Anyone still watching this?
Also Vol 1 BDs should be out in the near future. Yes, the disastrous episode 1 and 2 will be fixed. (lolstring)
HD: [Doki] Nichijou – 15 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [D1B429E8].mkv
SD: [Doki] Nichijou – 15 (848×480 h264 AAC) [9FDDBA45].mkv
Apparently there’s plot now?
I am..Still watching ^-^ keep up the good work awesome!
Not watching Nichijou is a SIN! Hakkase and Nano for president (and vicepresident)!
Like a Boss
Of course i’m watching it. I just love the random, crazy humour.
You’re the only one not watching it, Holo.
Yeah, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated! nomnomnom
I read that in my history book, but yet… we still speak french over here
assimilation can really be hard sometimes.
Yup, still waching this. I enjoy it much.
its getting better now….it was kinda crap after ep 9? can’t remember but the 3 school friends and nano and hakkase are keeping me into it
I LOVE this show! It’s like a mix between Azumangadaio and Lucky*Star.
We shall not mess up.
Selamat Pagi!
After the zillions of previous comments it seems kinda pointless, but yes, I’m still watching. And I like it. Nano in school from EP 14 was flawless.
Thanks for doing this, now I’m craving for the BDs.
Still watching, one of the best series out there. Your work on Nichijou is appreciated!
Of course I’m still watching. It’s one of the best series of the season. What was the purpose of the question? Are you hoping to drop it?
I’m watching it, all thanks to your subs
There’s no way someone ins’t still watching this, Nichijou is the most random show of the season.
Definitely watching. It’s one of my favourites, reminds me of Lucky Star’s humour in a way.
Of course I’m watching, this show is so hilarious, that my neighbours and family are always strangely staring at me, after I finish watching new ep, coz I laugh so much!
Of course =D I really don’t get tired of it at all.
It’s a surprising question. BDs sales according to appear to be fine, general worldwide reception seems to be good and even torrents are full of seeders. A better question would be: who is not watching it? =P
I watch it mostly for what is NOT happening at Hakase’s house, my favourites parts being with Mai. The quality between episodes does vary a lot but it is guaranteed for me to have a laugh at it.
And now I come, and say, I don’t watch it anymore.
I dropped it at Episode 10.
I found it just way too repetitive, and I didn’t really liked the humour.
There were some Episodes I liked though, but I would rather spend my time watching something I like more.
Might go back to it in half a year, though.
Done that with several shows, and liked them more than before.
I’m always watching this show. It’s hilarious. xD
Nichijou is the best thing to happen this year so far. I doubt any of the summer shows will be able to keep up to it for me :3.
Silly question.
thanks Doki.
String… of macroblocking?