With this, Doki reaches it’s 100th Blu-Ray release batch \o/
- Episode 01-06 (480/720/1080): Fixed the missing ‘r’ in the ED. Patchable.
- Episode 04 (480): Fixed the wrong video. Not Patchable.
- Episode 06 (720/1080): Fixed the video glitches. Not Patchable.
- Episode 09 (480/720/1080): Fixed some typos. Patchable.
- Episode 09-10 (480/720/1080): Fixed chapters. Patchable.
- Episode 00 (480): Fixed some wordings and typos. Patchable.
- Episode 11 (480/720/1080): Complete with brand new Edit/QC. Patchable.
480p Patches
720p Patches
1080p Patches
Update: For people having problems patching 01 & 02, can use this: 720p / 1080p
Also, updated the .torrent files to include NCOP/NCED for people that wanted that.
1080p: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead (2012) [Doki-AFFTW][1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC]
Torrent | XDCC | Scripts
720p: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead (2012) [Doki-AFFTW][1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC]
Torrent | XDCC | Scripts
480p: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka of the Dead (2012) [Doki-AFFTW][848×480 h264 BD AAC]
Torrent | XDCC | Scripts
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