Well thank you Rawr. Just remember, its not just me. There’s a large team in place which has sacrificed a substantial amount of their time to make this project a success. They all deserve praise for what they’ve done!

      • Rawr

        I know, if anything I think its pretty amazing that you care enough to do what you’re doing. You deserve praise too 🙂

        And of course the team has no doubt done a good job lol

  • fatblackninja

    To all you guys working your asses off getting this complete: I personally don’t care if i have to wait a couple more weeks or so. You guys are doing things that i don’t even know how to do, so i can be patient. But God i’m so excited for this! Thanks for all the hard work guys, you have no idea how awesome you are.

    • It even amazes me what the team has been able to do. Everyone brings a different set of skills to the Doki Round Table, and when utilized as part of a group, amazing things happen.

      Thanks for your support ya oversized dark skinned ninja!

  • Kaunis

    Damn damn damn. Just now hearing about this and I’m kind of sad. I know that you want to release it as perfect, but this really ruined my plans. I already took free time from my job and bought all the food and beer to enjoy this. ;___________;

    Well, I hope you can release it asap so I’ll be saving those beers.

    Thanks again for your hard work.

    • I apologize for ruining your plans, Kaunis. Really. Trust me when I say the VN Team wants it released as quickly as possible as well, but that quality means a great deal to the. Just hang tight, we’re doing everything we can.

      Mind tossing me one of those beers? I could use it.

  • Yap RH

    nooooooooooooooooooooooo T.T

  • Stan

    Too bad, oh well if you guys can get it out on July 27th, then it would be released on the same day as Rewrite Harvest Festa which would be cool.

    If not, the I wish you guys the best of luck.

  • Tony

    Well it can’t be helped that there are some problems on the way. Anyway, I’ve been waiting so long for this and happy seeing it’s almost done ^^!! I can actually wait longer though, since I need to finish Little Busters before starting on a new VN …

  • Taquerias

    Balls. I was hoping to read this after
    The Dark Knight Rises premier.

    • Indeed. The VN Team is balls deep in code, but I’m sure they’ll rise to the occasion after getting excited.

      For the patch release, of course.

      Seriously though, just continue to check back. There should be no more setbacks beyond the code issues. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • PNGN

    It’s funny how there will be a few trolls who complain about the delay, and then completely forget that they paid absolutely nothing for it in the first place.

  • Lord Zero

    -_- Man… i wanted this so much…
    At the very last i hope that the famous “Steins;Gate” fiasco doesnt repeat itself… T_T

  • lathandien

    As an avid fan of translated Japanese VN, I can say that anyone else who has had a long standing interest in Tomoyo After (like myself) should NOT be worried at all by a small delay like this. I have been waiting for the English patch for Tomoyo After for many, many years now. For now, I am just happy that people even took the time out to finally complete the translation. I think that we, the FANS should be thankful that Doki, along with many other people who the project was passed along to, took their time out to translate this. Don’t complain, because Tomoyo After isn’t being coded/edited/translated by good ‘ol fucking you.

    TL;DR? Doki Fansubs, don’t be sorry. Thank you for hard work!


    • Oh, I read everything. TLDR doesn’t apply to me. How else would I be able to reply to everyone like I do?

      Everyone working on the project appreciates your kind words. In the whole scope of things, this really is a minor delay that will resolve itself sooner rather than later. There will be no more waiting for ‘years’, not for this VN. Heck, if Holo wanted to release it today, he could. The delay is just one of those things the team has to cope with along with everyone else to make sure the patch is done right.

  • I guess I’ll hijack this a little. Doki’s VN team will have a special announcement semi-related to Tomoyo After very soon.

  • Erizo

    Hi folks from Doki and CM personally)
    Good luck with your programming issues, let them be resolved as quickly as possible)
    I’m also looking forward to playing this game)
    I understand you guys, I never suspected Clannad localization would have that amount of bugs when released, but well, there are a lot of people fishing them out, so we get by somehow… and more importantly, other translations awaiting!
    It’s good news that ME will be awailiable, I’m not quite content with the story ending (the one in manga that is)

  • like everyone else who are a part of Doki, i feel the disappointment for the delayed release of the patch for Tomoyo After.

    but hey, it gave me a chance to re-watch the Clannad anime (which Doki has kindly shared) and refresh my mind *just a little*. i’m very eager for the Key Memorial version of the VN patch, being aware that it’ll take a little longer than the original.
    hate to admit it, but i visit the site everyday hoping to hear more news from you guys. a few days or weeks won’t kill us, considering how many years it’s been since the release as well as the changeover of teams for the project.

    really, CM and the translation team, you guys are doing a great job – better than most of us who can’t even compare. you have the support from everyone in the Key Legion !

    • Greetings. Thanks for commenting! Its a joy to be able to interact with the community here.

      As I have been saying, the VN Team apologies for the delay. They endeavor to fix the existing problems with the code as soon as possible.

      Good choice reviewing Clannad again. I actually have restrictions on when I can watch it so that when I do, I experience the full impact of the message. What an awesome story. Awe inspiring, even.

      It has been a long time since the release of the game. (There’s a reason why this translation was given a moniker of ‘the cursed VN project’.) I figure this coding crap must be the last bit of that curse being driven out of the game. It’s an annoying little so-in-so, ain’t it?

      The support of the Key Legion (or Key Community, as I say =P) along with that of the Doki Legion is what keeps everyone on the project going strong. Thanks again for your kind words! You won’t need to wait too much longer.

  • Exclusiveness

    July 20th! But dang I get on to see there is a delay 🙁

  • Andy

    you guys are awesome =)

  • Beato

    I’m so happy to know that the patch is gonna be released this year that I don’t even care there’s a small delay.
    Thank you very much for your efforts!
    And I’d like to know if you intend to make a patch for AIR in the future, since all the other fansubs seem to drop the project. I’d be really happy to see this one patched too during my lifetime.

    • Daniel

      AIR is being worked on by another group. That same group is also doing Rewrite. I believe they’re trying to finish Rewrite first though, so it might be a bit before you see the patch for AIR.

      As a side note, I’m fairly sure all of Key’s VNs are now translated or in the process of being translated.

      OT: This is fairly disappointing. I was looking forward to playing and finishing it before I had to move. Oh well. Godspeed, sirs.

      • Its not specifically the group that is doing Rewrite, though a member from that group (and Doki), Sheeta, is working on it with a translator named Edgar. Air is pretty much an independent project right now, so don’t expect many updates.

        @Daniel – Sorry about the delay. The good news is that you’ll need time to relax after moving, and TA may very well be waiting for you by then!

        @Beato – You’re quite welcome! =)

  • VanENTerrier

    Another random question..

    since most of you had played almost every VN, can u guys recommend any VN that has an older woman and younger man relationship?

    example of similar case in edelweiss the teacher’s route..

    Older woman is not like a grandma with young guys but of a working woman, mature enough to take care of herself and dont complain or happy-go-lucky

    i prefer a solid storyplot, but hey, beggers cant be choosers

  • Jeff

    I can’t tell which version of the game I have. I’m going to describe the first maybe ten minutes of gameplay, so if you’re completely against any SPOILERS of any sort, don’t read this. It starts out with Tomoya talking to Tomoyo. It then shows them making out or something, before going back to a regular scene, then back to making out, back to regular scene, then back to making out. Then a character with short dark hair appears. Additionally, the title screen is blank and doesn’t say much at the bottom other than KEY 2005. I’m assuming this is the H version, but I’m not sure. Help will be appreciated.

  • Ruu

    Anyone know the link to get the Memorial Edition? Rather play that then the original first..

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