One of my ambitions is to expand from fansubbing Anime, and make a move into the world of Visual Novels. And after recent developments, this is no longer a dream, but a possibility.
The first project we will be working on is Tomoyo After. Doki has many translators, but all are involved in translating anime.
I am seeking one (or more) translator(s) dedicated specifically to translating Tomoyo After. You will be provided with the Japanese text to translate from. You can email me if you are interested, or go on our IRC channel and find me or Cruxis (Supreme Receptionist of the Doki VN Department).
Cruxis edit: I am also looking for a person who completed this Visual Novel and can provide me some necessary resources. Find me in #doki.
Later I will be recruiting a number of “testers” to play the patched game, for debugging purposes.
There will be no “public” release until the entire project is complete.
Edit: A small update about how we will deal with the release, which shouldn’t be too far away. The only thing we will release officially, ie, via this blog, is the patch itself. We will NOT be releasing the actual game (iso or otherwise), for obvious reasons. You will have to find a copy of the game yourself. If you idle on #doki, I am sure someone will be able to help you.
Oh jeesus, I’m so excited about this.
So excited, that I decided to do something for you guys. But you see, I can’t play guitar anymore because of a broken left wrist and I’m a lil’ sick so I can’t sing either, and my drawing style is more on the realistic side so it would be really hard to draw Tomo-kun. Poems? I’m as creative with words as… dunno, something that sucks with words.
I decided then to try to either draw a realistic Tomoyo or make a stencil, so I went on the hunt for a HD, adequate image for the work. \o/
But then… I took a Tomoyo After potentially spoilerish image to the sanity.
The release date is heading towards Fall 2012 release. Hope it we get a blog post soon!
You will =)
It probably isn’t as big a spoiler as you think. Don’t worry about it… just hang in there a little longer!
Okay, okay. I’ll imagine that image in a silly, non-important context. Oh. Hahahahahaha, you silly little Tomoyo!
Yeah, I’ll just hang in here I guess. I don’t think I’ll be able to do anything else anyway. :’P
Crazy, you say? Réboy, you don’t know crazy! (Note: From Pink Floyd’s ‘The Wall‘. Very brief nudity at the end of the scene.)
Meh,seen crazier things. Stuff from creepypasta and shit..
Crazy music videos,eh? I got something for ya!
I posted it more for the part about the guy going crazy than for the visual effects…
When i read up on Tomoyo after I was slightly disappointed that there was a different va for her. So I then decided to go and read Little Busters! and after I finished it I decided to look up the characters on Wikipedia. I then found that the va for Kurugaya also voices for Tomoyo in this vn and then there was only joy left instead of disappointment.
Imagine Tomoyo saying MOE~ nonstop lol
One shouldn’t be disappointed by Tomoyo having an ‘Another World’ extension VN! Think of it as a continuation of her story as opposed to an affront to Clannad’s main arc.
I think Little Busters! needs to have another VN, and not Kud’s. I mean… The story was so damn beautiful. The main arc was just as much about friendship as it was about love, so I’m *really* putting this title in high regard in my heart sitting side by side with Clannad. I honestly feel that there could be an extension of many many good times with all of the Little Busters together. Of course, following up on Riki and Rin’s growing closer together. Don’t you think so too? :3
Hey Team. Personally I’ve got nothing but time, so I’m glad you guys are being as thorough with the game as you are. It’s gonna be great!
I’m glad you are supportive of the decision to delay the release to clean up the patch. It wasn’t an easy decision to make.
currently playing Clannad…does any1 know how to backup the data? Is it enough just to copy the savedata-files? Does the game still realize that I have unlocked after story when I reinstall the game on my laptop and then copy the savedata in the right directory?
I would appreciate ur help
yes just copy and paste the save folder to somewhere. There is one file in there that keeps track of what you’ve read so far and etc.
