Thank you very much! It is thanks to teams like you that we are able to watch quality anime, so I’d like to make sure you know how much we appreciate what you do.
*facepalm* They’re two different shows. You can’t tell the difference between them? What are you on, of course there will be differences in filesize from show to show and episode to episode. Just because you can’t see anything in the animation of one of them that looks like it demands a bigger filesize than in a different show doesn’t mean it’s not there. You normally can’t see these things. In addition to animation quality, it also has do with the amount of frames and how much is happening in each frame, and so on and so forth.
Oh, It’s a different fansub group, not a different anime. Ops, my bad. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ I don’t know much about them (obviously), so I’ll just take Irie and Index’s words for it, and assume they are bad.
I know, but out of the releases and stuff by them that I have watched (and kept), they’ve never come across to me as all that liberal. I think I would have noticed and cringed, since I prefer literal translations. gg is a good example of a group that do liberal translations. As well as official English localizations of Anime. That’s why I hate official anime subs so much, and never buy any anime. They are always way too liberal, localized, and sloppy.
I don’t know about the other studio’s, but Funimation is extremely literal. They were the only ones on Baka Testo that translated Muttsulini as Muttsulini. Every other fansub group changed it to Voyeur even though you can cleary hear him being called Muttsulini. There’s more examples, but overall Funimation keeps it as ‘Japanese’ as possible in their subs.
As someone who watches dubs more than subs, I get tired of hearing the same voices in Funimation shows. However, they really need to expand their pool of actors to use.
And I agree the names. Ugh the names of some of their shows. They shouldn’t be allowed to butcher show names.
I heard in the case of Asobi ni Iku yo! Funimation were pinning their hopes on this being a huge seller, as Highschool of the Dead sold ridiculusly huge amounts for Sentai Filmworks, so they wanted in on the action with a suggestive name.
Probably, just so odd in random scenes when Japanese girls walk into a Japanese shop to buy a guitar, sell a guitar, get a guitar tuned up and get told the price in dollars. lol
The translations pretty ignorant of Japan to be honest, its surprising how they allowed it.
Btw Rokudaime, a proper answer to your question would be my first experiencing anime dubbed, and slowly moving into the sub thing. I pretty much watch subs exclusively on the PC, and watch dubs when buying anime on DVD.
Think its kinda nice to rewatch something I’ve seen subbed like Clannad, or K-On! etc in dub, even if it is bad.
I was like “ok, fair enough” until you typed in this part: “Think its kinda nice to rewatch something I’ve seen subbed like Clannad, or K-On! etc in dub, even if it is bad.” That made me all “eh, what?”. It’s nice to rewatch a dubbed version of something you’ve seen subbed, even when it’s bad? How is that nice? How is that necessary? You lost me on that logic. ┐( ̄_ ̄)┌
Sorry about that, I was speaking about the quality of the dub in question, though I haven’t seen that many that I could honestly call bad, some odd ones though.
Like K-On! using dollars instead of yen. And some of the Clannad voices for example.
Well yes, “hates” is relative here. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ They’re like an old couple sometimes lol. I also rather like Index’s random comments at A_C. That said, A_C DOES delay a lot of the shows me and Index are waiting for…
Ah, I only know Index from the chatbox(and now here) he was one of the first few people I was speaking too back in mid 2010. Never did ask him about his Assassin Cross thing.
Still, as said its funny to see lol. More so if they knew each other offline, as they’re both indonesian, but I dont think they do.
not that I would be interested in watching it, but you think there will be an uncensored BD of this series? (cousin would pay gold for this if I burn’t it on a BD for him unsecored)
Lemme guess, this TV show is basically a form of advertisement to “tell” the watchers who knew too well that the BD is gonna be sold uncensored, so their Blu-ray copies will sell like hotcakes. Yeah, I’ve seen that before, lol.
Click on “Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate” in the left sidebar, and make a post in the last news post that was made (since I’m nice, that would be this one: ). The staff can see new posts as they are posted, so they will know when you make one, regardless of where you post it.
