Firstly, thanks to everyone who entered. There were so many really amazing banners, but in the end only one can win!
So Holo has picked an overall winner and here it is:
Submitted by tYyPpI, congratulations on winning, enjoy the prize!
We will probably be using 20-30 of the banners since there were so many and it would be a terrible shame not to use a large portion of them
You can see all the banners submissions here.
Sounds good, I’ll try to make something in a few days.
First one for now. Will try to do a few more later.
I like! I’m starting to realise how bad I am at this graphical design business when I see stuff like this.
Damn, that ones good! btw whos the one on the far right? o_O
Chariot, She’ll make her appearance in the TV series.
Awesome. Thanks ^^
I’m Phaxed, decided to register (Yeah, different name >_>)
Here’s another one from me
btw, does “doki fansubs” need to be in english, cause I kinda felt like going for kana on this one.
More tomorrow
Another one, really simple this time.
Jigsy win for the lul
having nearly no artistic bones in my body whatsoever, I gave this my best shot, feel free to laugh, but at the least, it may give otehr some ideas, or the ability to take mine and make it better.
Also, I need to change my gravatar icon. ;_;
You’re appealing to my Higurashi yuri fantasies there man! Love it! XD Make one of Shion and Mion please! <3
If I can get my creative muscles to rise up from the dead once again, I’ll give it a go.
Jigsy no ecchi!
Okay, disregard the last, had a creative revelation. :3
New one:
I feel good about this one. <3
Hmm, evil Photobucket is making it smaller than it should be. Better hold on to the original. :<
imgur to the rescue:
Here you go guys, hope you like it ^^
Nice one! I’m jealous. ;_;
isn’t Jigsy’s banner going against the rules? and am i the only person who doesn’t want to be mentally scarred?
jigsy is showing how much he likes doki, he can even make words with his… excitement… thats talent for ya ;P
I’m not actually interested in the prize. :>
I’m just doing it because I can and <3 Doki.
Also, you must be new here?
Jigsy’s dick is tradition around here. Embrace it.
I wasn’t sure if this was supposed to be 1250×250 or 1240×250, because all the current banners are 1250, but the post says 1240, so I did both, and I decided not to waste what I already had:
Please no Jigsy dick banners… Please no Jigsy dick banners… Please no *reads comments* FFFFUUUUUU-!!
May I ask what’s Doki planning to sub for winter anime to begin with?
Mine wasn’t chosen last time…
Must… have… revenge.
Hey guys, I’ve been lurking for about a week now, when I saw this banner contest thingy. Seemed interesting and I’ve been a big fan of Doki subs since I discovered it about two weeks ago so I decided to try and flex the Photoshop muscles to try and contribute for Doki.
Just wanted to say I love your subs. More power.
Entry 1: Ore no Imouto 1
Entry 2: Ore no Imouto 2
Entry 3: Guilty Crown 1
Best one so far!!
Thanks so much.
Hm. While the composition seems to have a bit of potential, personally I’m not digging the choices you made on the fonts. You could definitely use some sans-serif type fonts on the Guilty Crown banner rather than a serif type.
I keep wondering why no one make Shana banner :<
I can make one. :3
Well, there’s this one that I made a while ago but never got picked.
hmmmmm….imo maybe you should put the text on top left and use gradient colour for the text.. like a burning flame….
Hm, burning flames on text wouldn’t be a bad idea. Though the placement of the text would be very hard and would probably distract from the main focal point of the composition which would be Shana. We’ll see.
Is it really okay to take someone else’s artwork, put the text “Doki Fansub” on it and submit without even crediting them? ._.
depends if by ‘artwork’ you mean from the animation studio, or by someone else’s photo-altering talent.
Usually with these cases, I try not to use nothing but the official artwork. Get into less complications that way because I know what you’re talking about here.
Introduce anything that has to do with design and you will see me rise from lurking status. Anyway, let’s get this show on the road shall we?
Those are really incredible, have you ever considered making a tutorial?
Now THESE are good!
@Zet: It’s been a long time since I’ve done a tutorial. What specifically are you trying to learn?
@Rokudaime: As always, I’m flattered by your compliments.
Just to make good quality banners, like Light Paths. And using fonts well.
Drop by my website or IRC @rizon #kanon-finale and I can show you a few things.
Un-go Banner 1
Un-Go Banner 2:
Mmmm, loli sex bot banner….
Un-Go Banner 3:
Last Un-Go Banner:
Why not just make a banner that keeps switching among most of the cool ones here.
It’s hard to decide on one alone.
Reading must be hard.
The competition picks just one to give a prize to, but as Ix said reading the post fully would help.
They’re also going to pick an amount of these and use them anyways, depending on how many entries they get by closing time.
Here is another one :3
I like this one!
Appreciate it, ur banZ are brilliant as well. =]
I did some minor fixes, lol even banZ have V2 nowadays…sorry =/
Yet another fixed Ban. , it’s like every time check it i discover something >.> sorry about that ….
Yikes! A Steam game of our choice?! Why, Portal2 of course. Unfortunately can’t take part on this one. As of late I’m more on the road than at home
No chance to win. Anyway, here is my attempt: