1080p (h264): [Doki] Clannad After Story – CM1 (1920×1080 h264 AAC) [D72D769F].mkv
Just a reminder that the release date for Clannad After Story approaches.
I hope that these are uploaded to Share ASAP! I really don’t feel like raiding the bank to buy it lol.
- 1920×1080 h264 FLAC
- 1280×720 h264 AAC
- 848×480 h264 AAC
Subs: [SS-Eclipse]
Dual Audio Verdict: No Dual Audio. The BDMV does not contain English audio. For me to do dual audio, I would need to download the DVDs, extract audio, sync audio, make patches, etc. In short, :effort:
I have other shit to be working on.
Joseole99 will be working on the DA versions so they are in good hands.
Interesting, I am free to work on this when it does come out. Count me in please.
/me came oceans. twice
I lol’ed.
Yes! Yes! Yes! o/ Wonderful news.
“And Sentai Filmworks will also dub the Clannad After Story series for release next April.”
So is that release Going to be Dual Audio ??
I dislike dubs, Haruhi is an exception, so probably not, unless someone convinces me otherwise.
All I can say is it will make for a thorough job from quality group. I’m a 50/50 guy regarding which audio track I like. With that said, I did watch Clannad in English so for the sake of consistency I would watch ~After Story~ in English. But it is your time, effort, and preference after all. Hopefully you do get convinced to do it.
Please explain this one Holo. The dub for Haruhi was atrocious.
will it has the same or better quality compare to Haruhi?
that’s the question…… :/
First season of Clannad has better quality than Haruhi (Clannad orginally – HD (not full HD), Haruhi S1 – DVD) so After Story will be better than Haruhi S1.
>They watch english dubs!
Slander, Kotomi is mai waifu!
Kyou IS MAI WAIFU! (beside Nayuki) 😛
God I love you, Doki. SS-Eclispe subs are of course the clear choice.
I will, of course, be importing this as well, just as I did for Kanon, and Clannad S1. All $500-600 of it depending on Amazon discount and exchange rate at the time. It's so worth it and I encourage anyone with the money to do the same.
seeing you have so many money, consider sponsoring my purchase please. I only have €112 atm so that’s not enough to buy the most acclaimed anime in history.
Aww no avi verison? I wish they keep avi version like in Clannad BDs…
fuck u with ur avi. they are releasing blu-ray so dont talk about low quality avi
A dual audio release would be awesome, but either is fine. Clannad is one of the few animes that I enjoyed the english cast for. As well as FMA, Death Note, and School Rumble.
I also want to hear Ushio’s english voice and see if it’s just as cute.
But yeah, <3 Fuuko-chan 😀
English audio for Clannad is horrible. So, I’m against dual audio. Eventually, release separate english audio tracks.
Holo, can you make an exception for Avi verison 848×480 for Clannad ~After Story~? I want it to match with your Clannad BD Avi Verison.
Screw dubs.
Chuck Norris, why in the world do you want avi? Do you have a Pentium III or something?
watch in iPhone / Galaxy S / Omnia?
Because, I want it to match it with BD Clannd AVI Verison that Doki released around Summer 2010. And not only that, I also can split avi video files, but not MKV ones. I tried it once with mkvsplitter and it didn’t went well, like for example. Cutting out only Opening and Ending, but it did not go exactly I want to cut, only few secs off…. And thats it. SS-Eclipse always released HD Mkv and SD Avi no matter what.
Please don’t do the dual audio… Clannads English dub is one of the worst I have ever heard… The voices are just awful, names are pronounced wrong, none of the dubbed voices fit the characters at all apart from maybe Akio. I mean Kyou sounds like a stuck-up 40 year old women and Youhei sounds like a 12 year old…
The thing with audio tracks guys is whichever one you watch it first in is the only way to watch it. To say one is better then the other is based on preference rather then quality. I know that if I watch something subbed and then check out the dub all the voices don’t match the characters because I’m already conditioned to the Japanese voice and character. I would be fine with a separate audio track to download and mux in on my own if dual audio were to be approved. I just think a dual audio release for a series this popular is the way to go.
Please don’t do the dub.
You realize the sub isn’t going anywhere right? I doubt Doki would even be considering a dual audio if it meant lengthy delays. You and everyone else needs to chill. Dual audio from a quality group like this would make it the best release (compared to others that will pick this up) hands down.
I’m with no for the dub. (I detest dubs!)
But if people want it, do like that guy said in the Haruhi thread.
Release separate audio, make patch, ????, profit!!
that would be me 😀
o.m.g. finally BD!
I heard the dub… it freaking sucks,
The End.
this isnt gonna be dual audio the BD’s i saw only have the japanese Audio and English Sub’s
A dual audio release would be awesome (and would save me the trouble of downloading doubtful remuxes), though I suppose making available for download separate audio track for each episode to stem the hatred of haters would be more ideal. :p Make available the option; everyone would be happy. Thanks either way. I’m looking forward to this. 🙂
I know the audio track you hear first is usually the one you think suit the characters more etc, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Clannad dub is terrible and by far the worst dub I have ever heard. Taking away the fact that I don’t think the voices suit the characters, as far as I can remember most if not all the names are pronounced wrong… Adding the English dub is a waste of space, but I guess as long as the Japanese audio track is set as default and if people want to listen to that ear cancer, release it in dual audio.
No to the dub, Kyou and Sunohara ruined it.
eh? you’ll be releasing the SD in H264? you released the first season of Clannad in SD XVID, so wouldn’t it be nice, for consistency’s sake, to release the SD of season 2 in XVID as well?
who watches eng dub anyways? jap FTW!!
Why Doki is the best choice for Clannad BD rips:
1-They use SS-Eclipse subs
2-They use CRF 14 (no regrets over source)
3-They use FLAC for audio
4-They use 2 channel audio instead of 5.1
5-They do NOT use ordered-chapters (Big THANK YOU)
6-They provide well-seeded torrents, fast XDCC bots and DDLs
7-They do NOT include dubs (please continue to do this, dubs are horse*)
Clannad is a collector’s item, and the only group they does Clannad BD justice is Doki.
Groups who do rips “for the sake of it” without putting true love in their releases are the worst.
Again, for Clannad ~After Story~, I’d like to emphasize 2 things:
1-Please do NOT do the dub, dubs are rubbish, and Clannad’s dub is particularly terrible.
2-As you always do, do NOT do ordered-chapters or 5.1, they are bad choices.
Kool. Your essay will be graded by the Doki staff, and considered by the Judging panel.
I only care about Holo’s opinion, fyi.
You rude pig, the ban hammer will teach you a lesson.
Yes it shall! Parkur!~ Do your job!
…he’s not here anymore unfortunately…
i lol’ed XD
I sincerely apologize to Pahndamonium and any other Doki staffer that might have been offended by my reply. I actually thought Pahndamonium was being sarcastic of my comment, hence why the bad reply 🙂
Again, Pahndamonium, sorry for being bad/rude. In truth, I love Doki and all its staffers.
Hey Pahnda, u’re being ignored! XD
It happens.
yeah, it happens ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
i thought that Doki’s Clannad in 5.1 channel
if there are 5.1, why we use 2.1?
Clannad deserve the best!
sweet news, looking forward for this, and thanks.
I am so very much looking forward to this! Not fussed about dual audio – I always listen to Japanese, with subs of course. Very few attempts give a good result – and I can’t stand a whining American accent, like it often is.
I am certain this will be a superb job from Doki, as always.