<@jakeman95> I like to poke my favorite idols in the face…
360p: [Doki] Wake Up, Girl Zoo! – 04 (640×360 h264 AAC) [1819A731].mkv
<&Kuu-chan> delwack, you want to guest write a release post?
<&Delwack> for?
<&Kuu-chan> wug zoo
<&Delwack> I don’t know anything about it
<&Delwack> so that’s probably a bad idea
<&Kuu-chan> it’s basically a show about zoo animals
<@Aieon> hahaha
<@jakeman95> It’s 3 mins…
<@jakeman95> you could watch it even…
<@jakeman95> >_>
<&Kuu-chan> you can watch it tomorrow when you make breakfast
<&Kuu-chan> you’ll catch up before you are done
<@jakeman95> <_<
<&Kuu-chan> that is, unless if you have cereal
<@jakeman95> Loner…
<&Delwack> ( ¬‿¬)
<&TheThing|24-7> ( ¬‿¬)
<@Aieon> and those one-minute oats
That’s a game I would not mind playing.
I like how TheThing’s input in this conversation is actually just an automated script.
I feel you could replace everything TT contributes with an automated script.
was this show canceled?
nerd Doki is not updating this anime, yet they never change the status, this is why updates are important
It’s dropped.