Liked this so I bought a copy.
Scans are included. I spent quite a bit of time cleaning them up. Not perfect, but better than they were. Scans are same res as I scanned them at and .png format. Feel free to convert them to jpg/resize them if you want them smaller, I’d prefer to release them with decent quality and give people the option of changing it themselves rather than nuking it to some shitty res just to save space.
FLAC: [Doki] Re Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu ED Single – STYX HELIX [MYTH & ROID] (FLAC) [243A4904].rar
MP3 (320 kbps): [Doki] Re Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu ED Single – STYX HELIX [MYTH & ROID] (MP3) [7F6352AC].rar
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