The X-man is correct, O WiseKouichi.
k good to know, tyvm:)
Will the translation patch overwrite the partial trans patch (B-T)or will I need to remove it? Thks
It will completely overwrite the Baka-Tsuki patch.
here this is crazier music too
Crazy is as crazy does
btw is there any where i could download tomoyo after memorial edition
just give me a hint
I dunno about Memorial Edition, but I got my TA regular edition from that place where the ninja’s enemies dock their ships. :V
Okay: Hint! there’s a very nice tip on a certain 3rd page, good luck finding it:)
Hope I can buy the VN in the future when I have enough cash *_*
iee, i cant find a hint where i couuld download tomoyo Memorial edition X(
just google it it should be one of the first links and be split into 8 parts with a patch below offering a 35 percent translation
Go to Nyatorrents, and go to the 18+(fap) section, and search for it under software. You should find the KEY 10th Memorial release with the ME Editions of all the games. There you go.
Correction, it’s actually in the regular under 18 section, so that’s even easier. I had a moment of derp there, there is no H stuff in any of the ME Editions, so of course they would not be in the fap section. : p Silly me.
Playing a tense scene in Little Busters when suddenly…
“Sender: Kurugaya Yuiko
Subject: [Congratulations]
Message: [ ( . ) ( . ) <- tits.]"
Kurugaya, you just won my eternal love and devotion. The fact that the new Tomoyo shares her voice fills me with joy. \o/
Much better than
8=====D – – ;
at least from my point of view.
I feel like I’m reading the thoughts of some kid using a Sharpie to write on a bathroom stall. I hope that kid never uses that marker on anything clean… *shudders*
Oh, right, the voice actress. Pretty cool, eh? Here’s another fun fact: Tomoyo’s VA from Clannad also is Kasumi from the Dead or Alive series. Who would’ve thunk it?
I was laying down sideways while reading that, and I just realized that when looking at from that angle, that penis ascii might look just like Mario’s mushrooms.
8=D <- shrooms
Cl -[o <- Mario, flailing his arms
Yes, I have no better things to do right now than drawing these.
^Oops, erased a line accidentally.
[mood whiplash]
Oh yeah, Houko Kuwashima. I heard that, coincidentally, she’s also voicing Sui Feng from Bleach, replacing the (sadly deceased) Tomoko Kawakami, who voiced the girl from the Illusionary World from Clannad.
And Misuzu from AIR. And Kurata from Kanon.
[/mood whiplash]
Ah, now you reminded me of Tomoko… ;_; Damn, she was great, I was so sad when I first heard the news way back, and it still gets me whenever I’m reminded of it….
Also, “Sui Feng”? Don’t you mean “Soi Fon”?
I know, right? I wrote that but was unsure if that was the right pronunciation and went to check on TVTropes, and it said Sui Feng. Sounded weird, but TVTropes is TVTropes. D:
Durr, anyway. I can’t imagine Houko voicing a character Tomoko voiced, having such different voice… colors, to put it that way. I’ll have to check it out and hope not to tear up in the process. ;_;
It’s surprising, but she actually does the role really well, and sounds very similar to how Tomoko did it. I’ve followed Bleach since it first started all those years ago, and have watched the whole series. I noticed when they got a new voice actor for Soi Fon of course, but not much, and quickly forgot about it.
As for Soi Fon’s name, yeah, it seems (according to Wikipedia), “Soi Fon” (砕蜂(ソイフォン)) is how her name is originally pronounced in Chinese, but it’s romanized as “Sui Feng” in Japanese? That’s what I make of it anyway. ┐( ̄_ ̄)┌ Someone who know Japanese and/or Chinese please confirm or correct me on this? Her birthname though is Fon Shaolin/Fon Shaorin (蜂 梢綾(フォン シャオリン)), which is romanized as Fēng Shaolíng in the Japanese media, so yeah… ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
I honestly have no idea. Dropped Bleach when it started to seem that it would stretch to Narutesque lengths. And… names from countries with these kind of characters instead of our latin ones tend to have these problems when romanized. Tohsaka, Tousaka, Tosaka or Tôsaka? ’tis all subjective. :º
I think that’s the charm of these talented seiyuus, being really women (and men, of course) of a thousand voices. I checked it out, too, and while it’s noticeable, the voice still sounds adequate for the character. ;;
Yup. I agree with everything you just said.
Some nice Key stuff (Clannad, Little Busters!, Kanon) on eBay right now. Thanks to whoever gave the heads up!
