With thanks to Yesy for doing a splendid job subbing this show.
- Episode 1 (All h264): Updated CS kara. Patchable.
- Episode 2 (All h264): Fixed chapters, Updated CS kara. Patchable.
- Episode 10 (All): Fixed timing error and TS. Patchable.
- Episode 11 (All): Fixed typo. Patchable.
480p Patches | 720p Patches | 1080p Patches
See how to apply a patch here.
Hi10P: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (2011) [Doki][1920×1080 Hi10P BD FLAC]
1080p: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (2011) [Doki][1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC]
720p: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (2011) [Doki][1280×720 h264 BD AAC]
480p: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (2011) [Doki][848×480 h264 BD AAC]
Thanks so much for this one, I’ve never seen an anime like this one before and it was absolutely awesome.
This makes another one done and closed off, congratulations.
Hope there will come to be other like this. ^_^
Now to download 10p. Thanks for the hardwork!
ixlone the release ninja stikes again! crankin BD volumes out like crazy lately…
Thanks you guys …!!
Alright here’s the Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica BD in Hi10P, time to download it.
Thanks again for this job!
either i have a weird version of episode 1v0 or the crc numbers in the bat file for the patch is incorrect. my madoka ep1 says [376D0D4B] and patch wants a [61825630]. This is reference to the 8bit 1080p batch. just letting you know since you guys seem to care about little things too. 6.^ all others patched correctly for 8bit 1080p. thanks again for the batch.
Yeah, checked this, apparently the file crc is wrong.
Updated patch file with the correct crc. Will need to add the correct crc to file name to patch, as explained in the guide.
awesome, thanks. new patch worked well. i just wanted to make sure the file wouldn’t explode if i had edited the bat by myself. i’m relieved that i didn’t have to go that far.
Sorry, stupid question, do I need to worry about the patches if I’ve downloaded each volume of the BD? Or is that just a patch for the previous releases? (Pre-BD?)
We only did BD versions…
If your files don’t say v2, you need to patch. Well you don’t _need_ to patch, but if you want errors fixing you will have to.
Thanks a lot guys, the encodes look amazing.
Appreciate the Insert Songs being put at the top of the .ass file too, makes them so much easier to take out for those who don’t want them.
need………. donate…………….. immediately ………. O.O
Keep up the great work!
Compare this to Coalgirls? I don’t care about file size, I want quality.
I only compared a Doki release to Coalgirls ONCE, and Doki blew coalgirls’ out of the water.
That is all.
Mugi probably wants a Screenshot comparison, not a word of mouth type deal.
Screenshot is highly preferred, but I’m OK with either.
But, comparing one release to another is completely worthless, in my opinion. One group’s release of, say, Ika Musume might be fantastic, but their release of Shuffle might be horrendous, and vice versa with another group.
So I’ll wait for someone who has either watched both, or screenshots. Thanks though!
I downloaded CGi and they didn’t add in the new dialogue, if that helps :p
It helps lol. Thank you. [:
I’m getting this so I can mux this subtitles into the CGi release.
Can you please tell me where is the new dialog located?
I’ve watched the CGi release and didn’t find anything missing…
Where is NCED ??
Wasn’t included.
That’s a shame.
I really liked the ED in the later episodes.
Took me a second to realize the patches are NOT for the Hi10P version
Thank you guys for the release.
Not quite. Episode 11’s patch is for all versions, Hi10P included.
Thank you all so much.
Ive seen the tv version but this is better , thx .
Wait. Why don’t you apply the patches and THEN make the torrent? Why even bother hosting the patches at all? Just have people download the batch or at least parts of it?
Wait. The patches are applied and THEN the torrent made!
Why even bother making us host retarded comments like yours. People can choose which ever they like.
The torrents in the final batch are patched.
the patches are for the people that actually followed the show as it was released, and the patches will be a simple way of update the files they already have, to the newer ones in the batch.
I’ve been looking forward to this. after initially dropping madoka and then it blowing up, I swore I’d watch it once you finished with the BDs. Thanks Doki.
Thanks for your efforts! I’ve just finished with ep12 and just started downloading the hi10p version. But I want to ask, what happened to the ep12 end card? Don’t tell me it wasn’t in the BD episode…
It really wasn’t in the episode? That’s a pity.
i really like Hi10P but i really hate the fact that it not supported by other players (bs player classic, crystal player) that i was able to take pics through them (i know i can do it with MPC too but it annoy) and that it not supported by most editor progrems atm…. i can’t edit my hentai : \
MPC = Alt + I
Thank you very kindly for all your efforts! If I may, a question regarding the OSTs included. I seem to be having problems getting them to play; could you tell me what format they are? Everything suggests mp3, but it just doesn’t seem to be working like one. Is it something I might need to update a codec for, perhaps?
(for the record, I’ve not had any problems with anything else you’ve released)
Thanks muchly!
check the CRC of the OST, to see if it’s not corrupted.
You know, I’m a fairly intelligent individual. I can count to 20 without taking off my shoes, I can balance a checkbook, and I can make change for a customer without using a calculator.
Having said all that, I have no clue as to what you just said. I now feel stoopid.
See the 8 characters that are attached to everything we release? It is called a CRC (cyclic redundancy check). If you CRC your file (hashmyfiles.exe, google it) and your CRC matches my CRC, it means that file has got from my computer to your computer safely, with no changes. If your CRC is different to the stated CRC, then the file has changed, ie, corrupted. Most causes of corruption are due to unfinished downloads.
Ah, I see. Let me check, talk amongst yourselves.
Nope, all good. Hm, they do play with zoomplayer, just not with WMP. Must be a problem on my side. Cool, thanks for your help!
The problem would be WMP, it’s lame.
I’ll say VLC player is recommended for mkv or any kinds of video file formats. Anyways a HUGE THANKS to the guys at Doki and Yesy for completing the Madoka release. Words can’t describe my excitement.
VLC is terrible for anime and any type of video files.
MPC-HC which is included in CCCP has better color conversion (VLC creates washed out colors), better subtitle rendering (clearer subtitles), supports chapter linking (VLC will just loop a file unless you disable them), and no garbled video when skipping or simply watching a video.
VLC is shit
I’ll say VLC is shit for mkv or any kinds of video file formats
i found the way to make Hi10p to play in other players = D
btw what alt+I keys do?
WOW ! the 10 bit quality is way better in comparison to the 8 bit encode and almost no banding and improved sharpness all around.. and let me say that both encodes look beautiful
but the 10 bits look like a BDMV lol.
and speaking of 10bit i realize that zombie BD’s have most likely been encoded but i seriously hope that if you can that zombie gets a 10bit 1080p release !!
Wow, you guys have outdone yourselves. This looks absolutely amazing!