Yami still best girl. Haruna when she’s… spoiler… is pretty epic though.
I’m using a 8 bit raw rather than waiting hours for a cap for this week, shall be using proper encodes from next week. Also, no kara this week. We will sort it out for ep 2 and add a v2 for ep 1 with kara/proper encode. Since Ero already TL’d this from the preview no point having it sat here half a day when you could be watching it!
This is also light beamu raped, too. 🙁
- TL: Ero_Yatsu (obviously!)
- QC: odinigh
- Other stuff: ixlone
HD: [Doki] To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd – 01 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [CC5CA69D].mkv
SD: [Doki] To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd – 01 (848×480 h264 AAC) [79D5DCF2].mkv
You’re subbing To LIGHT-ru Fogness 2nd?
I’ll wait for the blu-rays.
If AT-X is uncensored I rather wait a few days than see fog and the like.
AT-X is censored.
I will wait for your BD release since it is a manga adaption, when it is anime original material I tend to watch it weekly, but I will marathon this like I did your ova release.
Thanks ^_^/
How could you tell that it is censored on AT-X? the first episode will air in 07/13/2015.
If it was uncensored there would be a parental advisory on its web page (coloured red in the box below the image).
As kojika said, uncensored shows have red “Parental Control” text below the airtime list, such as on Okusama ga Seito Kaichou’s page: http://www.at-x.com/program/detail/6479
On the TLRD2 page, there is no such text, which means it’s censored: http://www.at-x.com/program/detail/6532
To Love-Ru Dankness.
Thanks for the release! I’ve enjoyed all your TLR releases in the past so I’m looking forward to this one as well!
if all tv releases are going to be censored, then i’d rather wait for bluray release. it’s not that i want to see all the oppai, it’s just that i really hate the light beams and foginess.
Fire all Lazors
Yami best girl by FAR
Those light beams and fogs… Thanks!
Since all or most of To Love Ru Darkness season will be censored will you be doing the Blurays when they come out
Yes, we will do the BDs. Probably faster than any other group, too. This translator is a superfan.
How bad is the censorship? worth watching or wait for blu-ray?
Pretty much HOLY FUCKING CENSORSHIP BATMAN. Watch Episode 1. If it bothers you, wait for BDs. But you’ll be waiting a few months.
I cried a lot.
Thanks Doki.
Yay, 8-bit!(no sarcasm)
Never mind the censorship. What was with the hellish amount of CG? It got to the point that I started wondering if the whole episode hadn’t been done in pure CG and I was just mistaken when I thought some things were properly drawn. The previous season of To Love-ru Darkness sold over 10,000 dvd/bd copies per volume. They had an infinitely large budget for this production. So they decide to go with crappy looking CG that must have cost a couple pennies to put together and called it a 2nd season? Seriously?
I didn’t notice, was too busy laughing.
I have to agree with Hector. The animation quality definitely seems to have gone downhill, and some of the colours are just horrendous.
Thank you for delicious Momo. Blondes are overrated.
More Yummy!(Pun intended) \o/ Thanks.
…I’ll wait for the v2, and also for the eventual BDs.
Thank you guys!
Despite all the censorship I hope this show will be good as 1st Darkness.
Kara? As in Kara no Kyoukai?
Kara as in characters/lyrics for the OP and ED.
Thinking about it, kara might actually be an abbreviation of “karaoke”, and not “characters”.
Last season I watch the light beam every week. Then when the BD is release I re-watch it again, This season I’m plan to wait for the BD
NBC Universal as production studio? Didn’t know they did that. Did they take over Xebec?
I can already tell this season will be awesome because best girl Haruna is back in a prominent role.
Don’t post spoilers. – Ero
OMG we must find a way to take all the manga volumes off the shelves ,and remove the scans from every hard drive. It must not spoil the story!!!! I’m pretty sure this isn’t one of those shows people wait for the anime to get the story. I mean the manga has had way better art vs the anime’s since Darkness was first released -_-
Also I’m positive i gave away no spoilers to the story considering he falls head first into some chicks box once or twice in any episode of this series >_>
ixlone doesn’t read the manga. There are sure to be others. My point is proven. Don’t. Post. Spoilers. Please.
Yay! and shit.. o well ill wait for Bds to watch this sweetness! XD
Thanks for Momo! \^д^/
When will the bd’s start coming out?
First one is released in Japan at end of the month.