Here are the batches, including the NCOP and EDs. The 480p batch is unchanged but is included in this post for sake of archives. Included are some scans and extras as usual.
- Episode 2 (1080p): Re-encoded to fix video glitch. Not patchable.
- Episode 12 (720p): Re-encoded to fix video glitch. Not patchable.
Lucky Star coming up soon™.
1080p: Clannad After Story (2008) [Doki][1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC]
720p: Clannad After Story (2008) [Doki][1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC]
480p: Clannad After Story (2008) [Doki][848×480 h264 BD AAC]
Can someone help seed the “Clannad” 8-bit 720p BD Batch release? Possibly “After Story” 8-bit 720p BD Batch as well?
Is there any Linux-compatible mplayer frontend that lets you actually select editions?
AWESOME!! Thank you Holo! <3 Though I promised myself that I would hold off on watching through the whole series again until after I have played the VN. (TーT)
Oh yeah, and I forgot to add, I’m really looking forward to those Lucky Star BD’s! ^^
Thanks to all the team for this anime.
One question : are you going to do the film ?
I’m getting major corruption in NCED C, around six seconds in, in both MPC and VLC. The CRC matches, so I don’t think the problem is on my end. Does anybody else see this?
I should also mention that I’m looking at the 1080p version.
Yep, I’ll provide a v2 for this. It’s available on XDCC.
Thanks for the v2 Holo. 😉
Haha, *skip*
I made a “special edition” for episode 16 that changes the ED from Torch to Dango Daikazoku. Just put the S1 NCED in the same directory as the episode.
This is only for 1080p, btw.
Thank you very much!
Finally…The day that i will finish clannad is here. You’re AWESOME DOKI!
Clannad is quite the experience when watched from S1 through S2. Be sure to enjoy it!
Just to let you know there’s something wrong with NCED C in 1920×1080 version. Visual problem that starts at 5 seconds
I’m getting small problem in 22, around 8 seconds in 1080p. Does anybody else see this?
error corrected:around 8 minute in 22
Would you guys reseed 480P? Thanks.
Please Reseed 480p!
The version of this on BBT uses the NCED C that has the video glitch, not the v2 hosted on the IRC.
I’ll swop in the correct torrent next week, since my desktop returned.
Can you re-seed the 720p 10bit batch, i’m just starting download it….
Seems there is a small problem with the video in ep8 1080p at ~13m00s.
Could you please reseed the 480p. #spaceissues
Much appreciated o/
I may be late to the party but guys, I am stuck at 90 % (After Story, 1080P 10Bit) and DLing with 5 kb/ps. Could someone reseed the other 10% for me? My thanks would be me staying seeding 3-5 days.
May someone please seed the 720p 10-bit torrent? 🙂
Please Reseed 720p
Please seed 720p please. also the Clannad (2007)
Both being seeded.
Still not at it’s max downspeed.
But it’s a great help. Thanks
Can anyone Re-Seed this please???
I used the resource “NCOP” (1080p) from here to make this:
I had to convert the video like 3 times because I am one of those VLC plebs. I used some dodgy mkv->mp4 converter (to allow VLC to read), then VLC to convert mp4 to mp4 (to allow camtasia to read) then compiled the video using camtasia. Added my chiptune (after 5+ hours of editing) …and that video is the result!
I loved this series; it’s one of my all-time favorites. Thank you for such a great release!
thanks a lot…