
Status Update

Following on from Dys update on airing shows I thought I’d throw in an update about BD progress.

Release soon/On time:

  • Astarotte no Omocha! -Batch soon™
  • C – The Money of Soul and Possibility Control -Batch soon™
  • Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi – Up to date.
  • Mayo Chiki! – Up to date.
  • No. 6 – Up to date.
  • Ro-Kyu-Bu! – Up to date.
  • Usagi Drop – First vol sometime in the next day or two.
  • Yuru Yuri – Up to date.
  • Zero no Tsukaima – As they are done…
  • Release 2012/Delayed:

  • 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku – Trying to find a BDMV source to start this (don’t paste us links to raws, we do not use raws).
  • A Channel – Vol 4 waiting on Mogu for TLC. ETA December.
  • Ah! My Goddess – OVA 2 at TL, ETA unknown.
  • Blood-C – ETA for BD version unknown.
  • Chu-Bra!! – I’d like to update this to BD version, if you know of a BDMV source let me know.
  • Clannad – Hi10P verson ETA late December.
  • Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko – Vol 2 waiting on Mogu for TLC. ETA late December.
  • Hanasaku Iroha – At Thaerin for TLC. ETA unknown.
  • Hidan no Aria – Vol 4 at ixlone for timing. Kanade for TLC. ETA 2012.
  • Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kira – Original TL Mimori, currently MIA. ETA unknown.
  • Koe de Oshigoto – Waiting on Vol 3 release.
  • Kore wa Zombie Desu ka – Vol 4 at Kanade for TLC. ETA 2012.
  • Lucky Star – Vol 2+ ETA late December.
  • Nichijou – At Nanakoto for TLC. ETA for this is early next year.
  • Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu – Vol 3 at Chihiro for QC/edit. ETA unknown.
  • Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai – At Holo for encoding. ETA unknown.
  • Saki – At SGKK for typesetting. ETA Unknown.
  • Seitokai Yakuindomo – At Nanakoto for TL. ETA for Vol 2 around late Dec/Jan release.
  • Shuffle – Batch ETA unknown.
  • Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu – AT Zdm321. ETA 2012.
  • The Idolm@ster – ETA for BD version unknown.
  • Time Paladin Sakura – OVA 2 at Chihiro for TL. ETA unknown.
  • And there you have it. Quite a few unknowns but such is life. We shall endeavour to get things done as soon™ as we can. Patience is a virtue.

    116 comments to Status Update

    • TadaNoKaizoku

      Nice can’t wait for next year !!!
      Keep it up Doki !!!

    • Loki

      Nice, finally an mass update.

      Also it seems like the entire doki-fansubs has been usurped by Ixlone and Dys, am I right 😉

      Finally I wanted to ask if there has been any progress on Seikon no Qwaser II, I know DmonHiro is in charge of it and all, but I still think it should have been mentioned 😀

      • Me

        As Ixlone said here

        >Patience is a virtue.

        Basically don’t worry if it’s not on the list.


      • Dys

        In order for either of us to have “usurped” anything, it would first have to have someone in place to be “usurped”.

        • Me

          He probably doesn’t realise that you, Ixlone, and Zdm are senior figures(Aka Project Leaders) on here, under Holos leadership 😛

          I missed that part of his post actually, I guess I should of said the above in my reply to him. Baffled where he got the usurped part from though =/

          • Loki

            I actually meant that you guys usurped Holo as leader of Doki,considering his post-activity and all(which lately has been none). It was a joke pure for the lolz; reason: read above.

            I find it a shame you didn’t get that, but that’s life. Sometimes people get my jokes and sometimes they don’t.

            Anywayzzzz, keep up the good work 😀

            • Me

              That’s because Holo has been and is still very very busy lately, thus why he isn’t active as much. The 3 other guys that pretty much run Doki are just doing what they do best whilst he isn’t around.

              I somewhat don’t get your point.

            • Dys

              I got the joke. Mine was a joke about Holo’s lack of leadership at the moment, due to real life.

            • Me

              Oh so he was joking? Didn’t want to make him mad or anything but that joke was awful, originally I had him down as one of the many people that make silly comments on here and run, thus I phrased a more serious response at him. Oh well..

              Welcome to Doki Loki, be sure to sign up to the chatbox on the –> and enjoy your stay here.

    • odinigh

      How could he not get that?
      I would’ve been laughing hard at that if it wasn’t depressing at the same time.

    • Rokudaime


      It was not awful. There was no malice in that joke what so ever. It was funny, and made with good intentions. You must have seriously misinterpreted it somehow.

      • Me

        *Shrug* Awful as in a bad joke. Sorry I just didn’t find it funny. Honestly, most of his comments were stating the obvious, such as Ixlone and Dys doing all the updates, and with Holo being busy in real life. It just came accross as stating the obvious.

