Maybe do the OVA, shall see, if not batch soon™
HD: [Doki] ISUCA – Vol 5 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC)
- [Doki] ISUCA – 09 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [3C40CD52].mkv
- [Doki] ISUCA – 10 (1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [0BE1A4F3].mkv
HD: [Doki] ISUCA – Vol 5 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC)
- [Doki] ISUCA – 09 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC) [393004C9].mkv
- [Doki] ISUCA – 10 (1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC) [8B4F73CD].mkv
SD: [Doki] ISUCA – Vol 5 (848×480 h264 BD AAC)
- [Doki] ISUCA – 09 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [162D67A7].mkv
- [Doki] ISUCA – 10 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [21C16EFE].mkv
Please do OVA. This may not be the best show, but for whatever reason, i do enjoy it.
Wow, thanks, guys
I second the OVA request, and look forward to batch.
Please don’t mess with my OCD. MUST. COLLECT. DOKI. ISUCA. OVA….
Thanks for doing this!!
THX for the excellent work and please complete it with the OVA
Will doki subs aoki hagane movie?
Ditto request on both of these ^
ISUCA OVA + Aoki Hagane movie 1 + movie 2 when available
Just watched Aoki Hagane; Takao best ship-girl 100-fold!
Thank you! ^_^
Please make OVA as well, it’s only one and after that you can work out with batch.
So I can skip download each one.
Has Doki decided which Fall 2015 anime to sub?
Yahoo! Thanks! The OVA is a good advance anniversary present, if its ok with the staff.
So, Doki, what are your plans for Fall (hopes for Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry and Shinmai Maou no Testament BURST)?
Weirdly enough, I enjoyed this. But only 10 episodes?
Funny, sometimes these things bore me and others I like. Loved Najica Blitz Panties, hate To Love Ru. but no idea why.
Anyway, can’t wait to see the ova. Keep up the good work.
Have a cake…
Please please sub the OVA. No one subbed it yet
I will never figure out why Doki wanted to sub this to begin with. I can understand subbing the OVA, because SOMEBODY has to sub OVAs and from my understanding, the OVA for isuca has yet to be subbed but this…
I cant download from anidex and none of the other shows links work as well
Use minglong while we are fixing it.
waiting for OVA and Batch Thanks
Batch + OVA Please :3
Thank U
Batch + OVA Please.