What do you mean by new? It has currently been airing for 23 weeks now, and is 26 episodes long. Hopefully as its doing well in Japan it’ll get a Season 2 announcement soon.
I saw his post, and I briefly thought about doing what you’re doing and point out his mistake to him, but decided there was no way he could be that dumb or ignorant, and that he was most likely just trolling, so I decided to ignore his post and not reply. But then you came and did it anyway.
Many thanks for the episode!
Thanks again for the release!
Thank you so much! time to fire up seed box
yay!! Doki’s Mahouka is back~
expecting a rather fast release till the latest one~
Sorry can’t beat 1 second release time.
Hoping for half a second releases next time
Thanks for the new episodes.
You will work the new specials?
Yes, we’ll do Yoku Wakaru Mahouka ep5.
Also neither Orillion nor altazure mentioned that the ending lyrics were updated to official ones.
Nice news.
Thanks ^^.
What would I give to be in Mayumi’s place… err, I mean Tatsuya. Yeah…
miyuki mizuki erika they are all back am no longer depress. and the translator is no long allowed vacation
Thank you very meow~
Do you revise the TV-version for corrections in batch too or only revised in BD version?
*Whispers in Doki’s ears* Thank you…
Thanks, again!
omg, I have been waiting since you’ve been gone for new Mahouka and now you’re giving us TWO eps?!
Thank you soooo much!
Is this a new anime????
What do you mean by new? It has currently been airing for 23 weeks now, and is 26 episodes long. Hopefully as its doing well in Japan it’ll get a Season 2 announcement soon.
I hope it will get beach episode ova first.
I haven’t a clue what’s upcoming lol. But if that happens, I guess it’ll happen
I saw his post, and I briefly thought about doing what you’re doing and point out his mistake to him, but decided there was no way he could be that dumb or ignorant, and that he was most likely just trolling, so I decided to ignore his post and not reply. But then you came and did it anyway.
Thnx for these episodes
Any estimate for the release time of next episodes?
laughed so hard when i was watching this ep considering the Mayumi/Tatsuya tease scene
somehow I try to fix the karaoke sub (cleaning the “additional” nobody parts and smoothing the movement of some signs).
19th http://www.tusfiles.net/frwh16xqs37j
20th http://www.tusfiles.net/5yxikh8jkxq0
I only upload the .ass so anyone can remux it.
and now waiting for the last three remaining episodes~
I know this isn’t the best place to post this but this had to be known.
[Doki] Mayo Chiki! – 02v2 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [96A71A64] This file isn’t subbed at all.
Yeah, it is.
See the 10000000000000 previous comments on that.
Subs are displaying correctly for me. Check CRC of your file. If it’s the same as in the filename, reinstall your codec pack.
It’s part of your batch torrent btw.
Thanks for the new episodes!
I’m updated with the LNs and I think that (Miyuki not included), Mayumi is the best girl hehehe.
I really loved that expression of Tatsuya when he looked at Mayumi with a “Are you stupid?” look coupled with the pose.
Trolled. lol