        Was the funny part supposed to be 2 people doing all the updates as Holo is busy? *Confused*

        Anyone who isn’t new here would know what goes on around here. Not wanting to debate this, just saying.

        • Dys

          Apparently you’re not an advocate of “It’s funny cuz it’s true.”

            • Me

              Ignoring the fact Dys and Ixlone have pretty much been doing all the updates for months now, thought it’d be bitchy of me if I said he was a little late for pointing that out 😛

            • Me

              *In pointing

              Anyways, I hope thats settled, I did everyone the respect of responding to their posts, and have pretty much explained what I thought about that unfunny, 2-3 month late in timing joke.

              Any other points aim on the chatbox, lets keep the 3rd page ontopic :3

            • Rokudaime

              Ok, now you’re just being silly. Holo has been gone more than usual for a while, but the situation with him being as busy as he is these days with school, and Dys and Ixlone doing most of the posting, has only been going on for about a month, not 2-3 months. I should know, because I check this site every damn day unless I don’t have time for some reason. I suggest you stop posting about this matter lest you make an even bigger fool out of yourself. Also, lol, you don’t NEED to “do us the respect of responding” if you don’t want to, it’s not like it would have mattered if you responded or not. I doubt anyone would have cared.

            • Me


              Grow up and stop trying to pick an internet arguement with me.

              I’m not new here, and have been coming here on and off for almost 2 years now, mostly on the cbox mind you.

              You’re the one who cares and is making a huge issue over nothing, I was just pointing out an obvious fact about an unfunny joke. Dys and Ixlone do 90 percent if not more of the website updates, they do a good job of it too. If you’ve paid more attention you’d see that.

            • Index

              can we just stop this useless discussion?

              can’t we?

            • Me


              Yeah sorry, his comment just irked me. And was a little pot calling the kettle black.

              I think I summed it up quite well anyway, when I told him to grow up. It wasn’t my intention to keep this discussion going thus I requested any further comments be aimed on the cbox, but he took that a bit dramatically *Shrug*

            • Index

              well, I’ve known both of u here for a long time.

              and i feel disturbed to see you guys you arguing over a topic that really is not cause for concern

              and honestly, i couldn’t get the joke, too. difference in culture, maybe ( ¬‿¬)

          • Me


            Yeah sorry about that. Seriously, didn’t think ones taste in jokes could result in a rather sour exchange of words lol

            Hopefully someone like Dys or Ixlone can delete this whole issue from this page, I don’t mind our replies being deleted.

            I’ll just ignore him regardless, he seems to have issues with me, no pun intended 😛

            • Rokudaime

              Ok, now look:
              1. I don’t have issues with you. Though you’re now starting to get to me.

              2. I am not making a huge issue out of this either, I just don’t like it when people try to justify their stance by saying things that aren’t true (in this case, that the joke is 2-3 months late). That you would do so annoyed me, and so I pointed that out. Since I was annoyed I admittedly had a harsh tone, but I didn’t resort to name-calling or anything like that. I don’t really feel you have the right to tell me to grow up in this case, since I think you’re being more immature than I am.

              3(and this is most important). That you were “just pointing out an obvious fact about an unfunny joke” is entirely subjective, which you either genuinely don’t understand (that it’s subjective, not the joke), or you are just hell bent on not admitting it. This is the cause of this whole discussion in the first place. You felt the timing of the joke was way too late, and even go so far as to say that that is obvious. Well, sorry, but you’re wrong, it wasn’t too late, and most of us got that. You also felt the joke wasn’t funny, but well, again, this is subjective, and Dys and me, and probably several others, thought it was fitting.

              If you had simply stopped after you said you didn’t like the joke, that would have been fine. But when you persistently try to defend your oppinion and prove that the joke was too late, and/or not funny, and won’t admit that it might be funny to just as many of us as there are people who didn’t like it, well, that’s when you’re getting on people’s nerves. Your attitude is the problem here, not your oppinion, which is fine.

            • Me


              I’m getting to you? Don’t make me laugh.

              You’re the one aiming mentally challenged remarks at me attacking my comments

              I have a right to an opinion, I don’t need some drama queen making a huge issue of this, and for the record two points.

              1. Less than 3 people commented saying it was funny.

              2. I haven’t made a fool out of myself, if making a fool out of ones self is defending yourself against a keyboard warrior than sure.

              Lastly considering the way you talk/act on here, my calling you mentally challenged is a fitting description, you also speak/talk like people care what you have to say which again is funny.

            • Me

              >Your attitude is the problem here, not your oppinion, which is fine.

              Also what attitude? Pretty much everyone who uses the chat box will admit I’m nice, I have no attitude.

              More comments pulled out your arse I see.