In b4 Seven decides to yet again pester us with details of how much he hates this show (why does he even watch it anyway? (‘¬_¬) ), and what sluts he thinks the girls are…
Why, I could see that coming. Most other animes have fanservices only on occasional basis as it was all a little joke to spice things up. This show is almost entirely dedicated toward fanservice-laden moments, spamming them in as many ways as possible. Depending on your taste, this show could be anywhere from a dream show you’ve been waiting for decades (like I did) to a turn-off show that makes you bored with every passing episodes.
That said, did he got banned already? He will keep watching the show, and he will keep pestering the show anywhere he goes. That’s the kind of person he/she is. Either way, that’s a good riddance of the blabbermouth.
Hate to break it to you, but he’s not banned as far as I can tell. He said himself that Holo won’t be able to ban him, so I’m guessing he’s using a program that gives him different IP’s or something like that, I don’t know (I’m not knowledgeable about how these things work).
Way to go, Ixlone. I know it’s kinda redundant, but that was a good riddance to the blabbermouth.
About the inability to ban, I bet it’s because he have a VPN, or otherwise know how to use a proxy server. It’s possible to ban his/her e-mail address, but then he/she can simply submit other e-mail address (or simply create a fake one). Looking that way, deleting their comment is the best option the staff can take.
any idea when it will be out? It’s getting late here (will probably be up for a coupple more hours though), though if I must I will juts stick to kokoro Connect fo tonight.
I am not finding it annoying, just wishing I started it after it was completed so I wouldn’t have to wait a week + to see what happens next (but isn’t that the fact with most shows?)
Excessive fanservice isn’t for everyone. It’s probably just become too much for you. ; ) I’m sure I’m going to (waiting for BD batch) love it though, being a massive perv.
Fanservice has a time and a place. HSoTD was ruined by fanservice imo. Ep 1 was one of the best first eps I’ve I’d seen in a long time, and then it got worse ever ep. The bullet going between her bouncing boobs pretty much killed it.
Ah, yes, but that’s different Ixlone. That’s not a case of too much fanservice, it’s a case of bad/stupid fanservice. I don’t like those either. ; ) I’ve seen a gif of that scene you’re refering too, and it was facepalm worthy…
well, its not starting to annoy be cause of the fanservice, mainly cause it is not progressing anywhere.
you can tell what is gonna happen next, they are always going with the phone thing which is one of the things that annoys me. It is just rather repetitive.
Also with fanservice anime, when I watch it, I watch it for what it is, if it is just blatant fanservice, I’m not expecting any AMAZING story or something like that.
You may not be expecting any amazing plot, but you failed to read between the plot lines. The whole point of the story is to find out who his sister is. You can’t expect his sister to show up as early as episode 6 or 7. She’ll probably show up as early as Episode 8 or as late as Episode 11, if I had to pick my guess.
But that is exactly what I mean, I know he has to find out who his sister is, but the way they do it is annoying. Its the same thing over and over again, with that godforsaken phone and voice changer.
They are always using the exact same “that voice might be my sister” plot its getting old and repetitive. It makes it so there is no place for an actual development between him and the girls, which would be a better “plot”. He gets too close to some girl so his sister tries to break it up or something, not the “hello, I am your sister using the same phone in the last 2 “OHH WAY I AM NOT YOUR SISTER” times and also I’m not really your sister, just a random girl doing it for lulz”
Thank you very much! It is thanks to teams like you that we are able to watch quality anime, so I’d like to make sure you know how much we appreciate what you do.
Very quick release! Thank you and I’m looking forward to your release tomorrow.
Yahoo! Thanks for the release!
Yay faster than UTW
Never liked that group and their liberal TL…
Their TL is fine, I don’t like their bloated filesize.
What’s their filesize, out of curiosity? (and laziness, lol)
Every episode is ~250mb. If that is considered bloated then…I don’t know what to say.
The hell? That’s not something to complain about, that’s completely normal. (‘¬_¬) The hell palladium?
Their Accel World last week was 650MB, for comparison Hadena was 450MB. I can’t tell the difference between them, except the script.
