
A Coded Message…

All image credit goes to its respective artist, whoever you are.

A special message regarding Tomoyo After

EDIT #1: Hints now being provided. Answer to be revealed in about one hour.

EDIT #2: Official Tomoyo After ~It’s a Wonderful Life~ English Patch release date revealed!

250 comments to A Coded Message…

  • 313

    Question: will the patch include an option to remove / disable H-scenes? I know quite a few people who would steer clear of it if that weren’t an available feature.

  • Is it July 10th? [My birthday. :>]

  • Jon

    K, changing to 7/28/12… maybe…. arggh!!!! If only this riddle was multiple choice….. xD. But with these clues i’m going with the fuko theory. Clannad man, your topic already started “theories” on this stuff and this hasn’t been out for more than 24 hours xD.

  • After Story End Tomoyo Drawing

    To learn the date in which you seek
    Solve this you must, in riddle speak
    Star a point from birthdays past beckoned
    Third person enters, smells, now awakened
    “Lets go to look for the treasure of the life”

    So there you have it folks! As you have all (just about) by now figured out, the Tomoyo After English Patch release date is July 20th, 2012. Fuuko’s birthday. Surprise!

    As you can probably tell, this date signifies that Doki’s Visual Novel division is drawing its work on Tomoyo After to a close. The original plan was to release the game on June 28th of this year, but in order to finish the game with the quality it deserves, Doki opted to extend the date a little longer. My apologies to those who had hoped for a late June release date. Trust me though, you’ll be glad you waited.

    This ‘quiz’ has truly been fascinating to observe. I meant for it to be challenging, but not too challenging. I estimated that it would only take two hours for the combined willpower of the Doki Legion to come up with the correct answer. Secretly, I feared I made the hint too easy and that the code & riddle would be solved immediately. I certainly did not expect the very creative interpretations of both the code and the decipher of the riddle. You have provided me some insight as to what would be considered ‘easy’ and what would be considered ‘difficult’, so I thank you for that. Hopefully you found this exercise both enjoyable and challenging. Certainly everyone found it rewarding.

    The first person to discover the code for the decryption was Miku. Sir, you made me start to sweat early:


    Unfortunately, Miku was unable to understand what the code meant. For that matter, most people has no idea what was being said. However, Stefl1504 was the first to establish the link between the riddle and Fuuko:


    Meanwhile, on /a/ site which will not be named, some… lets call them entrepreneurs… tried to discover the answer the best way they knew how:

    Tomoyo After on /a/

    Not exactly sure what help they were expecting there. Enlisting help from Anons is risky business.

    The first person to crack the code and determine the correct date was JbstormburstADV. Though he did not post a numeral number as a date, it corresponds to July 20th. Kudos for hiding the date from everyone else. (This answer was listed under the regular Tomoyo After page.)


    The first person to list the date as July 20th was Bo, the super lurker who finally decided to post after waiting to do so for months. (Come on guys, don’t be shy! Only the editors bite.)


    Though his first post did not contain a description to explain his choice, he elaborated on his decision later on, as did JbstormburstADV.

    Nice job guys! As the first people to correctly determine the game’s release date, both JbstormburstADV and Bo will receive a prize! Holo has kindly offered to provide each of you with an ‘’ subdomain, if you wish to claim it. Please email Holo at to claim your prize.

    Once again I would like to take this opportunity to point out the amazing support everyone has provided the VN Translation team. For over a year you have provided us with words of encouragement, and over the past few months the response from Clannad Fans has been incredible. Not only did the Tomoyo After page break the 1k comment mark yesterday (by none other than JbstormburstADV), over the past 24 hours Doki’s record for single day unique user page views has been completely shattered, besting Doki’s prior mark by over 350%! Perhaps it is fitting that the prior records were held by the announcements of Tomoyo After and Clannad ~After Story~, respectively. I am quite literally amazed at these figures and can do nothing else but offer my sincere thanks.

    Even though the translation project is being brought to a close, that doesn’t mean we’re done just yet. There is still some editing work that needs to be done before the selection of Beta Testers takes place. Most of these testers are members of staff who will be responsible for finding errors for the VN Team to correct. There are also two honorary testers who have been selected due to their work in promoting the Key brand both at home & abroad. Finally, a lucky site user (or 2?) will be selected as an additional beta tester for the game. Please follow the regular Tomoyo After Translation Page for more details to come.

    One last time today, thanks for stopping by. We’re just about ready “to look for the treasure of (the) life”.