Hey clannad Man assuming you’ve read both visual novels which do you think is better nagisa’s after story or Tomoyo’s?
Well, I’d have to go with… AAAH!
Nice try, Clannad Ma-.. um.. person. You’re going to need to find that out on your own. =)
rofl i plan on playing Tomoyo after (though i know the gist of the plot already)even if u said it was far inferior I was just curious for your personal opinion between the two :p
So back to school accompanied with my work switching to night time my time for Animes, Mangas and VNs is reduced to 2am till 4am… I guess I could sacrefice my last three hours of sleep to play till 6am if I have to. Well playing Tomoyo After while undestanding more than the things spoken would be totally worth it!
As much as I would advocate people spending their time however they wish, going perpetually without sleep probably isn’t a good idea…
hey i found it the tomoyo after ME
so does with air, kanon, etc ;), ne.. should i instal tomoyo after non-ME first then instal ME because when i instal it not working
I do not think you need to have TA vanilla installed for ME to work, since they should be independant games.
Are you having problems with the game itself or with the locale? Does it display weird symbols instead of good ol’ japanese characters?
im not sure, when im instal it is fine accually but i think the problem is when im try play it, there japan symbol and it prevent me for playing it and i cant read it X(, is it work for you guys?
P.S what do you mean by TA vanila?
With vanilla, I mean the non-Memorial Edition. Do you have your system properly set on a japanese locale, or are using applocale? It’s the most common problem with these whacky japanese games.
If you could post a screenie maybe I could help more. :º
I have a doubt, though. If you can’t read japanese, then why are you installing ME instead of the good ol’ Tomoyo After? The translation that will come out soon, if I’m not wrong, will only translate the vanilla TA. D:
well, be honestly i more like VN without erotic scene other wise it ruin my image of cute tomoyo-chan
after all tomoyo ME English patch will be released after non-ME
im sure i could wait for that, btw i will try set japanese locale in my computer first hope it will work 
If you can’t, then use applocale. It’s not really hard to use, the only difficulty I had was to identify which of those eastern languages was japanese. :V
I think I’ll play both, if I can. The erotic scenes don’t really bother me, and I want to see all there is to see anyway. I hope that I won’t run off of time though.
I intend on playing both as well. ^^
Here to show my support for you guys and hope you are having a good time translating this! I know once you release it I’ll be squealing with joy!
Thanks Hasai! I’d say the team is having a good enough time working on TA’s patch, though I bet at this point they’d be even happier to see it released and done with.
I will squeal like a pig. And wallow in my own filth. Methaphorically speaking.
My joy will overwhelm all the boundaries impossed by this orderly society.
Im considering the idea of sacrificing infidels to a elder evil god. Or something like that.
You… may be possessed.
*slowly moves backwards*
* Insert something about the VN here*…. ya i got nothing, keeping working doki~
No Jon! Don’t give up now! Not when you’re sooo close!!
I got a question about the release of this!
Will you guys release a translation for the Memorial Edition as well as the regular edition?
I think they already stated that they will, after releasing the regular edition translation. :V
Yeah but with like a month in between or so?
There will be some time in between the releases, but the plan is to release a patch for the Memorial Edition as well as for the original edition. The original edition patch will be the first to be released.
That I do not know, but I don’t really think it’ll take that short of a time.
Y’know, even if most of the text were the same (which is probably the case, but since I haven’t played I can’t affirmate for sure), translating the other text is still a big task, and that’s not even taking in account D&T problems that might arise, scripts malfunctioning or the fact that they might want to actually take a vacation.
Still, this is Doki. Who knows what might happen. :V
It’s all the same to me anyway, since in my head I can’t play Tomoyo After until after I’ve played Clannad, and from what I understand Clannad will be done AFTER Tomoyo After and not before, so, yeah… ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ I have will have to wait for quite some time anyway.
Clannad… uh, I feel a little shy of asking this, but wasn’t the Clannad VN already translated? D:
I mean, I’ve played it in english, with decent quality and all. Maybe we’re talking about different versions or sumthin’? ;_;
Silly Helen, the question you ask is not a silly one. The majority of Clannad was translated, though there were spotty parts where it wasn’t. More significantly, there are large parts which were translated without proper editing, especially in the ~After Story~ arc.
