Greetings, Doki Legion.
I am contacting you to provide you with a status update regarding Doki’s Tomoyo After Translation Patch. Dispite the best efforts of the VN Team, the coding for Tomoyo After RPG minigame Dungeons & Takafumis (D&T) is taking longer than expected, meaning the patch will need to be delayed. This problem is due to the minigame not following the same code structure as the main game’s scenes. Furthermore, an error was discovered during the Beta-Test period which causes the game to crash at specific points during gameplay. While the VN Team feels as though we could release the patch on time, the consensus is that we do not wish to do so until these problems are fixed. Fortunately, the team’s coders have a good idea of how to solve these errors; unfortunately, the work is tedious and will require considerable amounts of trial and error to get right.
I want to make it clear that this delay is not indefinite, and that there’s no reason why the game shouldn’t be released within a reasonable amount of time. Though Doki has remained quiet about the status of the project until now, it is only fair that updates provided to you from this point forward. As usual, I will be responding to comments made for those who have questions about the VN Team’s status.
Our current status (as of July 17th) for Tomoyo After ~It’s a Wonderful Life~ is as follows:
Game Translation: 100% Complete
Game Translation Check: 100% Complete
Image Edits (1,005): 100% Complete
Beta Test Text Error Fixes: 90% Complete
Coding Fixes: 50% Complete
These statistics are somewhat misleading. By far the most time consuming and visible parts of the project are the combined translation & image edits. The code that needs to be fixed is only a small fraction of the size of the game text. Yet, this is what is causing the holdup.
While the patch’s code is being adjusted, the editors & translators have agreed to do one final consistency check to catch any errors that may have been missed during the beta test period. This includes a play through of the game with Doki’s most recent internal patch to make sure that the changes to the patch’s text and code were successful. Again, though this is time consuming, we feel it is necessary to provide Key fans with the patch they deserve. The last thing we want to do is release an unfinished or buggy product as a way of keeping an arbitrary time scale.
While this is understandably disappointing, I do have some good news to provide. Doki has recently acquired the ability to create a patch for the consumer safe (that is, hentai free) Memorial Edition of Tomoyo After. As you may be aware, the Memorial Edition of Tomoyo After has a differing storyline from the original and contains substantially more text than the aforementioned hentai version. The VN Division will pursue this release in addition to the original edition previously promised; in this way, we hope to provide fans with different options to better suit their preferences. Additional information will be provided once the final consistency check of TA is complete.
I understand the decision to delay the release of the Tomoyo After patch will not be a popular one and that naysayers will just use this as ammunition to discredit Doki as a quality fansub group. This is to be expected, though such an assertions are ill-founded. Please understand that the delay is not being caused by a lack of interest or influx of laziness but rather due to unexpected coding errors which were not present in other Key visual novels. Your continued patience and support is appreciated.
Switch your watches to ‘Valve Time’ for a short while. We’re very, very close to the finish line.
July 30 EDIT: To send questions or comments about the VN, either check out the forums to send a private message or go HERE. This is a way of consolidating the number of posts needed to be checked on a daily basis.
No big, we’ve wait for over a year for this, a few more day’s or weeks ain’t gonna matter.
BTW First!
Better to mention this now than on Friday. We would have made the date with ease if not for the coding problems. Oh well. Live and learn, expect the unexpected, all that jazz.
some people have been waiting for 4 years and counting :<.
but i agree, we can wait doki. take your time,but try not to take too long.. :<
The VN Team is just as eager to complete the project as everyone is to play the game, of this I can assure you.
Great work! Looking forward to this whenever. No rush, just get it right.
Best wishes to all involved.
We intend to. Sorry about the delay. It shouldn’t be too long.
I was hoping this was a joke post, but I’m guessing it isn’t.
Oh well, we’ll get it when it’s done anyway
Believe me, I took no joy in writing this post. I was probably the strongest supporter to follow through with the release this Friday, but it just didn’t make sense to rush through the end after doing a thurough job with everything else. The patch will be released as soon as the team feels the coding / bonus review are complete.