And that it’s Hadena
*facepalm* They’re two different shows. You can’t tell the difference between them? What are you on, of course there will be differences in filesize from show to show and episode to episode. Just because you can’t see anything in the animation of one of them that looks like it demands a bigger filesize than in a different show doesn’t mean it’s not there. You normally can’t see these things. In addition to animation quality, it also has do with the amount of frames and how much is happening in each frame, and so on and so forth.
>complaining about UTW bloated size
>comparing with lolhadena
>can’t tell the difference
are you fucking retarded?
Oh, It’s a different fansub group, not a different anime. Ops, my bad. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ I don’t know much about them (obviously), so I’ll just take Irie and Index’s words for it, and assume they are bad.
Faster? Might wanna check UTW again ;D
Out of the 7 episodes thus far we released 1,2,3,4 and 6 before UTW did. Does that not make us faster overall?
Some UTW fanboi got a bit butthurt?
I find it hard to believe that UTW has poor translations. They are usually very good in that department.
I don’t think that liberal translation means poor translation.
I know, but out of the releases and stuff by them that I have watched (and kept), they’ve never come across to me as all that liberal. I think I would have noticed and cringed, since I prefer literal translations. gg is a good example of a group that do liberal translations. As well as official English localizations of Anime. That’s why I hate official anime subs so much, and never buy any anime. They are always way too liberal, localized, and sloppy.
Well, I’m used to that now since following several CR-edited groups.
I don’t know about the other studio’s, but Funimation is extremely literal. They were the only ones on Baka Testo that translated Muttsulini as Muttsulini. Every other fansub group changed it to Voyeur even though you can cleary hear him being called Muttsulini. There’s more examples, but overall Funimation keeps it as ‘Japanese’ as possible in their subs.
Are you shitting me?
Asobi ni Iku yo! + funimation = cat planet cutties.
Funimation are so bad it’s not even funny.
What Ix said. Funimation are one of the worst of them all, so I couldn’t disagree with you more sen…
As someone who watches dubs more than subs, I get tired of hearing the same voices in Funimation shows. However, they really need to expand their pool of actors to use.
And I agree the names. Ugh the names of some of their shows. They shouldn’t be allowed to butcher show names.
I heard in the case of Asobi ni Iku yo! Funimation were pinning their hopes on this being a huge seller, as Highschool of the Dead sold ridiculusly huge amounts for Sentai Filmworks, so they wanted in on the action with a suggestive name.
You watch dubs more than subs Rawr? Why? :p
Cos he’s crazy.
No reason really. That said, K-On!! has some stupid translations, they switched Yen for dollars?
Because americans are too stupid to know what a Yen is I guess?
Probably, just so odd in random scenes when Japanese girls walk into a Japanese shop to buy a guitar, sell a guitar, get a guitar tuned up and get told the price in dollars. lol
The translations pretty ignorant of Japan to be honest, its surprising how they allowed it.
Can’t see how Yen can be so bad to use in a dub.
Btw Rokudaime, a proper answer to your question would be my first experiencing anime dubbed, and slowly moving into the sub thing. I pretty much watch subs exclusively on the PC, and watch dubs when buying anime on DVD.
Think its kinda nice to rewatch something I’ve seen subbed like Clannad, or K-On! etc in dub, even if it is bad.
I was like “ok, fair enough” until you typed in this part: “Think its kinda nice to rewatch something I’ve seen subbed like Clannad, or K-On! etc in dub, even if it is bad.” That made me all “eh, what?”. It’s nice to rewatch a dubbed version of something you’ve seen subbed, even when it’s bad? How is that nice? How is that necessary? You lost me on that logic. ┐( ̄_ ̄)┌
btw, Lucky Star dub was kinda okay for me….
hey, someone please continue LS BD plzzz
Sorry about that, I was speaking about the quality of the dub in question, though I haven’t seen that many that I could honestly call bad, some odd ones though.
Like K-On! using dollars instead of yen. And some of the Clannad voices for example.
I hope that i can download this in 1 hour o.0?!
Downloaded in less then 10 minutes at 500kbps, lots of seeders (Even those not done downloading are seeding quite a bit).
