Script has been updated, and the insert song is fully kara’ed. Errors fixed. In other words, a huge improvement from the TV release.
1080p: [Doki] A Channel – Vol 2 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC)
- [Doki] A Channel – 03 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [74017B21].mkv
- [Doki] A Channel – 04 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [F2925745].mkv
- [Doki] A Channel Specials – 03 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [67495FF0].mkv
- [Doki] A Channel Specials – 04 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC) [42EDCA27].mkv
720p: [Doki] A Channel – Vol 2 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC)
- [Doki] A Channel – 03 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [552095AC].mkv
- [Doki] A Channel – 04 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [E71AF162].mkv
- [Doki] A Channel Specials – 03 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [2E60D32A].mkv
- [Doki] A Channel Specials – 04 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC) [C2902ED2].mkv
480p: [Doki] A Channel – Vol 2 (848×480 h264 BD AAC)
- [Doki] A Channel – 03 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [42EF9BD2].mkv
- [Doki] A Channel – 04 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [42936538].mkv
- [Doki] A Channel Specials – 03 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [EA384768].mkv
- [Doki] A Channel Specials – 04 (848×480 h264 BD AAC) [9BCE01C9].mkv
TV batch soon?
Thank you 🙂
fuck yea
Thanks! I love how the BD’s are smaller than TV’s
How about some torrent love??? At least they will resume when my internet decides to lose interest in what I’m d/l.
Torrent will be posted when the volume is complete.
Just wondering, if the script had a lot of errors, why release to begin with? Or was it more you had faith in a translator that didn’t do their job correctly?
I’m not following this series, more curious when I read the comment about fixed errors.
I was obviously not aware of any translation errors before release. If I knew that errors were in the script, I would not release. As a result of releasing, errors came to light (through both trolls and genuine people) and therefore I fix these errors in BD.
Ah okay, thanks for explaining.
all fansubs by all groups have errors…its normal
*Shrug* I guess I should of expected a Captain Obvious to appear. Anyway no more please.
dumb questions usually have obvious answers
I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect a comment aimed at Holo to attract a grammatically challenged person trying to attack my post stating the brutally obvious. Not to mention you missed my point entirely. In the future aim these kinds of comments at me on the cbox, not on here.
Why are you two trolling around?
@Me Fansubs make mistakes and its normal, so asking why they release with errors make me think you do are asking something dumb, but don’t get me wrong okay? I know what you mean when you asked.
@banger His question wasn’t “dumb”, If you read it carefully you will see the real meaning.
To clarify, banger, he wasn’t asking Holo why there would be errors in their releases, and why Doki would bother to release anything when their releases have errors; he was under the impression that Holo knew of the errors beforehand, and so he was wondering why Holo would release the episodes despite that, which is why he asked him about it. In other words, a perfectly viable question in this case. You did indeed miss the point of that one entirely.
Daniel, again (this is the second time one of your posts have initially confused me), be more clear in your posts. I understand that what you mean is that the way Me said it, it initially sounds like he was asking why there would be errors in Doki’s releases, and why Doki would bother to release anything when their releases have errors. I also understand that you understood it the correct way, in other words, that he was under the impression that Holo knew of the errors beforehand, and so he was wondering why Holo would release the episodes despite that.
However, when you say: “@Me Fansubs make mistakes and its normal, so asking why they release with errors make me think you do are asking something dumb, but don’t get me wrong okay? I know what you mean when you asked”, as opposed to: @Me, Fansubs make mistakes, and it’s normal, so when you asked why they would release with errors, it made me think you were asking a dumb question as well. But don’t get me wrong okay? I know what you ment when you asked”, it makes your intended message really unclear, and it sounds like you misunderstood Me’s question as well, even though you didn’t. In this case your lacking use of past tense is really ruining your whole post. Also, your comment about the the two of them trolling around is just adding fuel to the flames. Their whole argument stems from a misunderstanding.
Daniel: WRITE better!
banger: READ posts properly!
Now let’s all keep it cool people. 🙂
@Rokudaime Sorry about that D: I’m not a English native speaker, so sometimes I say things in a way that ins’t everyone that understand :P, But I was trying to write the same thing you did. Banger didn’t read it properly. XD
Now, let’s stop the trolling and say what we have to say: Thanks for the release Doki. 😀
Thankyou, It was more me being curious why something with errors was released to begin with, not a lol fansubs make errors generic question. Of which Holo explained he didnt check the release beforehand thus he’s fixing.
Anyway I didnt expect someone to make a huge issue of a comment I aimed at Holo, but anyway I know to like. er.. phrase differently I guess.
With translation errors, even if I did check I may not catch them, because my Japanese level only goes so far.
Holo, sorry that a simple question aimed at you, which you politely answered and the issue was closed no less degraded into a debate of somekind.
@Me I don’t think that is anything you should be sorry about 😛 It’s not your fault that everyone was replying and it turned out a “big mess”.
Indeed. What Daniel said. It’s also not really all your fault that banger read your message wrong and misunderstood, since I don’t really think it was phrased that badly. I for one understood it perfectly fine the first time I read it. But stuff like that differs from person to person I guess. Oh, and Daniel, I’m sorry if my criticism came of as to harsh. I feel bad now… ^^’
@Rokudaime No problem at all. 😀
Entertaining, creative and fun, A-Channel hopefully will become a multi-season franchise.
Fans probably know that the tall girl Tooru has a crush on in this episode (hohoho) is voiced by a member of the musical group Sphere (OP Ascobi ni Iku Yo, Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou, Otome Yokai Zakuro, etc.).
A-Channel kinda remember me of K-ON, that’s why i’m so attached to it. And I agree with you, this franchise has more than potential. 😀
Any word on patch for v2 for Vol. 1 BD episodes?
Where’s the torrent link? you obviously don’t expect us to download 2 GBs with “free” Fileserve?
1: Use XDCC.
2: Wait for torrent to appear once the volume is complete, as it does with ALL Doki BD releases.
Holo may if I ask 2 things?
Will Doki be doing the Specials of A-Channel?
We did the Volume 1 Specials, so of course we’ll do the Volume 2 Specials. 😛
Really? I think I missed that, let me check the post. 😛
Thanks for the reply btw.
720p torrent been stuck at 69% for a bit now. Seed peoples! =(
torrent links dead