This has actually been ready for more than a week, but somehow I just completely forgot about it. All changes will be made in our upcoming BD versions.
Much thanks to Jakeman95 for making the batches.
- Translator: Jakeman95
- Timer: iMdai (01-04, 06, 08, 09, 11, 12, 14-18, 20), Smereme (05), xMyth (07, 10, 13, 19-24)
- TLC: kb_z (01-19, 21-23), Kuzu (20, 24)
- Editor: Stayfit (01-05), Jakeman95 (06-07), Ojii (08-24)
- QC: Glis (01-08), Jakeman95 (09-24), Kuzu
- Typesetter: Jocko
- Encoder: Orillion
720p: Yama no Susume Second Season (2014) [Doki][1280×720 Hi10P AAC]
480p: Yama no Susume Second Season (2014) [Doki][848×480 h264 AAC]
Looking forward to the BD’s! 🙂
Same here. I know this show will never get picked up for release in my country.
And don’t forget about that special ep. 25 😉
Would it be too much to ask for a status update on the BDs, episode 6.5, and 25? Thanks~
I am also curious, if there is any progress on the Mountain Loli 2 BDs.
Doki, pls.
“What would you like to see more of?”
>Releases more manga despite it being the least popular vote
I was one of the many Blu-ray voters, but all these manga releases lately made me realise that you guys should totally do the manga for this.
yup ded lol
yama yama yama yama yama yama plz
So um, Kuzu, any chance of an update on this soon? We’re still a lot of people who are looking forward to those S2 BD’s here. 😛
There are still people looking forward to those BD.
Any kind of update would be highly appreciated ♥
So since they announced a 3rd season and ova for this are you guys finally going to finish the BD.
Still no BD?