            • Rokudaime

              Your comments are getting more full of crap by the minute. It’s quite amazing that this time around almost every single thing you say in your post is invalid.
              “You’re the one aiming mentally challenged remarks at me attacking my comments”: Bullshit. I’m criticising you and your asshole attitude and stubborness. Rightfully so.

              “I have a right to an opinion, I don’t need some drama queen making a huge issue of this”: I haven’t criticised your oppinion, and I even said that your oppinion is fine, but your attitude isn’t. Did you just miss that, or are you just conveniently choosing not to see it? Or are you just dumb? And AGAIN, stop saying I’m the one making a huge issue out of it when you’re the one who started the quarrel and won’t let it go in the first place!

              “Less than 3 people commented saying it was funny”: And only 2 people commented they did NOT think it was funny (one of them being you). What’s your point? Most people don’t care to post a reply just to say they thought a joke was funny anyway.

              “I haven’t made a fool out of myself, if making a fool out of ones self is defending yourself against a keyboard warrior than sure”: You made a fool out of yourself for claiming Holo’s been gone the way he has for 2-3 months, and used that as an argument as to why the joke was poor, when in fact it’s only been like this for about 1 month. You dug your own grave. And now it seems you’re just obstinately denying it, and ignoring that I pointed that out, rather choosing to claim I was accusing you of something else entirely.

              “Lastly considering the way you talk/act on here, my calling you mentally challenged is a fitting description, you also speak/talk like people care what you have to say which again is funny”: I’m being more sensible about this than you are, and unlike with you my points are actually true and make sense, and if you’re talking about the strictly literal sense, my mastery of the English written language is at least as good, if not better, than yours. So, if that makes me mentally challenged, what does that make you? An ultra-retard? Dug your own grave again. Keep digging. Also, I find it funny that you seem to feel that I “speak/talk like people care what I have to say”, ’cause that is exactly the impression I am getting out of YOU. ; )

              “Also what attitude? Pretty much everyone who uses the chat box will admit I’m nice, I have no attitude. More comments pulled out your arse I see”: You’re having an attitude right now. And you’re being in defensive mode denying it as well. And I explained what attitude I was talking about here: “when you persistently try to defend your oppinion and prove that the joke was too late, and/or not funny, and won’t admit that it might be funny to just as many of us as there are people who didn’t like it, well, that’s when you’re getting on people’s nerves. Your attitude is the problem here, not your oppinion, which is fine”. Again, did you CHOOSE not to see that, and are just in denial, or did you somehow not understand such a simple thing?

              So yeah, every single thing you just said apart from the fact that you’re allowed to have your own oppinion, is bullcrap. Who is it REALLY that is pulling comments out of one’s ass here, hmm?
              I’l make it simple this time, and put it in a nutshell so even you can understand it, and explain how this whole quarrel came into being:

              You at one point made it clear that you didn’t get that it was a joke (“Oh so he was joking?”), and then proceed to claim it was awful. Ok, that you didn’t get it is fine, and that you didn’t like it once you got it is also fine, obviously, though I think calling it awful was a little harsh, but it’s not something I cared about. Could have ended there, but then you suddenly went on to defend your oppinion by claiming it has been like this for 2-3 months (which is not true), and so I proceeded to point that fact out. And since you had just established beforehand that you have been here for a while, and keep regular track of things, that made that comment of yours seem kind of silly as well, and not just wrong, and so I pointed that out too, and that you shouldn’t say things that aren’t true and make you look silly (hence the “make a fool out of yourself” part). At this point, if you had either stayed silent or alternatively admitted your mistake, that would have been fine. But instead you told me to grow up, and decided to push the matter further by saying that you were: “just pointing out an obvious fact about an unfunny joke”. Being defensive and not willing to admit your mistake again. Then came my response and explanation, and then your latest 2 comments…in which you suddenly chose to not only be defensive and stubborn, but also outright rude (which is why I’m no longer holding back either), and spout a whole lot more nonsense then ever before as well.

              There. Wonder if any of that got through to you. -_-

            • martinez

              are u guys satisfied now?

              it’s start to annoys me to see posts like these…


    • Jimmy C

      Would you consider a special request? For Clannad’s textless OP, can you slot in the series title in the appropriate place from the texted OP?
      I would like to make ordered chapters that use the textless OP and EDs, the effect would be so much nicer if you could do that.

    • Jackstick

      NO NO NO NO NO!

      Textless means TEXTLESS, not almosttextless.

    • kojika

      Usagi Drop うさぎドロップ Vol.1 (2011) AVC 1080p BD25 – No Subs

    • Kit-Tsukasa

      Mind if I ask if Baka Test 2 is still being worked on?

    • Loki

      This should prob be categorized in Bluray aswell.

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