Here are the batches, including the NCOP and EDs. The 480p batch is unchanged but is included in this post for sake of archives. Included are some scans and extras as usual.
- Episode 2 (1080p): Re-encoded to fix video glitch. Not patchable.
- Episode 12 (720p): Re-encoded to fix video glitch. Not patchable.
Lucky Star coming up soon™.
1080p: Clannad After Story (2008) [Doki][1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC]
720p: Clannad After Story (2008) [Doki][1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC]
480p: Clannad After Story (2008) [Doki][848×480 h264 BD AAC]
Needs more pink and sparkles.
And now to wait for the H265 version.
Clannad will be done before AS in H265 and only if H265 is an improvement over Hi444P, if it’s not next release will be in Hi444P.
Hopefully Holo isn’t OCD about that stuff, I think he’s done enough with Clannad already lol
Actually, I don’t mind at all. File size is quite important to me, and if Hi444P or H265 will reduce it, I will download it.
Wow, what can I say, this is…epic! The ultimate Clannad After Story batch. I already have the previous batch in 720p, which was great! I’ll probably get this one someday too. Thank you so much, Doki!
Thanks ^^
I need to finish up the rest of the anime on my computer to free up space for this! Thanks for the release ^_^
I amassed like… 600GB only over the past 6 months lol had to buy new HDD ( ¬‿¬)
that might be what I have to do eventually. Though I will probably start burning stuff onto BD’s instead
I only have 8GB free on my 500GB HDD.
Now to make the hard decision: Delete some old anime, or buy a new HDD. 😀
Do the new encodes improve audio quality at all? If not I’ll just mux the flac tracks from the old encodes to the new 720p batch rather than downloading both the 720 and 1080p batches right now.
Encode for the audio is the same, you can’t really improve something in FLAC, they might be a little more efficient but nothing much.
File size has been reduced by 4GB for the 1080p version! That’s awesome!
One question, will you be replacing the 8bit version of Clannad AS 1080p to this one on BakaBT?
This way, I can download and only keep one version (as I’m seeding the 8bit one right now).
Now its time for archive… Thanks again! 🙂
And NOW, it is finished…
For now I’d imagine.
Thank you. *downloading*
Thank you Doki for doing this, you have my sincere thanks.
As a side note, is anyone having trouble with downloading the 1080 version? My client shows that there are some missing files (the EDs and OPs, and tiny sections of the Kyou chapter and recap episode), but at the moment, I’m in the middle of downloading the rest of the batch.
You’re not alone with the missing pieces. For some reason, the 1080 batch is currently missing any seeds for the Extra, the NCED’s and NCOP and one piece from both the Kyou Chapter and Recap. The Kyou Chapter and Recap are up on the XDCC, but sadly the rest isn’t, or I’d have snagged it by now and gotten to seeding.
It just seems that some people forget to put the NCOP/NCEDs in the right folder so it’s not seeded
Seems they’ve worked it out now. 1080p OP and EDs for all!
Thanks you so much, download in progress~~~
And hope we got a batch for Toradora! soon 😀
So why is the 480 torrent linked to
Clannad After Story (2008) [Doki][1280×720 Hi10P BD AAC]?
Looking now, it doesn’t appear to be on the tracker, the other two 720/1080p are though.
Thanks ^^
Thank you so much~
It is complete!
Thanks Holo
Finally the ultimate batch has come 😉
Thank you guys
Now you guys can work on the VN? 😀
The VN Division is separate from the Anime teams. Still, you should keep your ears open for some news which may be breaking soon…
Lucky Star (soon™)!!!
Ah, you’re in the Lucky Star club too, along with Roku lol
Can’t wait to see my Kagamin again ;…;
Oh yeah, Clannad After Story batch is done, awesome!
Good the Clannad series are completed now, downloading and archiving.
Thanks Holo & Doki for the hard work.
Thanks! 😀
arigatou ^^
btw whene hanbei chan ^^
You guys are awesome for redoing these, thanks.