    Tomoyo Maid Smile

    March On, Doki Legion. Good times lie ahead!

    • I’m in love, this could be the best summer yet.
      I appreciate the entire doki and the non-doki members of the TL team for picking up the project after Baka tsuki decided to drop it. Everyone has been waiting and waiting but oh we knew you guys wouldn’t give up on us. The date of release can not be any more perfect, right smack in the beginning of my summer vacation. Oh lord, this is going to be great. I would love to insert a “Pick me as a beta tester” message here but that just sounds pushy and begful, as long as I know it’s going to be out soon, my hearts content.

      Again, much thanks to doki and the entire team for completing the project ! 🙂

      • Glad the date works out for you! XD You should thank Holo, he is the one who will be responsible for the release. The team and I are just responsible for getting the translation together. (lol, ‘just‘, as if the VN Team didn’t work hard)

        Patch Beta Tester information will be released later.

    • Stefl1504

      Yay, I got mentioned! 😀

    • Zen'ro

      Holy crap i go to sleep for one night, come back and gind all my monopoly money gone and all hints + the anwser given. 20th July it is, totally fine with that

      Thanks, this was fun, way more entertaining way to announce a release date 😀 and now we play the waiting game ^^

    • fatblackninja

      Clannad Man- you are my hero. Unfortunately, i am not nearly as smart as anybody here, so i had to sit idly and wait (which killed me inside). But nonetheless, the geniuses here answered your riddle. I gotta say, i’ve been lurking in the shadows for quite some time now and to finally see a release date almost brings a tear to my eye. Thank you SOOOOOOOO much Clannad Man and everyone else who actually solved it! is my favorite place to be, and i soon hope to enjoy the sequel to my favorite game thanks to you and everyone elses hard work.

      • Thank you much Mr. Husky Tanned Stealth-Guy. This project was certainly a team effort, and we appreciate your thanks. I’m happy you like the news!

        If you want to hear something else pretty special, stop by later this week…

        • fatblackninja

          Now, instead of studying for finals, i am going to be on this page 24/7 for the rest of the week. I hope your happy! (because i definitely am!)

          P.S.- can you give the whole Tomoyo After staff a high five from me? I have to show the love to those who weren’t mentioned but are just as important.

  • seyrine

    This post just made my entire July…and August. Maybe even until September if I become really busy. Thank you Clannad Man~! And the Doki VN team too. 🙂

  • Null_Shock

    So it was the easy answer….hmm

    Thanks for the cryptoriddle! I may not have solved it, but it was still more fun than I have had on the net in a long time. You should do more of these brain teasers! You definitely brought out lurkers like myself(I never even joined the forum til now…though I thought about it when Doki was looking for editors *shrugs*,but I just DLed and seeded accordingly.) Thanks again Clannad Man! It was truly fun!

    • I had to think outside the box for awhile to come up with a unique way to make the announcement. After refusing to provide any in depth information on the project for months on end, I didn’t want to just say it. I wanted everyone to work for it! Muahahaha~!

      I think made the difficulty of the puzzle about right. I’m glad you found it enjoyable and worthwhile to try. =)

  • Omega

    Oh good, news Clannad Man.
    The whole thing about the riddle was fun to follow. I tried a bit but never continued thereafter since I’m really not good with such things. But it was still nice.
    Glad Doki and all it’s staff is almost done with the extremely anticipated game of the year.
    Also, props to you Clannad Man for doing such an incredible riddle. You got people and other lurkers poping up and triggered a storm on the net. It would be much better if you had waited a little bit like a couple of days so that it could reach the whole internet and set the hunt for the mysterious riddle solution.
    Anyway congrats on the new records for 1k posts and the visits growing by 350%.

    • Thank you for your congratulations. Truth is, I didn’t want to keep people in suspense for too long. The inflow of unique page views continues to pour in, and I’ve already seen several articles/blogs/forum posts where the release is being talked about, so it seems that word got around quickly. I’m still amazed at it all, lol!

  • Lavanio

    I believe those over at /a/ had it right when they wrote the words “My body has never been more ready”

    Now why that was on /a/ and not /vn/ (/vg/) confuses me

  • Rokudaime

    Sweet! Looking forward to the release! ^^

    • Rokidaime, greetings! You should stop by our VN post sometimes, lol

      • Rokudaime

        Well, you know, I’m so damn busy, I try to minimize the amount of sites or parts of sites I visit every day, and the time I spend on them. ; ) Also, I’m used to waiting a long time for VN translation projets to finish, so this was quick. I need to play both Kanon and Clannad first too anyway, so I was not really in any hurry. ^^’ And though I have the game with the 99% complete patch installed, I was kind of planning on waiting with Clannad until the project was completely finished (it has been picked up again: Not so sure I can wait anymore though. ^^’

  • Fandogh

    is this VN the sequel of Clannad VN?

