
Tomoyo After Status Update

Greetings, Doki Legion.

I am contacting you to provide you with a status update regarding Doki’s Tomoyo After Translation Patch. Dispite the best efforts of the VN Team, the coding for Tomoyo After RPG minigame Dungeons & Takafumis (D&T) is taking longer than expected, meaning the patch will need to be delayed. This problem is due to the minigame not following the same code structure as the main game’s scenes. Furthermore, an error was discovered during the Beta-Test period which causes the game to crash at specific points during gameplay. While the VN Team feels as though we could release the patch on time, the consensus is that we do not wish to do so until these problems are fixed. Fortunately, the team’s coders have a good idea of how to solve these errors; unfortunately, the work is tedious and will require considerable amounts of trial and error to get right.

I want to make it clear that this delay is not indefinite, and that there’s no reason why the game shouldn’t be released within a reasonable amount of time. Though Doki has remained quiet about the status of the project until now, it is only fair that updates provided to you from this point forward. As usual, I will be responding to comments made for those who have questions about the VN Team’s status.

Our current status (as of July 17th) for Tomoyo After ~It’s a Wonderful Life~ is as follows:

Game Translation:                      100% Complete
Game Translation Check:             100% Complete
Image Edits (1,005):                   100% Complete
Beta Test Text Error Fixes:            90% Complete
Coding Fixes:                               50% Complete

These statistics are somewhat misleading. By far the most time consuming and visible parts of the project are the combined translation & image edits. The code that needs to be fixed is only a small fraction of the size of the game text. Yet, this is what is causing the holdup.

While the patch’s code is being adjusted, the editors & translators have agreed to do one final consistency check to catch any errors that may have been missed during the beta test period. This includes a play through of the game with Doki’s most recent internal patch to make sure that the changes to the patch’s text and code were successful. Again, though this is time consuming, we feel it is necessary to provide Key fans with the patch they deserve. The last thing we want to do is release an unfinished or buggy product as a way of keeping an arbitrary time scale.

While this is understandably disappointing, I do have some good news to provide. Doki has recently acquired the ability to create a patch for the consumer safe (that is, hentai free) Memorial Edition of Tomoyo After. As you may be aware, the Memorial Edition of Tomoyo After has a differing storyline from the original and contains substantially more text than the aforementioned hentai version. The VN Division will pursue this release in addition to the original edition previously promised; in this way, we hope to provide fans with different options to better suit their preferences. Additional information will be provided once the final consistency check of TA is complete.

I understand the decision to delay the release of the Tomoyo After patch will not be a popular one and that naysayers will just use this as ammunition to discredit Doki as a quality fansub group. This is to be expected, though such an assertions are ill-founded. Please understand that the delay is not being caused by a lack of interest or influx of laziness but rather due to unexpected coding errors which were not present in other Key visual novels.  Your continued patience and support is appreciated.

Switch your watches to ‘Valve Time’ for a short while. We’re very, very close to the finish line.

July 30 EDIT: To send questions or comments about the VN, either check out the forums to send a private message or go HERE. This is a way of consolidating the number of posts needed to be checked on a daily basis.

355 comments to Tomoyo After Status Update

  • twdarkeh

    Won’t lie, am disappointed. But I agree, I would rather play a fully functional patch than to get a buggy one a bit sooner.

    • I am very sorry that you are disappointed twdarkeh. (Really, no joke. I felt bad writing up this post.) I can only assure you that after due consideration, it seemed to be the right thing to do. I sincerely hope you’ll enjoy the patch when it comes out.

  • Dr ned

    where can i get this game or buy this one ?

    • Hi Dr. Ned!

      You can buy the original version on Yahoo! Auctions Japan or on eBay. You can get the memorial version through those sources as well as Amazon Japan, Play-Asia, and others.

      • Arsene Lupin

        Why are VN translations only ever released as patch without the full game, while with anime the whole episode is given with the subtitles?

        • Rokudaime

          Are you serious? The answer should be exceedingly obvious. That would be treading really dangerous ground, as the risk of getting in trouble for the blatant copyright violation would be very high. :-/

          • Arsene Lupin

            Monsieur, Lupin knows no fear when it comes to ‘stealing’.

