Thanks to Amarok for TLCing, Teg for TS/kara and Solstice for QC volume 1 is finally here.
1080p: [Doki] Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. – 01 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [D77EFB2B].mkv
720p: [Doki] Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. – 01 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [2A8208A1].mkv
480p: [Doki] Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. – 01 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [E0BC4C3A].mkv
Good work!
Looking forward to the rest 😀
Read the file?
Nice! Archiving this show is a great thing… Thanks for the release! Oh, BTW (sorry if this will be off topic), is the NBA lolis and Mayo Chiki will be released soon?
Blu-Ray 1080p is Hi10P, 720p and 480p is h264.”
Oh look, it’s not the case.
Looks like you are just selective on what you are reading (quoting). There’s also a part that says “Proposed plans” regarding Hi10p.
This was encoded before we started using Hi10P, what with it been encoded 3 months ago.
Hard to work out why it’s not Hi10P in that case, right?
“Blu-Ray 1080p is Hi10P, 720p and 480p is h264.” CHANGE YOUR Site so you look less like retards
>implying we don’t know what we are doing
>implying you know what we are doing or why shit is the way it is
Girl, seriously, begone before you embarrass yourself any more.
Read word “proposed”.
Yet another person who can’t work out the difference between three month old release and a new system set out after that date.
Some days i think people can’t be this dumb, but then someone like you turns up and sets the new benchmark.
why not edit the release post then so people can see it before looking at the comments?
Because the files clearly say they aren’t Hi10P?
Looks like a case of being retarded on the part “Blu-Ray 1080p is Hi10P, 720p and 480p is h264.” But not read the “Proposed Plans:” part.
Can’t you guys see the ‘proposed plans’ on top of the hi10 stuff? Geez…
Anyway thanks for this… Gonna archive.
Thank you for releasing Blu-Ray 1080p in 8-bit! You just made my day. 🙂
My machine is very old and I must rely on using hardware acceleration of my NVIDIA card to play 1080p.
Keep up the good work guys!
While I understand you guys are just being reactive, please don’t react so fiercely. There’s no actual way for them to know exactly when you guys encoded the damn file (sure, the volume was released a while back but nothing tells us when you exactly you worked on it). After all, C and Ano Hana aired in the same season yet C had a Hi10P release.
Not a complaint, just my two cents.
They should have asked politely, instead of posting like a troll.
Holo, I don’t think Kamui was trolling when he/she asked whether it was 10-bit.
BTW, thanks for releasing this! 🙂
How do you get “troll” out of this:
Everyone was just trying to find out how the file was encoded. Sometimes you don’t list everything correctly (shocking, I know – you’re human and sometimes *make mistakes*). The whole Hi10P thing has been debated for months, so now there’s a new release – seems pretty damn reasonable to think it should be Hi10P – except it’s not listed as such.
So people wonder – is it Hi10P and just not tagged, or is it not Hi10P, which flies in the face of everything that’s been ranted/discussed? And what they get is Ixlone biting their heads off (seriously nasty posts there, dude) and Holo calling people trolls. For asking a question.
Ixlone is expecting us all to be psychic about when he chose to encode a file. If it was encoded three months ago, then why wasn’t it out until this week? It’s not like you even have to translate it…
Perhaps you should read the manner in which the question is asked. Asking the question is fine. Adding snide comments after the question is trolling.
Perhaps you should also learn to read.
As the post states it needed TLC, and also what format it is.
Ano Hana BD Vol.1 was released in Japan on June 29th
The 10bit post and discussion was published on July 19th
C BD Vol.1 was released in Japan on August 19th
You mean what with C vol 1 been released at the end of last month after the announcement, and Anohana vol 1 almost two months before that, before the announcement.
Yeah, pretty sure you can find release dates on the internet and work it out. Encoding delays are never an issue, we encode pretty much everything as soon as it comes out.
And even if this wasn’t the case, like the site says “proposed”.
You may keep your two cents, they are not needed.
It would have been the best show of this year had not there been Madoka and S;G.
Thanks for the release!
You can find Madoka 10bit 1080 on the forums, has yet to be added to blog.
But yes, 10bit madoka is available for those who actually look on the forums :p
I am happy with 720p Madoka! Thanks for the info though Ixlone!
Whoa! I am definitely getting Madoka 10bit thanks for the info Ixlone. Add it to the blog!
Where Asobi OVA, Oreimo, Hanairo & Saki ???
Thanks! FLAC <3
any chance a Hi10p version will be released for this series, like Madoka?
1 episode? Am I missing something here?
Japan likes to milk otaku’s money
Not missing a thing. As we’ve witnessed with several series BD’s this year, single ep Volume 1 discs seem to be the new policy for testing how far all otakus are willing to spend in this ridiculous economy. Even Japan’s economy was hurting long before the earthquake/tsunami. I’m starting to get used to it since I buy originals as well as archive these subbed versions.
But Holo’s statement is unfortunately true, no matter the genre or media type. Even games over there are at least $20 higher than here.
When will vol 2 be released? Thanks for the answers sires XD
Not sure yet.
I’d like to know if you’re going to do Blood-C BD version…
I want to watch it from here, the subs are excellent *-*
But, if it’s not possible, then IDK what to do D:
Thx Ixlone-sama *-*
Thanks a lot for this guys! I love you!
I am sick of the inconsistent naming of your files from torrent to DDL. Would you just pick a standard and use it?
Fileserve add in underscores to our filenames, we don’t. Deal with it.
1. Download a batch renamer.
2. Quit whining.
3. ????
4. Profit.
We belive in Profession!
6 months later, and… what?