    • Daniel

      Not really, but you might think of it that way. It’s a continuation of Tomoyo’s storyline. It’s another After Story, if that makes sense.

  • myballs


    • Takeshi

      Lolz, don’t do that. People will hate on you. Btw, brain cancer is a euphemism for sex on a beach. (lead them as far away as possible.) XD

  • Kraco

    This is jolly good news. Considering how much work and trouble it is to translate VNs, this is sooner than I expected. I hope the beta phase will go smoothly.

  • Lightkuu

    Now then… we just need copies of the game.

    • Holo

      Copies may or may not be found on xdcc bots. There will be no torrent release for obvious reasons

    • Random Passerby

      Actually there is a site called craneanime which contains many visual novels(including tomoyo after)unfortunately VERY Recently its Mediafire links are down,and now trying to fix it.So may you wait for the game there

    • I have posted several legal means for obtaining the game in the main Tomoyo After page. However, you won’t get any digital copies from me, sorry. I will personally not be a part of any game distribution due to legality concerns. I’m not even dealing with the patch distribution, lol. That’s being done by Doki (probably Holo). My sole purpose was to get a quality translation completed, and I’m happy to almost have it!

      • Redeyes260

        I know what you mean, my Man. The problem is people are too lazy to use money to buy something, so instead they download it illegally. I would like to buy it if I can because I want to be able to stare at man Tomoyo in the case :3

        Now that things have been realized, what will you guys work on next since you’ve practically finished TA? There isn’t a Kyou after, unfortunately, she was my second favorite. Other key VNs are already being worked on by various groups, so I guess you guys would just get back to anime Fan Subbing D:… At least until you find a VN worthy of translating like bosses.

  • Helvetica Standard

    Oh man, I had the right date but I didn’t think it was the answer. Also it’s starfish, not star!

  • jun

    while on clannad *************.
    in tomoyo after, *************, but there’s tomoyo, my waifu ヽ(´▽`)/

  • -Regret-

    Oh yeah Clannad Man!!! You’re now in 5ft position! Nice! Waiting for the release date! ;*

  • Assasin_Cross

    I should test it first /fagface

  • max_payne

    excellent job doki, I’d put my trust in you since day one and my trust was rightfully placed.
    anyway, just a question, does the patch include alteration to the sittings, which allows more freedom in choosing fonts ?

  • max_payne

    i dont know how you could clannad man, i got the game a long time ago, and tried it with baka-tsuki’s partial patch, i can chose the font in the settings screen but the choices are very limited, and the fonts sucks. i want to try my favorite fonts, like comic sans for example.

  • Ruu

    This is my second best day in my whole entire life! First is when Tomoyo is finally released… Thanks Doki and thank you Clannad Man for all the replies you have given to the community and always put a smile on my face each time I read your posts :). Thanks you for all your hard work and hope for the best for Doki!

    • I’m happy to reply to you an everyone else who is interested in the project. Making people smile, if I really do, is a bonus I’m happy to accept. Thanks for sticking around!

  • Alex

    Excellent News! I guess i’ll have find a way to buy the game D:

    Thank you very much Doki 😀

  • Mkl

    happy days ahead cheers

  • Ilmari

    What, I’m away for 2 days and this gets solved in my absence? Too bad. Great to hear that the release date is so soon, though. That’s right after my birthday, so I can consider this a present.

    Cheers from -A.

    • Thank you sir. I hope you’ll enjoy the patch as a late birthday present. Stay tuned later this week for more information you’ll probably be interested in.

      Cheers from Doki in return!

  • max_payne

    i hope this isn’t a spoiler and that you can answer it…
    the sub-mini-RPG game the “somethings and takafumi’s” (i forgot its exact name), does the patch include a translation for it ?
    because i heard somewhere that its necessary to finish it to have 100% completion.

    • Dungeons and Takafumis will be fully translated. Furthermore, the game’s outlay and menus have also been translated and formatted in the original game’s style. You’re welcome. =D

      • Redeyes260

        As a wise man once said…


        We aren’t bi-polar, we’re just WINNING!

        We aren’t fags, we’re just… Winning!.

        “Sir, Doki announced the translation patch is coming out on July 20th!”

        “Looks like…


        The wait is finally over…



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