            Anyway, I’m not entirely sure why VNs are more dangerous than anime. I’ve heard more of trouble from sharing anime than visual novels. Anyway, there are in fact sources for the novels – what makes them braver?

            I’m not trying to persuade anyone, or complain, by the way. I’m just curious.

          • Ovindel

            It may not affect any country in the world except for mine, but in the Netherlands it’s NOT illegal to DOWNload video or music (upload or share is illegal). But it’s ILLEGAL to download and install illegal software.

          • Rawr

            You’re right Rokudaime, you hear of people getting in trouble all the time on TV or newspapers etc from downloading software illegally, it’s a completely different thing to do than say downloading anime, the law is more likely to come down on you hard for this instead of anime lol.

          • Rokudaime

            ^What Rawr said.

            Besides, Lupin, if you want to download the game with a patch together with it, it usually takes just a quick search on the most known torrent sites after the patch is out, to find a torrent that includes both, as there will quickly be people that put them together and share them.

          • Rawr

            Well said Rokudaime.

            Torrents are more anonymous than say Doki offering the full game on the website, someone would end up being held accountable, which wouldn’t be fair.

            Considering how popular Clannad is, I don’t think anyone would have much trouble finding the thing to download using google or something.

  • Pepe

    … YAY! 😀
    I’m really really really glad to see more fan translators support all-ages versions of VNs. After all, visual novels like these should be enjoyed by everybody :3

    • Agreed! I was hoping that a translation for the all ages version would be possible, and now it is. Personally, that is my preferred version of the game. But, to each their own! ^_^

      • Arsene Lupin

        Might I ask why? Due to being all ages or another reason?

        • That, yes. But also… well… you’ll see! =)

          • Rokudaime

            Clannad Man doesn’t like his H! ; p

          • Rawr

            Personally I was shocked when I found out that Key VNs had perverted versions, I haven’t played a VN before personally but the anime of Clannad, Air, Kanon etc is mostly harmless, could never imagine a story that had these characters in that situation lol.

            Surprised me.

          • Well, the only main Clannad characters involved in such activities in TA are Tomoyo & Tomoya. I enjoy the CS versions better because I just skip over the H-Stuff, but that’s just me. To each their own.

          • Rawr

            Ah I understand, so they’re mostly pointless?

            I don’t think il’d ever play a VN to be honest.

          • Rawr

            I actually thought Tomoya and Tomoyo would of made a decent couple had he not met Nagisa. They seemed best suited for each other to be honest. From watching the anime anyway.

          • Rokudaime

            You should really give the genre a try. There are VN’s out there that are vastly better than the anime that are based on them, and as you can see there are also those that have no H-stuff in them. : )

          • Rokudaime


            Personally I wanted him to end up with Kyou, but I none the less think him ending up with Nagisa is fitting. ; )

          • Rawr


            I’m actually open to playing an All ages VN, however I don’t know where you get them from lol.

            From playing Disgaea, which seems to be done in a visual novel type style with the narrative I’ve come to appreciate it.

            And Kyou, interesting. Good point, she cares about Tomoya, would make a good partner for him as she generally looks out for his well being.

          • Rokudaime

            You can find them on Nyaa. ; )

  • JbstormburstADV

    Ah, Clannad Man, if you think people are gonna throw fits over this, then you obviously underestimate people’s patience, especially considering that this is perhaps the most awaited translation patch for any current VN. In fact, all I’d do is smile and wave. The rest will be taken care of by the Doki Legion.

    • I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the reaction I’ve seen thus far. Few people outside of Doki have expressed more than mild irritation and most of the comments I’ve seen have been supportive. The VN Team can only hope to reward such allegiance by following through with the promise to complete the translation patch well as possible.

      With the Doki Legion we stand!

  • Fio

    [quote]the Memorial Edition of Tomoyo After has a differing storyline from the original and contains substantially more text than the aforementioned hentai version.[/quote]

    first I’m hearing this…so differing storyline = different game with same characters? or just new scenes in place of the H scenes?

    Also, are you guys releasing both patches at the same time or ME later?

  • akoaysmurf999

    Better than releasing a buggy patch which only leads to people ranting about how bad the patch is, hahaha. Really, just take your time and don’t rush with the release. Afterall, haste makes waste.

