Firstly, thanks to everyone who entered. There were so many really amazing banners, but in the end only one can win!
So Holo has picked an overall winner and here it is:
Submitted by tYyPpI, congratulations on winning, enjoy the prize!
We will probably be using 20-30 of the banners since there were so many and it would be a terrible shame not to use a large portion of them
You can see all the banners submissions here.
My goodness I keep screwing up. Here’s one with Doki Fansubs on it. Pretty much V2:
Awesome xD
I can hear her yelling through my monitor…. *shudder
Another banner for Ore no Imouto:
Same as above but with a border:
Putting “Doki Fansubs” on the magazine she’s reading was pretty brilliant. ;D
For some reason I forgot to resize them correctly to 1240×250, here are the fixed ones.
Yet another banner for Ladies versus Butlers!
It’s been a long time since I last did anything like this but here we go
So photobucket resized my banner…
Here is the actual banner (with right size and all).’s just my personal oppinion, but I think Louise’s expression is kind of weird in that one. I think the whole banner would be better if you switched out her picture with a better one (still of her of course).
Oh, cool.
The link for this one was broken….
My final banner…
Love all 3 of your above banners. ^^
Nice banner
I just thought she looked really cute in that pic, but true the expression is very non-Louise like.
The previous post was meant to be a reply to Rokudaime but it become a normal post instead (forgot to press the “reply”-button ^_^’). Well here is another with a different Louise:
That’s more like it! ; ) Love both of them. ^^
i really hope I’m not the only one gasming at how awesome many of these submissions are.
The last competition had 360 comments. This one so far has 247 (including mine right now). There definitely is a lot. Surprised there’s not more due to the fact that this time around they’re offering an actual prize.
I think this one has had more actual submissions… and geez, it’s going to be hard to pick one lol
Looks a tad plain.
Don’t know if it’s Imageshack’s fault, but the banner looks kind of blury. The banner is good, but it needs to be a bit sharper imo.
Wow, Rokudaime you are all over the place on these recent submissions, lol. That’s good though, since your input is always useful.
The Brave banner, well I intended for it to look like that, in fact it came out exactly how I wanted.
The Guilty Crown one, well the background should be blurry, but I will sharpen the characters a bit, and no it was not Imageshack’s fault…
Thanks for you input….
Here’s it a bit sharper…
Thanks again for pointing it out.
You’re welcome. ; ) The reason I comment so much is because I check the thread every day, and look at every submission as they come out. I mean, there’s so much nice stuff to look at after all. ^^
More Ore no Imouto:
It should have something besides just plain whiteness on the sides, should it not? The way it is now it looks like more like a picture than a banner, only sideways. It needs to cover the length.
Fair enough, here’s v2:
v3 with a proper background (white looked ugly):
That’s more like it. ; )
Well, I can say I got bored and played around on PS as usual. Remembered there was a contest.
Guilty Crown Doki Banner:
I shall resubmit the one made for the autumn edition which was posted too late
Oooh! it’s Yuki-chama! <3 I want people to make more banners of her! Too few around, and there can never be enough! ^^ Yet another Shana banner…
Mashiro-Iro Symphony (Airi) ^^-
I think most guys like yuri, so I’ll try.
Madoka Magica banner, Madoka x Homura.–ibH-gWkcqc/TyaE-wgDxiI/AAAAAAAABVM/UHpNEVjZc5M/s912/madokaxhomura_banner.png
Oh God! Hoooooot! X3 I don’t like Yuri, I LOVE Yuri! X3
Same image, but for download.
If Picasa’s link fails.
another Nichijou
After arriving home late at night, from the movies, i was deleting some files and came across this one and decided to finish it… just in time lol
You have respects for:
1. Being the only one to submit a SHUFFLE! banner in this contest; and:
2. Using an image of Long-hair Asa. Those are hard to come by. ^^
I love SHUFFLE!, and Asa is my favourite, with Kaede being second, so this banner gets my seal of definite approval! Thumbs up! X3
You have my respects for:
1. Being the only one to submit a SHUFFLE! banner in this contest; and:
2. Using an image of Long-hair Asa. Those are hard to come by. ^^
I love SHUFFLE!, and Asa is my favourite, with Kaede being second, so this banner gets my seal of definite approval! Thumbs up! X3
Crap, I don’t know how that double post happened…Mods, delete the top one please…
Nichijou Banner for Doki Fansubs…
Nichijou Banner
Don’t expect this one to win… (It’s impossible anyway)
I know it’s too simple…
But at least already tried..
Nichijou Banner…
Don’t expect this to win.. (It’s impossible anyway)
But at least i’m trying…