![C – The Money of Soul and Possibility Control – 11 [END] C – The Money of Soul and Possibility Control – 11 [END]](https://images.hologfx.com/Doki/C/C - The Money of Soul and Possibility Control - 11.png)
Final episode.
- Translator: Thaerin
- Timer: Psi_Kiya_Trist
- Editor/QC: Akashic
- Encoder: Holo
- Typesetters: Aachi/Akashic
- Project Leader: Holo
Batch will be released soon. Critical errors will be fixed for the TV batch. Minor things will be fixed for the Blu-Ray. (Yes we are doing the Blu-Rays, Vol 1 comes some time in August)
Thaerin will be the translator of No. 6, the new noitaminA show which is airing in AnoHana’s time slot. Episode 1 is set to air on July 7th.
Thaerin: I would like to make special acknowledgement of the C team (Akashic, Psi_Kiya_Trist) for making this a consistently high quality and fun release. Most weeks, we’ve been a three-man team of destruction! Everyone keep an eye out for No. 6 on Doki this Summer! I’ll be seeing you there!
Akashic: Thanks for watching!
HD: [Doki] C – The Money of Soul and Possibility Control – 11 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [0B66254E].mkv
SD: [Doki] C – The Money of Soul and Possibility Control – 11 (848×480 h264 AAC) [F59CA722].mkv
u troll
480p link seems to be not working for both DDL and torrent.
Lots of thank for the release and the show =3
Thanks guys, you did a great job on this show
Thanks to the staff for this anime.
wow, honorable mentions. i was not expecting this.
this show was awesome to work on, and Thaerin and Akashic(and Aachi while he was around) were great people to work with.
thanks for everything! XD
Now I can start marathon this show.
Hope it’s good.
Thanks for the hard work Doki!
It is a really good series. Anyway, thank you so much Doki!! I really enjoyed watching the subs done by you guys and you guys are super amazing!!
I finished watching this and it was quite a good story but the end could have been better.
Although I liked the characters Msyu and Q.
great work and good quality
waiting 1080p BD
My summer started off with an episode of Ano Hana
a couple of weeks ago
What were “critical” errors?
1 ep had a missing line.
1 episode has a missing line? May I know which particular episode is that?
Check back on the early episodes comments.
Episode 4. the usual person who catches them(me) failed to catch it, and then i got impatient with our QC who had it for like 45 minutes and wasn’t done, so he missed it because he was distracted by me. T.T
Speech-like thank you comment here xD
Thank you very much for fansubbing this and thus
delivering to us every thursday this great anime.
Oh, by great anime i mean this one in particular was a rollercoaster to me, could´ve been the best of the season, but after the 11 episodes thing…
Once again, Thaerin thank you very much for TLing this, amazing job and looking forward to No.6!
Psi_Kiya_Trist, thank you for dedicating your time to time this anime.
Akashic: On the contrary, thank you for working on the anime!
Aachi: time in front of a keyboard (wait isnt that for all positions? xD) to release this series, thank you.
Holo: Last but not least,for founding doki otherwise we wouldnt be here right now, thank you.
Excelent job with the encoding, im sure it gave you a headache or two with all the efects the anime has, resulting in the filesize but the anime is worth it.
Looking forward to the BDs! (some extra ep, SOMETHING plz xDD)
to finish Thanks again Doki for fansubbing C, thrusdays wont be the same again.
P.D.: Heck, now what am i gonna do? i mean when C aired i say: “oh, its Thursday already!” xDDDD
I’m so glad you guys subbed this series it was pretty dang good
Thanks to the subbing staff for the awesome release times
I kind of expected 12 eps…but whatever. Kind of sucks this show got rushed and Mashu never got more character development. This premise held a lot of promise and I could see it having been a 24-26 ep series. Ah well.
Thanks to the team that worked on this, you consistiently turned out great releases that were fast and high quality. Keep up the excellent work in your future projects.
there’s a typo in this ep, near the end it’s said “The Financial district is still in tact.” when by the sounds of the line it should be “intact” instead
Must have sneaked an extra space in there during the editing. Was definitely a typo and will be fixed on the Blu Ray release!
“In tact” in something that should virtually never be said, as “tact” isn’t generally used that way. So yes, it should definitely be “intact.” Holo: fix for the batch if you haven’t started it yet!
thank you so much, doki!
i look forward to the summer projects xD
nice work =)
hanasaku where?
You are wonderful, for providing us with such a wonderful series
really, thanks.
Sincerely yours, a fan from [C]olombia.
There were so many bubbles in this ep I thought I was watching Kimi ni Todoke….
thanks for subbing this
Wow the same noitaminA translators are gonna continue subbing noitaminA shows? Great!
BTW wow the blu-rays only come out in August? What’s with the massive gap lols.
Hopefully it’s to spend time cleaning up some of the bad animation and some of the “jumpy” scenes (ex: see Ep1 21:10 – 21:14).
one the few shows i really enjoyed and i would like 2 thx the whole team for subbing this anime. thxs.
Does anyone experience no sub in ep 9? I’m ok with all the others but only ep 9