Episode 1 & 2 beg to differ, Ranko only. Episode 3 uses Wanko only. 4 uses both (once each), 5v2 & 6 uses a mix of both. And it’s not just Furuya that says Wanko only either.
Why on earth would you write “tou-chan” instead of “dad”? I can stomach romaji in my subtitles if it doesn’t have an english equivalent, but this kind of stuff is just plain silly.
Isn’t that my line? Explaining your point of view on this matter instead of just dismissing what I wrote would’ve been nice.
Doki is a british english translation group. If one is looking for subs for a particular show, I think it’s fair to assume that person doesn’t understand the original language. Which is probably the case for most people watching your releases (myself included).
What’s the point in leaving stuff like that as romaji then? Like I said, it’s fine if it’s something that doesn’t translate easily, like kotatsu or whatnot. But “dad”? Come on…
Ah, the internet. Voice the slightest bit of criticism and you’re instantly dismissed as a “hater”. I gather the possibility of me actually liking Doki’s releases and suggesting something I think would improve them didn’t even cross your mind, Pitchblack?
I second that. This is becoming one of my favorite anime, I couldn’t imagine not having decided to watch it… Check it out, you might find you really like it.
babu = misato fukuen
mind = blown
Thank you, this is awesome
i’m kind of new, but may i know when will the kore wa zombie episodes will be done?
soon™ is a trademark of whynostsubs and we demand you stop using it
Being an ass, you’re doing it right !
Wanko – Ranko, make up your minds… At least I know how to use Aegisub. Thanks for the release though!
Make up our minds?
We have used Wanko the entire time.
Episode 1 & 2 beg to differ, Ranko only. Episode 3 uses Wanko only. 4 uses both (once each), 5v2 & 6 uses a mix of both. And it’s not just Furuya that says Wanko only either.
Everybody but Furuya calls her Ranko. He calls her Wanko.
[01:30] Zdm321 real name is Ranko, but the MC guy calls her Wanko
[01:30] Zdm321 according to the manga
Yahoo! Another Zombie goodness episode… Thanks for the release!
Thanks for the new episode!
Why on earth would you write “tou-chan” instead of “dad”? I can stomach romaji in my subtitles if it doesn’t have an english equivalent, but this kind of stuff is just plain silly.
Cool opinion.
Cool answer.
Yours wasn’t.
Isn’t that my line? Explaining your point of view on this matter instead of just dismissing what I wrote would’ve been nice.
Doki is a british english translation group. If one is looking for subs for a particular show, I think it’s fair to assume that person doesn’t understand the original language. Which is probably the case for most people watching your releases (myself included).
What’s the point in leaving stuff like that as romaji then? Like I said, it’s fine if it’s something that doesn’t translate easily, like kotatsu or whatnot. But “dad”? Come on…
Hater should go ahead with some other fansub that does what he likes qUcyy
Ah, the internet. Voice the slightest bit of criticism and you’re instantly dismissed as a “hater”. I gather the possibility of me actually liking Doki’s releases and suggesting something I think would improve them didn’t even cross your mind, Pitchblack?
Shit happens, get over it.
If something like Tou-chan happened to slip by, “ah well”, can’t undo what’s been done.
I’m pretty sure the editor that was on this facedesked the moment he realised.
There are so few people commenting this anime, that sounds me that is not worth watch it.
Don’t judge an anime by the number of comments. This is definitely one of my favorites of this season.
I second that. This is becoming one of my favorite anime, I couldn’t imagine not having decided to watch it… Check it out, you might find you really like it.
I am very excited to catch Sankarea after reading the 30+ chapters manga. Cannot withstand the cuteness.
Does anyone else hear “She was a Teenage Zombie” by the Murderdolls when watching this series?
I still see Saten Ruiko from To Aru, every time I look at Rea. XP