Blame your ISP
right, blame your isp
downloaded on 1.1 – 1.2 mbps
only took me a few minutes
I finished DLed this one before I know it. fyi, I DL this one over a 4MB/s = 32mbps Internet connection.
fuck you
He wasn’t saying “fuck you” to you LostLogia, he was saying it to A_C, and he did so because he hates him. ( ̄ー ̄)
Does he? I thought it was just a bit of friendly banter Index and AC have going.
Makes me laugh sometimes how random Index can be with his comments at AC.
Well yes, “hates” is relative here. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ They’re like an old couple sometimes lol. I also rather like Index’s random comments at A_C. That said, A_C DOES delay a lot of the shows me and Index are waiting for…
Ah, I only know Index from the chatbox(and now here) he was one of the first few people I was speaking too back in mid 2010. Never did ask him about his Assassin Cross thing.
Still, as said its funny to see lol. More so if they knew each other offline, as they’re both indonesian, but I dont think they do.
Well, fyi, I had met A_C once before. Both of us are member of certain anime communities
Next time you meet him give him a slap and tell him to start working! :p
Ah so you do know him offline, interesting. Thought as much.
Yay, now to see what happens next ^^
wow, so fast and nice pic,
not that I would be interested in watching it, but you think there will be an uncensored BD of this series? (cousin would pay gold for this if I burn’t it on a BD for him unsecored)
Its probably a safe bet there will be.
There will be.
Lemme guess, this TV show is basically a form of advertisement to “tell” the watchers who knew too well that the BD is gonna be sold uncensored, so their Blu-ray copies will sell like hotcakes. Yeah, I’ve seen that before, lol.
Pretty much every ecchi-heavy anime these days.
Censoring pantsu is still kind of lame. Boobs I can understand, but upskirt shots… no.
Gotta bear it while watching it. I had to facepalm every retarded censor pooped out
Thank you for quality imouto!
let your imaginations run wild with the image~~
Damn censors… I already trust you guys will do a BD release so I have no worries for the future~
Thank you!
what happened to koi chocolate? sorry but i dun noe where to ask…
Click on “Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate” in the left sidebar, and make a post in the last news post that was made (since I’m nice, that would be this one: ). The staff can see new posts as they are posted, so they will know when you make one, regardless of where you post it.
In b4 Seven decides to yet again pester us with details of how much he hates this show (why does he even watch it anyway? (‘¬_¬) ), and what sluts he thinks the girls are…
Actually, this show is starting to annoy me.
Why, I could see that coming. Most other animes have fanservices only on occasional basis as it was all a little joke to spice things up. This show is almost entirely dedicated toward fanservice-laden moments, spamming them in as many ways as possible. Depending on your taste, this show could be anywhere from a dream show you’ve been waiting for decades (like I did) to a turn-off show that makes you bored with every passing episodes.
That said, did he got banned already? He will keep watching the show, and he will keep pestering the show anywhere he goes. That’s the kind of person he/she is. Either way, that’s a good riddance of the blabbermouth.
Hate to break it to you, but he’s not banned as far as I can tell. He said himself that Holo won’t be able to ban him, so I’m guessing he’s using a program that gives him different IP’s or something like that, I don’t know (I’m not knowledgeable about how these things work).
Just deleted his retarded comments.
Don’t need to ban him. Takes us less time to delete his crap than it takes him to type it.
Go Ix! ^^
Way to go, Ixlone. I know it’s kinda redundant, but that was a good riddance to the blabbermouth.
About the inability to ban, I bet it’s because he have a VPN, or otherwise know how to use a proxy server. It’s possible to ban his/her e-mail address, but then he/she can simply submit other e-mail address (or simply create a fake one). Looking that way, deleting their comment is the best option the staff can take.
Did I miss drama lol
Sad that some people come here to cause trouble, clearly has nothing better to do with his time.
He’s wasting my Internet bandwidth, If I had the right to complain. Last I check he roped me into his annoying (yet hard to ignore…) bullshits.
Oh right, fun and games I guess.
when will the next one be comming out?
