Well, that’s the tame chapters done.
Message from the translator:
Hi guys, there seems to have been some confusion over the usage of the term “phimotic” in chapter 1. For those weak with wikipedia, phimosis is a condition where the foreskin does not retract even when the penis becomes erect. There was some further confusion due to the fact that in English, the term is generally only used to refer to pathological phimosis, which is when it is a serious enough condition to cause harmful side effects and require medical treatment. Japan, on the other hand, just normally uses the term for anyone whose foreskin does not naturally retract all the way. Even if it can otherwise be peeled back easily.
And as for the people doubting the 80% figure Senko gave, just remember she was peeking at dicks in a public restroom at a park, which is not exactly a representative sample or a peer-reviewed study.
That is all. Enjoy your perverts and look forward to chapter 3 where it becomes almost-porn.
Manga: [Doki] Henjyo – Hen na Jyoshi Kousei Amaguri Senko – Chapter 02 [F11671F3].zip
Ixlone my dear, can u lend me the cleaned raw pls…
No kidding, i promise to use it just for my re-translating only, promise
hey she told me to buy it so u should too<3
I want to have it to re-translate
You “can’t stand reading someone’s tranlations” even when that “someone” have to buy the raws and scan it, clean it, translate it, upload it, share it for us to read
Maybe that “someone” just pissed off when you say those very-easy-to-piss-off-people-words. I didn’t say those words and will never say those words. Have you realized the difference between you and me?
there actually little different between yours words and mine.
I can agree that mines are more rude but there no difference since the idea of wanting it re-translated already states that the person who translated isn’t good enough for you.
and the fact that they brought it and translated to share with people here. and that you want a original copy of something they brought means you still should get your own.
What the bloody hell are you two blithering on about?
nothing important
ixlone is a “he”.
because i’m new and i assumed like dumbass lol
I wasn’t criticising you, just pointing out/clearing up your mistake. Don’t worry about it.
Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! 🙂
dang this manga is so good
can i have the raws , i can’t stand reading someone’s tranlations i wanna read the oringal<3
So buy a copy off amazon kindle!
I have physical copy and kindle copy, thanks.
that’s cool because i didn’t even read this. of course includes c1. so it is good or bad?
It’s terrible; all the staff members here only work on things they personally hate.
of course you do, .. urgg why say something so dumb? or idk this was just stupid
i asked if the manga was good
what the point of telling someone to buy it when u’re holding it here?
plus no one else but doki staffs would get this so these leeching can read. my point was if i have to buy it they have to too.
@mogu; what?
It’s called sarcasm.
I’m not good with that
meh i don’t undestand humans sometimes
I like it how there’s the heroine, the protagonist and the “spare character”
I can’t believe he unscientifically got her statistics in public restrooms without caring about proper sample size and distribution. Disgusting!
Hahaha lol. Nice one. And btw i just want to see that almost-porn chapter. I am very curious because until now we even haven’t seen her panties and was a scene there for that(with the bee). Maybe he is referring to the content rather what we see.
I never said what kind of porn. For all you know I meant a bunch of this.
Holy shit that’s a big difference from the previous chapters.
And it only gets worse from there.
There are a number of other scenes I’m purposely refraining from showing so as not to spoil the surprise!
(strange i don’t get the reply button) How the fuck did that happen lol?! Anyway, I’ll be waiting for the other chapters and i just want to say that the female character is unique for me. I have seen perverted female characters again but not with that exact personality and i would really like to see this manga animated but of course IF that happens it will take many years from now to become reality.
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