Menmaaaaaaaa ;_;
EDITv3: The webserver isn’t serving the MIME types for files correctly… but meh, fixed.
HD: [Doki] Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. – 10 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [79AF9DB5].mkv
SD: [Doki] Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. – 10 (848×480 h264 AAC) [39F1FD0F].mkv
very fast! thanks!
So what did you TL 花火 to? “The flowers are burning”?
The flowers of the Raging Fire
“Menma is Every Flower”
This is a poor translation. I don’t know a lot of Japanese, but I can CLEARLY SEE the kanji for ‘fire’ in there. Any good translator would go with ‘Menma is Every Flower ON FIRE’. This is why I don’t watch Doki Subs.
More seriously, we only have one episode left? ;__; I’ll miss you, Ano Hana.
I like sarcastic Mimi way more than humble Mimi!
Hey, they’re not mutually exclusive. 😀
HD Torrent link is broken. XD
Works fine here, must be something on your end.
Thanks for the hard work!
i have feeling that Jinta mother going to take her to heaven on the next and last episode.
same here, broken HD torrent
Using Mac OS X Leopard and all I get from the HD torrent is a .txt file.
Anti-climatic, though not unexpected. At least some of them have more closure.
about to cook dinner and i found this xD
Thanks for the release staff!
no problem with the HD torrent…
thanks as always Doki =3
all of my tears ;_;
The link definitely works, but I think there is something wierd with it. It is the only torrent link on the entire site that downloads as a .txt file for me.
(Not saying this is a problem, because all I have to do is delete the .txt and tell it to use the .torrent tag instead. Im just saying, its different.)
The HD Torrent link doesn’t work at my end, when I press the link it looks like this:
Hope somebody fix it soon 🙂
Internet Explorer?… oh well >_<
Hope you find a solution is fine on my end… Not that I'm trying to say your browser if at fault… I just don't like Internet Explorer
I recently reinstalled my computer to factory settings and a lot of programs that I did have on my computer have gone. However I still like Internet Explorer and I see no problem with it, because all I need is to surf the net lol. But I used to have many different browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox and Opera, but haven’t used them in like 2 years now except for Google Chrome.
But maybe I’ll download and install back Google Chrome and Firefox. That, if I’m not too lazy lol.
Just right click the link, save as …
save the torrent (written as txt yes) …
then open it up (change .torrent to all files) …
and it should just download your torrent w/o having to change anything.
Menma desu?~
Thanks for the episode! I had some trouble with the subtitles and MPC-HC. For solving it, I just changed the tracks order in mkvtoolnix so instead of subs->video->audio I had video->audio->subs. Just a heads up for those with the same issue.
Downloaded as .torrent.txt for me, using Safari on OSX. I just removed the “.txt” and it is working as it should; for any experiencing the same issue.
Guys, why don’t you release your torrents on nyaa.eu too?
As always, thanks for this ep :3
nyaa.eu blocked our torrent
I used IE9 for DDL of this one… no problem encountered here… Got to have the latest updates if using Vista/Win7 and have the latest updates of flash player.
Just wondering, what happened on your 3 friends? Its 3 less…
Thanks for your work ^.^
And just regardings the link..
As you can see, its being recognized as TEXT/PLAIN instead of ‘application/x-bittorrent’.
I can guess its that no mime is being passed at all, and default to text/plain
Ie9 ignore the file extention and open the file with its default text/plain viewer.