At last, the batch of Lucky Star. All the errors that have been reported to me have been fixed.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the show and thanks to you for waiting for our release!
Big thanks to anonymlol who made the patches: 720p Patches | 480p Patches
720p: Lucky Star (2007) [Doki][1280×720 Hi10P BD FLAC]
480p: Lucky Star (2007) [Doki][848×480 h264 BD AAC]
Sweet! De-mo-de~ Do-mo-de-mo-de~
I was thinking to rewatched this anime for quite long time ago, glad it was release on better quality.
Thank you Doki!
patches soon?
Thanks <3
Will there be a patch or are they unpatchable?
They’re patchable, I just haven’t got time to make patches.
It’s only upscaled, but Doki ran it through some filters I think. Still looks good.
At last we can enjoy watching this… Thanks!
*Rubs eyes* o_O It’s really here!? :O At last!? Wohoooooooo! XD FI-NA-LLY!!! Thanks so much! (^_^) So is this the longest running/most stalled Doki project ever, or what?
No, Haruhi-chan!
I’m expecting to see Haruhi Chan here when Season 3 gets announced and released
Oh, right. Lol, I’m wondering if that one will ever even be completed.
Will wait for the patch <3
Finally i will be able to finish this anime! Thanks Doki
Will you guys be doing concert in Budoukan also?
here you go. patches for all episodes. enjoy!!ZsREQJxJ!58dHcWajj9xPokHFqjz1jiCC_AeSyMjRxkqDwEvHDTg
How do i apply the patch?
do i need to create apply_patch.bat? if so how?
I tried exactly that, couldn’t get it to work at all.
Gotta declare this as a bad patch until someone releases a proper one.
Thanks for the Patch <3 o/
So, nothing was changed to the batch, just new patches were released?
This is great! Thanks a lot
I’m sorry to say that this is still littered with typos and grammar errors. With 7 years to iron out little details, I’d expect better, Doki.
Instead of saying that it’s littered with typos and grammar errors how about writing them down here so that Doki can patch them?
Oh, and where did you get the idea that Doki worked on it for 7 years? The announcement was posted here at “Thursday 6th January 2011”, tho the real releases were all done in 2013 and 2014. In that timespan you had plenty of time to post any errors in the comment section. Holo always goes through the comments and corrects them for the batch.
I never said I wasn’t going to provide the errors for a patch. I’ll post all of them at once, assuming I finish the show. I just happened to see one of the issues that bothers me most, so I decided to come and chide the group for making such errors.
I apologize for being wrong in terms of dates. The filename is marked 2007, and I didn’t exactly keep up with the “actual releases” you pointed out. Nor did I see the announcement in 2011. I assumed, apparently incorrectly, that the batch here would be using updated scripts from the initial run of the show.
See, had they been updating scripts from the initial run of the show, they would have seven years’ worth of comments and criticism to use to improve the script. That setup would be ideal, but since they started in 2011 and are patching releases from 2013, I guess that’s oka-oh, wait, they credit a.f.k. and EnA as the original groups, and both did the series in 2007. Whoop, there goes that idea.
Episode 21, 720p version, both scripts, 13:34-13:37 “Recommended” sign bleeds through in a rather nasty manner.
(This is just in the unlikely case anyone ever works on this again. It’s a great release otherwise – thanks for all the effort!)