Your Torrents haven’t been coming up on minglong lately.
(…so my auto-downloader isn’t working now…)
Did you forget to list them there or something? (The torrent isn’t listed on the minglong tracker.
The minglong tracker is listed in the torrent file, but gives a “not authorized” error.)
Thanks for the release!
Two episodes to go and you’re already caught up. You are on fire!
Many thanks.
Woot! Thanks!
yea boy! thanks
Any reason none of the recent releases are on minglong?
wooooo whoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now all i need is some of the gorgeous sadistic beast Esdeath, damn shes so perfect
Thanks for the release!
woot woot~~ sooooo fasstttt! sankyu~ <3
ugugugu~ XD
That part at the end kinda annoyed me.
The part where the girls got mad at him for spacing out and then told him to go after her.
So Yama no Susume 2 Ep.9 is on schedule ?
It seems it’s lost in the Mountains, let’s hope that Episode 10 (which airs today) will find it.
I’m wondering if you will do the 5th special.
Thanks for the work,
Hey Guys…
Your Torrents haven’t been coming up on minglong lately.
(…so my auto-downloader isn’t working now…)
Did you forget to list them there or something?
(The torrent isn’t listed on the minglong tracker.
The minglong tracker is listed in the torrent file, but gives a “not authorized” error.)
I have no idea why they weren’t uploaded to minglong. They have been uploaded now.
Nice! Thanks as always.
BTw, you guys having any conerns about Doki’s survival? What with Nyaa offline and Horrible missing~
No concerns at all. Doki relies on no one else. Everything else can come crashing down and we’ll be here chugging along as usual.
more loli to be enjoyed, thanks!
Thanks for the episode.
Can’t wait for next episode! Love these uploads, thank you.
only 3 episodes until your all caught up – yay