I assign teams on each show. C’s team happens to be the most consistent (everyone shows up when they should) But that should be changing soon. AnoHana’s team is being changed, and next week, AnoHana might beat C in terms of our speed, lol.
Couple questions…
Whatever happened to the deal… “duel” where last ep. left off…?
Further below may be spoiler…
Read at your own Risk…
And… Why the hell did they reduce them action scenes for this episode…!?
Was truly anticipating how Mashyu will beat the shit out of Angel… T_T And they cut it out…! T_T
Ahhh, Mashu’s so cute. I sure do hope we get some character background and development on her.
Thanks for the release!
you are one fucking awesome.
Thanks [Doki]!!!
I just loaded the page and seeing her face I’m already hnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg
Just wondering, how come this show is done so much faster than the other ones? O.o
Because, each show has their own staff.
I assign teams on each show. C’s team happens to be the most consistent (everyone shows up when they should) But that should be changing soon. AnoHana’s team is being changed, and next week, AnoHana might beat C in terms of our speed, lol.
Time to Deal.
Bizounours says thanks !
Thank you very much for the release!
ks, this ep for me is the best atm, so many things said, decisions, decisions…
just a question if i may, why is the word “duel” on the subs insteal of “deal”?
Couple questions…
Whatever happened to the deal… “duel” where last ep. left off…?
Further below may be spoiler…
Read at your own Risk…
And… Why the hell did they reduce them action scenes for this episode…!?
Was truly anticipating how Mashyu will beat the shit out of Angel… T_T And they cut it out…! T_T
nothing was taken out, it’s just how they made the episode.
Also considering no amount of animation could make it seem Mashyu was stronger and won the fight