    • Efficiency will be the theme most mentioned in the VN Division from now to the conclusion of this project. Being fine with Doki taking more time is one thing, but in return the VN Team must endeavor not to waste other people’s time either. I’m confident they will do their best.

  • Darknessgod

    “meaning the patch will need to be delayed”
    And ? What’s the bad news ?
    No seriously there are the teams who drop their project(s)
    Personally as I know he will come out, I’m fine ^^ (but before I die, if possible…)
    Anyway, thanks in advance for your hard work =)

    “the Memorial Edition of Tomoyo After has a differing storyline from the original and contains substantially more text than the aforementioned hentai version.”
    So the Memorial Edition = CS Edition ?
    (sorry for my poor english…)

    • Thank you for your understanding regarding the delay. It will not take too long.

      Also, the Memorial Edition is not exactly the same as the CS Edition, though most users would find very few differences between the versions. For most user purposes, including in-game text, the games are interchangeable.

  • Sebastian

    Baaaaaaawwww. I’m glad that we can look forward to a complete and dependable patch for the game, but I can’t help but hate it when people give exact release dates for something that they might not be able to follow through with. The date changed from June to July, and now July has most definitely changed to August, which might very possibly change into September. While that’s all well and good, there would be fewer disappointed people if it would have just said Summer 2012 all along instead of changing it three days before promised release. I wish the team best of luck with coding and hope for more news on release in the coming weeks.


    • I’ve seen people mention that there was a promised release date before the one mentioned for this Friday, but at no time was there any such claim. No release date was ever set for June or beforehand; such thoughts, if had, were nothing more than speculation. I do apologize for this delay, but no prior release dates/times were ever set. This is the very first one and will be the only one for this project.

  • massi4h

    I’m pretty newfag to VNs, so I just have a couple questions.
    What image editing do you have to do?
    And if I’ve only seen the anime (clannad and AS) should I be getting into this VN or is there other stuff for me to play first?
    Also Tomoyo ranks 3rd on my list so that might be a problem?

    • The majority of image edits were conducted to account for in-game translations the player would see in game. The majority of these images are in .png format, so the VN Team’s image editors had to imitate the font of the original style as close as possible and replace the original image with a translated, look-alike copy. Many of these translated images appear throughout the game during gameplay, though there were several that were included in the Dungeons & Takafumis minigame as well. The purpose of these image edits were to immerse the player into the gameplay as much as possible without said player feeling that he/she was playing a foreign game.

      Watching Clannad & ~After Story~ along with the ‘Another World: Tomoyo Chapter’ episode should be sufficient before starting Tomoyo After. However, in order to get the most complete experience, I would suggest playing through Tomoyo’s route in the Clannad Visual Novel, as it is more complete in regard to Tomoyo than the anime was. (Though to be fair, the anime did a really good job of including as much of her story into the fold as possible for the true route’s [Nagisa’s] storyline.)

      As for how you rank your VNs, that is up to you. However, for Key fans and Clannad fans alike, I think Tomoyo After will be at the top of many people’s play lists to see how the conclusion of Tomoyo’s route unfolds. The option to choose the original or ME versions only increases the likelihood the player will enjoy the game in a way he/she appreciates.

  • anon

    It’s Doki, absolutely no surprise.

    • Hello Anon. What brings you over from 4chan? Here I thought that was your preferred breeding ground.

      The delay will be due to coding issues which were not present in the other Key VN translation projects. It just so happens the time required to fix these errors will surpass the buffer time incorporated into the original release date. Therefore, to peg this delay on an obviously predictable circumstance would be incorrect. The errors are being dealt with as quickly as Doki’s capabilities enable.

    • Rawr

      Wow that was like, a really poor attempt at trolling anon.

  • Crzo

    i dont care if have some bugs, release the patch like a preview, and continue fixing the bugs while we can play the preview 🙂

    • If a ‘preview’ patch gets released publicly, it will doubtless be posted to the various corners of the internet, causing confusion as to which patch is the most up to date after the final version is released. It is important to keep the number of publicly available patches down to a minimum to reduce this confusion and to prevent outsiders from thinking that the VN Team didn’t do their due diligence reviewing the patch before release.