Translation is done. Should be today at some point.
any idea when it will be out? It’s getting late here (will probably be up for a coupple more hours though), though if I must I will juts stick to kokoro Connect fo tonight.
This show is starting to annoy me (‘¬_¬)
I am not finding it annoying, just wishing I started it after it was completed so I wouldn’t have to wait a week + to see what happens next (but isn’t that the fact with most shows?)
Ronery’s jealousy ┐(‘~`;)┌
I am not jealous, I have many girls surrounding me when I’m at a dance lesson… tho they just ignore me…
I am ronery~~
so ronery~
The only thing that annoys me is the relative lack of Miyabi in the more recent episodes.
You and I both. Though I’m sure there will be episodes with more Miyabi screen time in the future. I need to see her in that swimsuit again. So sexy.
Excessive fanservice isn’t for everyone. It’s probably just become too much for you. ; ) I’m sure I’m going to (waiting for BD batch) love it though, being a massive perv.
Fanservice has a time and a place. HSoTD was ruined by fanservice imo. Ep 1 was one of the best first eps I’ve I’d seen in a long time, and then it got worse ever ep. The bullet going between her bouncing boobs pretty much killed it.
Not that I’m saying fanservice is a bad thing of course, I’m looking forward to the BDs for imouto to see pantsu.
Just HSoTD was ruined by it.
Ah, yes, but that’s different Ixlone. That’s not a case of too much fanservice, it’s a case of bad/stupid fanservice. I don’t like those either. ; ) I’ve seen a gif of that scene you’re refering too, and it was facepalm worthy…
Also, physics cried when that happened. Her boobs would have to be moving so fast they’d tear off to avoid the bullet in the manner they did.
Cmon guys, it was awesome, in the “oh god that is so bad” awesome
Well, it was defenitely luls worthy, but I don’t know, HSoTD just seems kind of painful to watch overall…
well, its not starting to annoy be cause of the fanservice, mainly cause it is not progressing anywhere.
you can tell what is gonna happen next, they are always going with the phone thing which is one of the things that annoys me. It is just rather repetitive.
Also with fanservice anime, when I watch it, I watch it for what it is, if it is just blatant fanservice, I’m not expecting any AMAZING story or something like that.
You may not be expecting any amazing plot, but you failed to read between the plot lines. The whole point of the story is to find out who his sister is. You can’t expect his sister to show up as early as episode 6 or 7. She’ll probably show up as early as Episode 8 or as late as Episode 11, if I had to pick my guess.
Bottom line, please be a bit more patient.
But that is exactly what I mean, I know he has to find out who his sister is, but the way they do it is annoying. Its the same thing over and over again, with that godforsaken phone and voice changer.
They are always using the exact same “that voice might be my sister” plot its getting old and repetitive. It makes it so there is no place for an actual development between him and the girls, which would be a better “plot”. He gets too close to some girl so his sister tries to break it up or something, not the “hello, I am your sister using the same phone in the last 2 “OHH WAY I AM NOT YOUR SISTER” times and also I’m not really your sister, just a random girl doing it for lulz”
Wait for episode 7 before I watch 5,6, and 7 at one time.
Thank you Doki!
Anyone noticed how every time sum1 posts a release screenie that gives ideas… the amount of comments in that release greatly increases. =_-
Really.. you dirty dogs
Cant be helped that we are all perverts
Patiently awaiting episode 7. =<
me too
Thx for the Ep…
I think you made a mistake?!
Achi no hanashi janai no ka?
So it’s not about that?!
-> you missed the “not”
Episode 7 comes tomorrow.
When is tomorrow coming… been waiting a couple of days now…
“Tomorrow” is holo talk for soon™
I noticed at the side it says 7@Holo for NakaImo.
What does that mean?
It’s complete. Holo just needs to stop being at uni/work/drinking vodka/playing mahjong and release it.
well I guess that Holo’s definition of “Tomorrow” being soon is better than BS for a release
Maybe it will end up like Lucky Star
zomgwtf~~ whereismykonoimo8!! GROAAARRR~