These batches will make the old batches obselete. The old batches will no longer be seeded. 20% filesize reduction in the new 1080p batch, with higher quality. Nice.
However, the old files will be on XDCC until HDD space on my servers become an issue (not for another year or so).
Included with the batches are the scans, menus and gallery pics.
Clannad in Hi10P next.
1080p (Hi10P): Kanon (2006) [Doki][1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC]
720p (Hi10P): Kanon (2006) [Doki][1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC]
480p (h264): Kanon (2006) [Doki][848×480 h264 BD AAC]
Can’t wait do download these!!!
Thanks alot Doki, you guys are awesome!!!
Yes, Finally! Kanon in Hi10P.
It is the dawn of a new Hi10P era, gentlemen. Embrace it!
I’ll embrace it when MPC natively supports Hi10P with MadVR already integrated, and DXVA too.
Do you need to install K-lite codec 64 bit package for windows 7 64 bit?
The normal 32bit version works just fine with 64bit windows 7 too, the 64bit codec-pack is just designed for the higher capacities of windows 7 64bit.
64bit Klite doesn’t support Hi10P yet if I remember correctly. Just use 32 bit MPC-HC and the 32bit pack.
WOOOOOT!! PURE AWESOMENESS!! ^^ I’m so glad Holo is a Key junkie! ;D Thanks man! Looking forward to Clannad and Air as well. ^^
I think the real expression is “KeyFag” ^^
Keyfag here too!
Well, it’s obvious, but I’m very much a KeyFag too. ; ) And I know Clannad Man (obviously) is too. ^^ Any other KeyFags around here? :p
i love AIR the most. do i counted as Keyfag, too?
You know of Planetarian which is more than most self-proclaimed Keyfags do. Air is also pretty good although not my favorite out of them (if only there was at least some translation no matter how rushed) although I almost felt like it could have been presented a little better.
Indeed. Many keyfags don’t know about Planetarian, so a + in your book for that.
awesome, thanks gonna store this one
Dual Audio patch?
A question about Clannad S1. Will Doki use the SS-Eclipse modified script by MII that’s available on BakaBT? or just the SS-Eclipse script? or perhaps both?
They used SS-Eclipse in their old releases and they will do it again for the re-release.
Read the question again and put some thought into it.
they never mentioned about modified script by MII. so no. SS-Eclipse was great
That was my conclusion as well didn’t hurt to ask Doki themselves on it in case it is offered on BakaBT since a few on their talk about “consistency” in reality speaking the lack of it. I do believe the MII modified SS-Eclipse script is a tad better.
I’d also like to see the MII script used
I can’t seem to play the Hi10P version. What player do you guys use?
I play HI10P perfectly with MPC (media player classic) with CCCP.
Just grab the latest CCCP (below) and everything should work.
Either that, or the 32bit K-Lite codec pack. Take a pick. Both work excellently. As for players, Media Player Classic is a good choice. It comes bundled with the CCCP pack if you download that one actually, so in that way going with CCCP makes it all very easy. Make sure to remove your old system codecs first though. Happy watching. ^^
Thank YOu!!
It works perfectly!
Happy to help. ^^
Thanks! looking forward for clannad and angel beats
20Gb for the 1080p version OMG! Well, it’s Kanon, downloading…
Thanks a lot guys! Btw, Lisa, try to use Kmplayer with coreavc 3.0.1 (support Hi10p)
anyone remember how big the old batch was?
25.3 GB.
Excellent release! Thank you!
Now its time to archive this show in Hi10P. Thanks for the release!
I hope you include the scans, menus and gallery pictures with Clannad Batch too.
Thank you for your hard work.
whoaaa.. finally done
kanon hi10p BD.
Question and/or request..
please do Tv series and BD (upcoming) for Fate Zero..
pretty please..
oh, yeah.. would doki do BD for sengoku otome ~momorio paradox?
Pretty sure UTW will be doing Fate/Zero anyway, and I remember I liked their version of the UBW movie better than Doki’s, actually.
UTW won’t because F/z got licensed, and they don’t do licensed things.
It seems you are correct, although they are sometimes incosistent in following their rules (they did Gosick even though it was being offered by CR yet declined doing Steins;Gate for the very same reason).
Aha…hmm…in that case, will you consider doing it Holo?
Oct 01 1500 UTC
On schedule
here u go
You made a typo in the .txt AGAIN! You spelled ’10-bit’ as ’10-hit’
oh noes!
Oh the horror! whatever will we do!?… -_-
Will you also re-do in Hi10p the haruhi series?
I’d also like this very much. Kyoto Animation shows FTW!
I iz curious, how many hdd do you have holo? 10-20? 30-40?…………100?
12 TB
Wow….and a crazy powerful computer as well, right? ; )
12TB!??? As in total from all hdds or just a singular 12tb!?
*Just googled and found that there really is a 12tb hdd…omg*
lol a collection of 2 TB, 1.5 TB and 1 TB and various others
Nice ^^ i’ll download it, and be sure that i seed it for a very good while
Loading, and almost finished
Can’t wait for Clannad =)
Please don’t stop producing 8-bit audio until 10-bit is fully supported
“Included with the batches are the scans, menus and gallery pics.” So not available in Fileserve. @_@
After downloading these and taking the time to set up my computer to play Hi10P video as best as possible, I just have to say…
so decided to make some comparison between H.264 and Hi10P. sorry i just downloaded Hi10P NCOP and NCOP. but trust me, they’re better
Kurata Sayuri scene
mai waifu, Minase Nayuki ☆(☞ ´∀` ☜)☆
u should notice the difference, for example from their faces. Hi10P looks smoother, more colorful, and brighter
just newbie comparison
I’m truly sorry. i didn’t know that imgur convert ur picture to .jpg
here is the true comparison
Kurata Sayuri
mai waifu, Minase Nayuki ☆(☞ ´∀` ☜)☆
btw….u can still see the difference between those two .JPGs comparison
Uuh…I’m sorry, but I guess I really can’t….I tried for a long time, switching between in and out over and over again, and even put my face way too close to the monitor eventually. I’l never understand how people can notice these kinds of things…my eyes just don’t see the difference.
Look at the dark line near Sayuri’s hair, where it intersects with her raised arm. The line is now slightly more clean and crisp. This general cleanness of dark lines is really the only difference I can see, in either picture. Also, some of the gradients in-between Sayuri’s hair is gone.
The human eye is incapable of seeing these extremely fine details when the image is animated.
Not really seeing how this is worth the loss of hardware acceleration, but I appreciate the effort anyway.
You are about 80-90% correct, it is mostly unnoticeable. However, when watching on a very large screen (such as a 42inch or higher) the differences are actually noticeable. On my pc’s 28inch though, it is close to unnoticeable unless i actually PAUSE the video or when the animation has intentional delayed frames for cost cutting. A very good example of anime that are guilty of this is higurashi, nge, yosuga and a few others which i forgot the title of.
Looking at this stuff reminds me of visiting the eye doctor. “Which is better… number 1… or number 2? 1…? or 2…? 2…? or 3…?”
“Uhhh… gee doc… I dunno. They kinda all look the same!”
How dare you .jpg Nayuki!
ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ ヽ( ゚ヮ゚)ノ.・゚*。・+☆┻━┻