Firstly, thanks to everyone who entered. There were so many really amazing banners, but in the end only one can win!
So Holo has picked an overall winner and here it is:
Submitted by tYyPpI, congratulations on winning, enjoy the prize!
We will probably be using 20-30 of the banners since there were so many and it would be a terrible shame not to use a large portion of them 😀
You can see all the banners submissions here.
Kuroi Mato.
Black Rock Shooter.
i think i begin to understand photoshop now 😀
2nd 😀
That looks pretty good, but the division down the center looks a little obtrusive. It might help to feather the edge of the screencap like 100 pixels so it blends in with the right-hand bit. Also, try aliasing the edges of the cut-out pic on the right.
better ?
if not i don’t know how to make i better :D!
Yuzuriha Inori
I like it, it’s nice and simple. The background petals match well with the banner as well. The only thing is the text, but I just can’t seem to find any reason for changing them, but maybe it’s just my personal taste.
I actually started working on a Yuzuriha banner a while back, but have not found the time to finish it because of what I want the final banner to look like. Maybe I’ll complete it on the weekend if I find the time.
Maybe last from me.
let’s see 😉
Awesome 😀
I like the way you make the text.
Thanks :D!
Btw I just saw yours. they are really nice :D!!
Took a piece from Balance’s banner…hope it’s not a problem..
Well, glad to see that it’s not working now because you should really pay attention to some of the CC Licensing before you do something like that. Ask me first if you want to work off of what I’ve made (same goes for anyone else for that matter).
This one, as much as I like it, has already been done, and used here on Doki already, and that version, I’m sorry to say, was also better than yours.
Version 1.
Version 2.
Version 3.
Why not, one more 😉
I have a few suggestions and comments but not everything I will say will be easy to take. If you’re still willing to read what I have to say, just say so. Otherwise I’m just going to say this:
There could be a LOT more that you could have done with this and your other banners.
You can just say it,
I started with Photoshop last Tuesday, so I do not understand it so well
and I really like and learn it
but what I have done to now is just what I’ve learned
But say what you wanted, it can probably only help me:)
Alright. Let’s start out with this:
One, try not to use screenshots from actual episodes as they tend not to be of the highest utmost quality. They are meant to be animated after all. The BG and the extracted character to the right is really what makes this a drag. The clouds really don’t fit in with the feel of the overall composition making it feel out of place and causing the viewer to lose interest. The character needs to be extracted better. What did you use, polygon tool or magic wand? If so, never do so again. If you want to extract anything, use the pen tool. It is probably one of the most effective tools you can use for extraction. The thing that I really don’t like about this banner is the text. It is TERRIBLE. As a beginner, I would stay away from gradient overlays, drop shadows… hell, stay away from doing anything special with the typography for now. Wait until you’ve got a good grasp on composition before you do that.
Next up:
Now you’ve got an interesting idea going on here but the typography again needs a lot of work. As I’ve said before, try to stay away from the “special effects” on the typography and try harder on making them work. A lot of beginners think that you have to “balance” the typography out by placing them in opposite corners and etc. _You don’t_. The screws in the corners are probably by far the most creative idea out of this composition.
Alright, I know what I said about the text with balancing and whatnot but… the type is TOO strong and don’t fit with the composition at all. Especially with “Doki Fansubs” in there. I don’t like it at all. The circle as well doesn’t look like a good clean circle at all. Did you free hand that one? The sine lines behind the typography was an alright idea but it doesn’t work very well. Also, the subject was extracted better, but it still has problems. There are several white spaces and some of the hair looks off. Also… it’s a floating head. It doesn’t look very appealing to have a floating head in a banner. You almost did the same thing here that you did with your first: stuff in the right, negative space in the middle, stuff in the left. You need to learn how to make your composition work throughout the canvas rather than having sections. Try reading up the rule of thirds. Even if this is a hobby, why not try to make it nice?
I will give you this though… 1240×250 is REALLY difficult to work with. So for JUST starting out only a little over a week ago, that’s not too bad. Nevertheless, there’s a LOT of improving you’ll need to do if you want to start making something nice. Noticed you registered to my forum. It’s kind of dead but I have a lot of friends that I keep in contact with so if you want something critiqued by some of my peers, put your stuff there and we’ll be more than glad to give tips and suggestions.
Thank for the tips and all 🙂
i know i’m bad, but hey i will try to think a little more about text and extracted. 😀
Damn, you take this stuff seriously, don’t you…
@eXzoN: You’re welcome. Just keep practicing.
@BilliumMoto: Nope. I only go to a design school is all.
Ah man, I’m so glad I’m a normal un-artistic person. I didn’t understand a tenth of what you just said. XD
Yeah the 1240×250 size is really hard to work with, use to larger pics and portrait pp for Facebook. Practice makes perfect I guess.
nice banner I like it
Just a tweak to fix a minor mistake
@ cabeokuta
Damn thats a nice banner, its one of the best i’ve seen from the ones submitted T_T hope yours wins 😀
Mhm last from me 🙂
Hmm, I like this one. ; )
I second that.
Thanks ; )
Yosuga no Sora Doki banner
Yosuga no Sora Doki banner
Clannad Banner
Did one for Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? with Haruna, since you’re already using one with Eu.
Here’s another one for Ore no Imouto:
I like it! Although there’s too much of the logo and not enough doki propaganda… :\
To be honest, I’m not looking forward to all the current banners being switched out with new ones…there are so many really good ones, I’l be sad to see them go…The Angel Beats, To-Loveru, and Ano Hana ones are my favourites, along with several of the KEY (Clannad, Kanon and Air) ones.
No one said they were being switched out… just complemented!
Really!? Oh…great! ^^
iDOLM@STER Doki Banner
This is mah tsun to love ru banner 😀
wrong link >_>