
Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

Tomoyo After

One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.

The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.

I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).

Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.

Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.

There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.

Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.

2,159 comments to Doki’s Visual Novel Department! Recruiting TLs for Tomoyo After

  • Twentyfaces

    This is awesome. I played the game through using ATLAS, but unfortunately, it leaves some to be desired, since there’s a good bit of game play, especially towards the end with unhookable text. Ie, the entire ending to the proper route.
    I really look forward to your release!

  • You guys may consider doing Campanella & Princess Lover. I looked for ’em but couldn’t find ’em anywhere.

    • Killer_bee

      I’d like to play Princess Lover as well! Please consider translate this one after you’ve done with Tomoyo after!

  • Pallevader

    I actually started learning Japanese because there was no translation available for this particular VN. Needless to say, this is awesome news.

    I don’t yet feel that I’m good enough to help you guys with the translation though, so I’ll just show my support by sending lots of otaku-love your way πŸ˜‰ You made a fan of me today <3

  • Okazaki 2b

    Hi, i was very sad when i saw that the Baka Tsuki team have stopped the project of this visual novel, but now i’m really happy you take the translation project, and i want to say thank you for that πŸ™‚

    Sorry for my bad english, i’m from France (and there is not enough VN translate in my ******* country πŸ˜€ )

  • FriedRice

    Excellent news! After playing Clannad, I was so disappointed that there wasn’t a translation patch for this. I even originally started learning Japanese as a result of wanting to play this game, but I’m guessing you will finish the translation patch before my Japanese reaches a competent level πŸ˜‰

    Good luck!

  • Crim

    Please, can someone spoil me and tell me if ending in this game is good? I love Tomoyo in Clannad and I don’t want to see a bad ending. ;_;

  • lohlllll

    Are you doing the PS2 version (longer, more story, no random unsettling H-scenes) or the out-of-print PC version? Or a refresh?

  • Mr4eyeguy

    Like those few who have posted, I was also a part of the translation project at Baka-Tsuki a while ago. Initially, I was disappointed to hear that the project was being handed over but at the same time, seeing from the rate we were working, I knew it was just a matter of a time before the project came to complete stop. I am relieve to know that there are others who are in interest of making the translation happen.

    Though I don’t have as much time as I used to back then, if you guys are as committed as you said you were, I’d be more than glad to support you guys. (Even though our work was noted as being ‘crappy’ by our staff lol)

    Though, a minor problem that I have with translating R-18 version is that there are sexual slangs which people, including myself, had trouble figuring out what it meant. But the R-18 part only consist a small portion of the game so, yeah.

    Like I said before, you guys have my support and I’d definitely love to see how far this project can go.
    Happy Cinco de Mayo, everyone

  • Tatsuya

    likewise of mr4eyeguy, I been busy lately to find out the project had been dropped I would still like to contribute here if possible.

  • MegaMan

    Phew, I was worried when BT dropped this, but I was relieved that it was only handed over. I’m a huge fan of Clannad, I’ve been waiting ages for a TA translation! I’m not very good with Japanese, but I’d like to just throw my stake in as a volunteer tester.

  • Hazama

    Thanks for picking up this VN translation project!
    Hats off to baka-tsuki for starting this project :3

  • Robin Bengtsson

    oh man you picked the r8 VN!

  • I’m glad this VN is getting picked up. I’ve played through part of the incomplete BT patch and it simply left me wanting more.

    Hopefully more people will be on board to help. I would, but my .jp skills are lacking. And I’m sure you have more than enough people willing to test.

  • darkeh

    I saw this project was dropped on BT earlier today, then found it here. It made my day. As with many others, my japanese skills leave a lot to be desired even after two years of classes, or I’d love to help out. However, if you need testers, I’d love to help. I’ve got never ending amounts of free-time

  • Greetings from a fellow subber! While I am a member of Kira, I couldn’t help but notice that you picked this up a while ago. How is the translation progressing so far, as I speak for a majority of the fandom when I say that this translation has been LONG overdue. Can you spare any updates?

    ALso, if you need my assistance, I will be available to handle QC work if I can have a means of access available. And just in case you ask of my credits, I am proud to say that I was the main QC behind our release of Battle Dolls: Angelic Layer. And if you wish to contact me, now you know where.

  • dragonspritz

    excuse me, but is this a completed patch yet? its been a few years.

  • addicted2rpg

    The English patch for this at Batsuki (now handed to Doki) is only about 50% translated (or some such) – so I played a considerable bit of the game and I’m super hooked. Now I’m at a part where the text is untranslated and I’m stuck hanging – please, please, please help finish translating this work.

    I do know there is a save file (I forgot the url on the net, but I DID download it) that has the correct / final ending path – I don’t know if that will work in lieu of a person who has completed the novel but its something.

    I can certaintly volunteer for testing the patches if you need it, I actually have a virtual box test environment that is good for this kind of thing.


  • Luminosity

    Thank you for doing this; I’m counting on you guys.

    I’m learning Japanese, but by the time I can understand enough to play Tomoyo After in its native language, I probably won’t have any machines that can run it anymore. You guys are my only hope.

  • Luminosity

    Btw, could you possibly keep some sort of log of your progress on this? If you’d rather not, then I guess that’s fine; it’s just that it’s comforting to be able to look and see that progress is being made.

  • Brine

    I’m happy to see that someone dedicated to finishing Tomoyo After has picked it up. I’ve been regularly checking the Talk Pages for the project on Baka-Tsuki, not finding any updates. It was only recently that I checked the project page and saw that you guys had taken it on.

    Well, you didn’t say that you’re looking for any, but I just wanted to extend my interest in editing, should you need help in that area. I edited Seen 0717 on Baka-Tsuki and began editing an Ero scene that some bastard used Google Translate for in 0630. -.-

    Regardless, I wish you luck and eagerly anticipate the game being fully translated.

  • Crion629

    I’d be glad to help test but I own the Memorial Edition, not the original so it would have to be compatible with the both versions for me to help.

  • n0bzor

    I’m so happy you guys are picking this up, cause this is one VN that needs to be translated ASAP.

    Any idea on how long this is gonna take?

    • Random Guy

      They just started this somewhere near April, so it most likely will take quite a long time, like about a few years, unless they have over 4 or 5 translators, or if they took some of the scripts from Baka-Tsuki translations.
      Still, they will hopefully finish this before my test to go for college.(which is in like, 2 years?)

      P.S. Do not remind me that People Below 18 are not allowed to read these kind of things.

  • Raizu

    Keep it up guys πŸ™‚

    everyone here will be patiently waiting for your project to be finished >o<

    ganbatte ne~

  • Pikachu

    I can maybe translate a few parts ^^ I have been taking Japanese for about 4 years and know the basic 1006 kanji characters ~

    I also have loads of free time since it is currently summer vacation ^^’


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