  • Verix

    I at least think it’s fair that you guys gave this news a couple of days in advance instead of giving the word on Friday, ha. I was hoping to play the game as soon as possible but a week or two won’t disappoint too many, I’m sure. I’m also very glad that you guys will also tackle the memorial edition. I’ll eagerly await that release as well (on a side note, good thing a partial release of fortune arterial got released, that’ll keep me busy).

    • I also thought it was important to notify everyone as soon as possible regarding the pending delay. While disappointing, at least there was some buffer from people who would have been eagerly awaiting the release on Friday. Really, the announcement was made only hours after the internal decision was made to take some extra time to fix the coding issues as opposed to releasing the game patch as is.

      I know many people will be excited about the Memorial announcement. I anticipate the upside of that release will outweigh the temporary delay of working with coding issues. I hope you’ll enjoy it!

  • Assasin_Cross

    /me wasting time here ( ¬‿¬)

  • Sammoth

    Ok, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by the delay from a promised date (the release is non-commercial after all), and I can understand the pursue of perfection but with a game this size (and here I presume all/most? of the routes aren’t unplayable) I see no reason why you could’nt have released the unfinished version to let the players play for as long as they could before hitting a wall. I’d assume the game’d still be playable for even a week? for a normal person and though the release wouldn’t have been perfect you would’ve “bought some time” to finish it and still keep to the promised date. As for the maintaining the reputation of the team, I at least would understand releasing an unfinished (mostly playable) product if it meant sticking to the release date, since in this situation there’s no way to avoid getting any bad reputation.

    • All of the routes are playable under most conditions. However, it would not be difficult to trigger the error that causes the game to crash and then not load properly again. Furthermore, at this point game saves from one patched version will not carry over to another, updated version. Coupled with future issues on our end that would become unavoidable (such as the sample patch being renamed by an outside party, then redistributed and named as a complete patch, causing errors to appear in people’s games & then them talking to friends about how the patch has bugs), it simply does not make sense for Doki to release a trial patch at this late stage. The consensus from the staff is that they would rather take a hit from being slightly late with the release with the hope of establishing a moniker of quality for the VN Department.

  • Disappointing? Yes. However, I want to wish you guys best of luck upon the upcoming release. I’ve accidentally spoiled the game for myself, by reading the manga, so please do yourself a favor and skip the manga before playing the game.

    And gosh darn, I hope you are all in one of the most tearjerking stories of all time.

    Anyways, best wishes, and I’ll look forward to the game when released!

    Also, is there a new expected release date?

    • I’m not going to provide a release date due to the variables present in editing and testing the game code. I will remain conservative and simply say sometime during Summer 2012. If recoding and testing goes quickly, all the better. Chances are the release will just pop up one day and I’ll say, “Here it is!” lol

      Also, the ending hasn’t been completely spoiled for you, thouth to people who haven’t read the TA mangas probably should not until they play the game.

      • Yeah, my bad. I kinda spoiled it a bit further by reading a very complete summary on the game, shortly learning that I spoiled it. I am going to hypnotize myself and forget it. Ahah.

        I really hope you guys can make it in time for my birthday, as it would be an awesome present (August 18).

        Thanks a bunch. While I’m waiting, I’ll be playing the Clannad The Past Path, which I found out somewhere within the comments. Maybe you posted it. I dunno.

        Just curious, are your the writer for the game? Since the “author” was called clannadman. I dunno.

  • Maou

    No problem in waiting a little longer.
    Thanks for the hard work.

    P.s:I´m a little interested in D&T, sounds fun.

  • twdarkeh

    Just wondering, but how long to you think the ME patch will take after this one is released? I ask, because I’m not really a fan of H-games, so would prefer to play ME if at all possible, but after almost two years of waiting for the game, am kinda eager to get started. 😀

    • I’m not going to give a definitive timeframe, but it should not be too long after the patch for the original version is released. After the bonus consistency check takes place for the original version, the translations will begin working on the Memorial edition’s translation. Though much of the game is the same, the H-scene replacements and the new scenes will be added in along with whatever new image updates are needed. Though the game files are in different locations in Memorial, the setup should be similar enough that coding issues with Memorial will be minimal. I’ll try to keep everyone updates as the team’s work progresses.

  • chaotix

    OK… Will wait for the working patch of this one. Um, is it possible that you can translate other KEY VNs such as Kud Wafter???