We can wait but don’t say Valve time because if you start to say that we’ll wait forever.
I just was making a joke. I’m certain the VN Team wants TA to be done so that they can finally enjoy the fruits of their labors, but I’m even more certain they want the patch to work without a hitch. Please be patient with us. This isn’t an indefinite ‘Valve’ job, there’s an end in sight.
I understand it’s just that when people start talking about valve time and when it’s done you know you will probably end a long time. I can wait it’s fine. I understand you want to make a patch that works fine.
Quality will take priority over speed, though clearly no one wants to make others wait. The VN Team will continue to do what then can.
Pity quality didn’t take priority over an optimistic release date to start with.
So called this!
how can one tell if they have the memorial edition or the H version?
Outside of the disk cover? Play the game for ten minutes. If Tomoyo & Tomoya are going at it, congratulations, you’ve found the H-Verison. If not, you’re playing the Memorial or CS version. You can also tell what version you’re playing based off of the game’s OP.
well, I don’t have the disk, only an ISO backup (my friend gave it to me, and broke the disk later on), so I don’t remember what the disk looks like. But I do remember there being a scene some time into the game (maybe 4-8 choices into it) where tomoyo strips but the bottom is censored, is it supposed to be that way if it is H?
I’ll just say that you’d know very quickly if it was the H-version.
You can also tell if you have the CS Edition by looking at the logo on the title screen. Not sure about the Memorial Edition, though.
swiss (I think) offered his services as ambassador to linux users, was he ever contacted in that regard?
I wish you all strength in solving whatever problems there are.
He was contacted, and has been offering his assistance on the project.
Thanks for your wishes, we all are hoping the errors are fixed expeditiously.
Can’t wait to see the rage posts after people read the ending to Tomoyo After. I loved Tomoyo, overall this sidestory/fandisc was good, but that ending…damn…
It’s too bad there is no easy way to put the extra minute long scene in the ps2 version into this.
Perhaps you’ll like the Memorial edition!
Oh? Does the mem edition have the extended ending?
What, you want me to spoil it? ^_^
Doesn’t take long for news to spread, now does it?
I for one appreciate a quality patch with everything working and properly translated and edited to a fast patch that leaves the game broken and poorly translated.
Take all the time you need. And thanks again for doing this patch in the first place.
It really irritates me when I take time out of my day to relax only to find that there is a problem with my preferred leisure activity. Buggy games are incredibly frustrating. I don’t want to contribute to others’ irritation by rushing a task which should be done methodically and checked for accuracy.
Amazing news ! Keep on working, men ! You are grand !
You must be talking about Memorial. Happy to provide a dose of good news!
Tomoyo After Forever.
Coming to your computer in 2027!
Hey, Duke Nukem is still a badass. He can’t help that multiplayer sucked so, so bad…
And the delay is nowhere in Duke Nukem’s range. Opposite end of the spectrum, my dear sir.
Lol, coming out alongside Final Fantasy vs 13 too
Announced 2006, won’t be released in 2012 either lol.
Ja, ja. Finding grammatical errors in the beta-test/QC period isn’t strange, and those were accounted for. Coding complexities are a different story, and they’re being dealt with.
Also, the preferred edition varies from person to person. I like the Memorial/CE Editions, and I recommend others to try them out sometime.
The auto-comment beforehand was deleted. Who did that? I came up with a good response!
Unfortunate about the difficult problems, but that stuff happens. Thanks for the update and letting us know, dudes!
I figured it was the right thing to do, even if the delay isn’t expected to be that long. I know some people were looking forward to staying up through the night until the patch was posted, and I felt it would be a huge disappointment to those people to know it would be a little late.
GO DOKI! Still Cant Wait
Once Again Doki Being Awesome
Glad to see the news is generally being taken well. =)
My heart won’t doki-doki for now
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
I’m sure you’ll survive, Index.
/me slaps A_C
stop copying me, Clannad_Man!
Love your new avatar Index. ; )
I’ll try to make the end quick and painless for you.
( ¬‿¬)
No problem for me, I’m in no rush.
