3.30 AM ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
HD (h264): [Doki-Chihiro] Motto To LOVE-Ru – 06 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [1A47060F].mkv
SD (h264): [Doki-Chihiro] Motto To LOVE-Ru – 06 (848×480 h264 AT-X AAC) [D8B102A2].mkv
Princess Lover OVA completed. Enjoy. SD (h264): Princess Lover! OVA (2010) [Doki][720×480 h264 DVD]
SD (XviD): Princess Lover! OVA (2010) [Doki][848×480 XviD DVD MP3]
Apologies for the delay, Kanade had a mountain of TLC in Chihiro this week. Still released before Ep 6, no harm done. Thanks for waiting. Official lyrics updated for both OP/ED. Site was loading really slowly for the past 2 days, but everything seems to be back to normal now. HD (h264): [Doki-Chihiro] Motto To LOVE-Ru – 05 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [70F4E67E].mkv SD (h264): [Doki-Chihiro] Motto To LOVE-Ru – 05 (848×480 h264 AT-X AAC) [9F512388].mkv LQ because I could not find a DVDISO on PD, so used a raw. Will encode again when ISO becomes available. ZeroYuki: This is the last of the two part OVA series. It’s all about Sylvia, so this ought to satisfy those Sylvia fans out there. The original tv series seem to feature Charlotte as the main heroine, so this sort of makes up for it. The voice cast in this OVA is different from the tv series. Teppei is voiced by Akira Ishida who notably voices Athrun Zala in the Gundam SEED series. So it doesn’t mean only unknown seiyus voice hentai. On the other hand, Sylvia is voiced by Erika Narumi who happens to also voice Kiriha Kuze in the ongoing Fortune Arterial. Oh I almost forgot, to the person who made this comment on MAL: “two part ova… lets see if they can finish it..” WE HAVE FINISHED THIS. So once again, ZeroYuki emphasises that ZeroYuki will complete his projects, be it Hentai, movie, anime or whatever shit. SD (h264): [Doki] Princess Lover! OVA – 02 (704×396 h264 LQ) [112A823D].mkv Fastest release yet! Yes, the SD Uncensored version are nearly ready. A slight problem is preventing me from releasing them (same applies for Imouto SD). I will get to the bottom of the problem soon. Stay tuned. HD (h264): [Doki-Chihiro] Motto To LOVE-Ru – 03 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [699C1D40].mkv SD (h264): [Doki-Chihiro] Motto To LOVE-Ru – 03 (848×480 h264 AT-X AAC) [CDEE5B61].mkv We’re doing a joint with Chihiro from now on. As I am new at translating stuff, it works out just as well, because Chihiro can provide a TLC that Doki cannot. Anyway, we will release 720p censored and 480p uncensored. No 720p uncensored because ATX video quality is poor. Episode 01 will be released again under [Doki-Chihiro] after Kanade completes TLC. *sigh* Torrent failed the first time, 99.8%. My computer malfunctioned. File corrupted second time. Let this be the last time, please… New torrent below. HD (h264): [Doki-Chihiro] Motto To LOVE-Ru – 02 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [C48AC42B].mkv SD (h264): [Doki-Chihiro] Motto To LOVE-Ru – 02v2 (848×480 h264 AT-X AAC) [3BE54995].mkv |
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