    • Current order is as follows:

      1) Tomoyo After (Original Edition)

      2) Tomoyo After (Memorial Edition)

      3) Clannad (Full Voice) [Final Cut]

      To decide anything beyond that point would be overextending the VN Team. As the items on the list above are completed, then other VN options will be considered.

      • Rokudaime

        Please consider doing Air after those 3, if the team still has the capacity and will to do so when the others are done. ; )

        • Air is being worked on by Sheeta & Edgar. Be happy!

          • Rokudaime

            For real!? Somebody is working on Air!? o_o Link please! <3

          • Rawr

            Ohhh Air. Loved that anime but enjoyed Clannad and Kanon more.

            Best of luck to Sheeta and Edgar, sure they’l be making a few people happy with their work.

          • Rokudaime

            CM, please, link to the site/forum/blog whatever of the folks who are working on it? When I google “Air+Sheeta & Edgar”, I just get a bunch of links about Tarzan or something. (;_; )

          • Rawr

            Lol, they’re both staff members working on the VN here Roku.

            From looking at the staff list I saw Sheetas name but not Edgars, assuming he’s egshady on the list?

          • Rokudaime

            Ah, ops, i didn’t know. ^^’ Well, it seems FFTHEWINNER posted a link to the forum for it, so it’s all good now.

      • Ovindel

        What’s exactly the “Final Cut” version?

        • Versions of Clannad have been released before, but none have been 100% translated let alone properly edited. This is likely the most storied VN project ever, and Doki’s VN Division will be responsible for finishing it. (It’s quite an honor to have the opportunity to work on it.) Anyways, the self titles ‘Final Cut’ just means that we intend to complete the project after many years of switching from team to team.

    • Zero To Minus

      Kud Wafter is already being translated by another team right here.

  • AFF

    Thanks for the update Clannad Man.

    Sorry to ask a question off topic but I’m just wondering (being new to VM’s) – is ‘Tomoyo After’ a relatively safe VM in terms of adult content?

    I know there are H-scenes but presumably Tomoyo is over 18 here so I wouldn’t have a problem with this.

    Just concerned as I know some VM’s include stuff that I wouldn’t want to download.


    • Rokudaime

      I’m not 100% sure I interpret you correctly, but if I do, are you asking if the adult content in Tomoyo After is very risky, and/or is in danger of breaking laws in your country? ‘Cause if so, the answer is no. The H-scenes are pretty standard stuff as far as I know, and yes, Tomoyo is over 18. Dipiction of sex with minors under the age of 18 in official VN’s and video games is illegal in Japan. Also, for good measure:
      1) Tomoyo After (Original Edition) DOES contain H scenes.
      2) Tomoyo After (Memorial Edition) DOES NOT contain H scenes. Hope that answers your question. : )

    • Nothing outrageous occurs during the H-scenes; they are about as safe as an H-scene can get.

  • AFF

    I meant to write VN’s and not VM’s! doh.

  • AFF

    Thanks very much Rokudaime – that was exactly what I getting at so thanks for piece for mind!

  • Karakkan

    A question regarding the two versions of the patch. I have a copy of the original Tomoyo After installed (went looking for/found it when I heard the translation was being worked on), but not the Memorial Edition. Will the Memorial patch work in a similar way to say Mirror-Moon’s Fate/Stay Night patch (last I checked added in the extra scenes/ending + option to turn the H on/off) or would I have to go and hunt down a Memorial copy?

  • Ruu

    Disappointment? Even if there is a delay to this patch I can’t ever feel disappointed. Just keep up the work Doki and make this VN a one I will remember for the rest of my life! Thank you again for your guys’ hard work.

  • Jon

    Pfft, i have waited 3+ years, an extra delay means nothing! Keep up the good work doki~. Oh and just out of curiousness, is it worth it to buy the ME version as well? What i mean by that is do the “extra” scenes add a lot to the story, or are they just kinda fun little side-scenes.

    • I would personally buy the ME version if I were you, Jon. I purchased a copy and enjoy it more then the original. Be advised it will take some more time to release the ME patch as opposed to the original one.

      The extra scenes do actually add to and change the story. They are significant. As such, it seems odd that Key branched out so much within the confinements of the same game title. Then again, not too long after this they decided to do Little Busters! Ex., but that was at least differentiated a bit more than the Tomoyo After version titles.

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