Polarem, the last individual who led the translation project after its transfer from the ‘Drama Club’ to Baka-Tsuki, joined Doki Fansubs’s VN Division along with Delwack to help complete the project with the rest of the VN Team. They both are very much looking forward to the completion of Tomoyo After so that they may continue their work on Clannad’s translation & editing.
Oh… well, when I played Clannad to 100% I was a little bit younger and wasnt that good at reading english, so maybe I didn’t really notice the spotty parts.
I’ll make sure to get this patch, then, and replay Clannad in it’s entirety again, knowing it’ll be in the best possible quality. :’3
Thanks for clearing it up, Clannad Man! Have some metaphysical, truthful cake. <3
MMM, metaphysical, truthful cake~! Do I get a temporary skill boost from this?
Yes, if you believe in it. It’ll give you and the team patience +10 and agility +5. \o/
Also, it tastes like rainbows and Tomoyo. Rainbow covered Tomoyo if you will, skimpy swimsuit optional.
I spot an opportunity for a dirty joke being handed to me on a silver platter here. : p
Silly Helen, how do you know what Tomoyo tastes like? : p Get it? Hehehehe…XD
Because I’ve tasted her, of course. How would I know otherwise? :V
I just got the joke. Fell mouth-first on it, didn’t I? :slowpoke:
I blame chilean slang and sleepiness. And also being a little hungover.
Silly Rokudaime. :V
Hahahaha, the fact that you made that “Because I’ve tasted her, of course.” response before you got it made it all sooo much better! XD I never expected that! : p Sorry for being such a perv, I just couldn’t resist. : p
All is forgiven, I just can’t be mad at Tohsaka. :’P
Besides, it was kinda amusing to me too, even if I was the butt of the joke. What I meant is… well, I dunno how to translate it, but let’s say I’ve “tasted her” as a character. If that makes any sense at all. :º
I know what you mean. To stay on the safe side and to avoid being the prey of jokes in the future, go with “sampled” rather than “tasted”. “I’ve sampled her character”. : )
Sampled… okay, will take it in account. It doesn’t pack the same punch, but it will keep me safe of accidentally implying I’ve had… intercourse with a fictional character. :V
; D
How about porting the translation to PSP version eventually?
Don’t count on it. Coding for PSP is completely different from coding for PC so they’d first have to learn how to code for PSP and then pretty much start from scratch (except for the translating of the text). This is of course assuming you can easily modify PSP games, which i doubt is the case considering the non-existant modding scene for most consoles. Worst case scenario you’d have to create an entirely different version with its own UMD and permission from both KEY and Sony.
It’d take a buttload of both time and money and isn’t really worth it with a perfectly fine english translation already existing for the relatively PC version. Sorry mate.
PSP Modding scene is alive and well, there’s Haruhi VN translation almost complete. I have looked at Kanon, which I think uses the same engine, and it wouldn’t seem impossible. Script files don’t seem to be encrypted in any real way, so it’s basically just the matter of figuring out text handling aspects of the bytecode format and writing disassembler/assembler and replacing the text strings with translated ones. That was done for PC version of RealLive engine, and hopefully they may even share some similarities in them.
Making custom UMD is out of a question in every case, but there’s no need for it anyway, as ISO’s can be loaded from memory stick in modded consoles.
Allright cool thanks, now i know. Listen to this guy he obviously knows more about psp modding than me.
So it is very well possible, but i still don’t think Doki’s VN department would do it. They still have Tomoyo After ME and Clannad to do after this and so far they’ve only focussed on PC. Who knows it might happen, but it’s safe to say it wouldn’t happen any time soon.
Now to watch clannad man come in to kick my ass by saying “Haha! we’ve secretly been planning that all along!”
And then i realized the guy that replied and the initial post are the same person >_< I should stop posting on sites when only half-awake
There had been some interest in a PSP port, though interest in it has been minimal since the team decided to work on an English patch for the Memorial Edition of the game. Furthermore, there were some legalistic concerns which were brought up that the team did not want to meddle with. There is a much greater desire by the team to finish up Clannad’s patch than to work on VN ports, so that is what I expect them to do.