Take as much time as you see needed. Better get a nearly perfect and complete release than one with bugs, coding issues and other errors.
You made the right choice Clannad Man, no need to worry.
Good luck with the Clannad Projects!
I’m glad you agree. The VN Team just needs everyone to hang in there a little while longer!
It’s cool. Originally I thought this was pretty quick, so a delay won’t bother me at all, in fact it only makes it more realistic. It’s not like you guys are doing this for living. Besides, I’m leaving for my summer vacation, so with this delay I don’t feel the desire to lock myself indoors playing this game instead of enjoying the outdoors.
I like to play games which take place in the winter during the summertime and vice versa, probably because it is either really hot or really cold where I like and I want to feel more comfortable, lol…
Is this actually meant as a sequel to the Tomoyo route in the Clannad VN or to Clannad anyhow? I haven’t played Clannad yet unfortunately but it’s in the long-term planning.
A quasi-sequel. Tomoyo After doesn’t follow the main, true route of Clannad, but rather extends beyond Tomoyo’s route. The ‘Another World: Tomoyo Chapter’ bonus episode from the Clannad anime provides a basic summary of the latter half of Tomoyo’s route in Clannad.
Your replies are so awesome.
Good to know that, I want to play the Clannad VN first anyway.
Arg was really looking forward to this. Hope it’s ready soon!
It will be.
So we have to wait a little longer, no biggie
Please tell the team that we appreciate the hard work they’re putting into releasing a good quality patch ^^
I’ll be sure to mention it to them. They know they’re doing a good job!
so.. will the game be posted here or just the translation patch?
Just the translation patch. You’ll need to buy the game or get it in a way you feel comfortable with. I would suggest searching sites like Yahoo! Auctions Japan or eBay to find a copy.
Big deal, i’ve been waiting for this for years, so another week or two shouldn’t be a problem.
Fight on, doki! You’ve got plenty of support from all of us
Exactly. We’ve all been waiting years for an English patch. And we wouldn’t have it at all if no one decided to translate it. But then as a group decides to do it, everyone starts complaining that it’s not done yet.
Everyone needs to have some patience, and some gratitude.
Most Key fans have been waiting for a very long time. As one of them, I know how you feel. Thanks for offering your support even after the delay!
Doesn’t matter to me. I won’t be playing the game in quite a while or the moment it comes out anyway. I don’t have the time or opportunity for that. Other stuff needs doing first, including playing Clannad. That said, I’m OVERJOYED at the news of the inclusion of a Memorial Edition patch! ^^ As I like both H and good story/plot though, with this, I’m gonna have to get both versions and play through both… ^^’
♪Double the freshness, double the fun~♪
Roku, you really should have played Clannad a long time ago. Give it a whirl, you’ll love it! Also, I hope you’ll enjoy both versions of Tomoyo After!!
I know I should have played it a long time ago, and I know I’ll love it. ; ) But you see, I have the world’s largest backlog of a 100 games, 300 something anime, and who knows how many volumes of manga, while at the same time I’m a University student, AND I work on the side. Plus I tend to spend way too much time on the net every day. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ Sigh…..
I know your feeling…
Now that’s a backlog Rokudaime lol.
I don’t have much of one, did however start Disgaea 3 recently. That penguin thing is so useless, he/it always dies.
Lol, I’m playing Xenoblade Chronicles at the moment, and the godamn game is outrageously huge if you’re a completionist like me. I’m at almost 300 hours now, and I still have quite a bit left. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Sounds good, and long. That said I heard Disgaea 3 was longer, its my Disgaea game and I love the script it’s so funny and weird.
Still trying to get to grips with the homeroom class thing, and trying to get a motion passed, the whole yay or nay thing.
Made a huge mistake when I lost a debate? type thing, instead of selecting giving up, I picked use force, not knowing that most of the characters there were around level 500, and my characters under level 10 lol.
*my first Disgaea game
That said, it’s the first RPG game I’ve played in this kind of style.
Can’t wait for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance tommorow, love this series