I’m so fucking excited for this patch that its not even funny. MUST PLAY TOMOYO AFTER ._______. Aside from my ramblings, i’m extremely overjoyed at the fact that a full patch will be coming out
Thanks much Doki-Fansubs for the hard work, can’t wait to play it proper. l:3
You’re quite welcome, Ghost. I hope you enjoy it! ^_^
Assuming Tomoyo After continues on schedule (fingers crosses since u guys have ten days left) how much of a time difference do you think there would be between the release of this patch and the memorial edition one?
im sure they wont get realeased it in summer as promised….. AGAIN….
Doesn’t matter if it actually comes out sometime soon in the near-future, now does it?
im not sure, but maybe it ill be release at Tomoyo-chan birthday, just wait and see
just 1 month ; 14 Oct
Good idea… but wouldn’t making you wait that long be cruel?
Why so negative? :’P
Even if it doesn’t, though, there’s no reason to complain. They’re doing it for free, so…
even if is free, when you put a scheduled and dont make it in time…. say it all, and more i they have failed one scheduled already. I hope they get it released and dont make the same mistake as before.
Different situations. Again, for the main game, the team was right on schedule. It was when we first tried out the mini-game Dungeons & Takifumis that we crapped ourselves and said, “This is broken, we need to fix this.”
Then we had to get people’s schedules in order. This sounds like a minor task but people had planned to take breaks after the scheduled release of the game, and when they returned they had to get back into the right frame of mind to work on the game again.
Thankfully, it appears the necessary coding is ready and that the team is simply making style changes at the moment. Meaning… there is no critical reason for any delay beyond the Summer 2012 date that has been set.
Besides, I don’t know if you actually have an idea of what goes behind doing a translation (I do, since I formerly worked in association with Kira-Fansubs), but for something more than a regular anime, it can be frustratingly difficult.
Hell, sometimes you’re even lucky when a project you want done gets picked up by someone, even if it is decently well-known. I’m talking about you, Full Metal Panic (once again *sigh*).
And let me tell you, B-T had this project for at least three years, if not longer, so to see this much progress in about a year and a half or less, in addition to the fresh start, is a major relief in my case. So sit back, relax, and anticipate the view.
You may want to check back a few times this week, my friend…
Via the team: Challenge Accepted!
This sounds good. Does the team actually have a bit of news for us ATM?
Sure. Now the team is currently on mop-up duty, tying up any loose ends they find. They also decided to try to improve the code specifically pertaining to D&T scrolling. The difference in how the game runs from July 20th to now is quite substantial.
It shouldn’t be too long. I anticipate the team will split up between Clannad and Tomoyo After: Memorial Ed. to maximize efficiency.
~(^▾^~) ~( ^▾^ )~ (~^▾^)~
When the release hits, I gotta celebrate by busting out the champagne, and the ah, erm…. chocolate cake… yeah, lots of chocolate cake. And doughnuts. So, Cheers in advance!
Naturally indeed, Clannad Man, naturally indeed.
I think I might just throw a party with me… and myself, to celebrate. \o/
When you can’t use an arm, and regular games seem too difficult to play singlehandedly, these visual novels are just the right thing to fight boredom. So I really thank the Doki VN translation team from the bottom of my soul. <3
Oh! Did your arm get injured?
here my problem after instal ME games
Nope, that doesn’t seem to have to do with the locale. And that’s pretty much the only thing I can help you with. :c
Still! Don’t be sad, surely when the ME translation comes off, there’ll be some info on how to correctly install it and people will come with problems and solutions and stuff. :’)
Hmm…It would probably help if we knew what the error message actually says, but I can’t read Japanese…
indeed, i hope clannad man ill translate it for us :D, we counting on you
I personally think its a disk error, if it was virtually mounted, perhaps try and keep the ISO mounted to the virtual drive, I don’t think I could help further without getting hands on with it. :\
this is confuse me @_@, but i think maybe it is not disk error since i already download many game include clannad, and all of them works well, tasukete kuremasu ka for translate this, hard to read symbol in japan and yet i cant copy and paste to google translate
All my love and support goes to the team, I can’t wait!! >w<
You know, I don’t think I’ve ever written one of those before. I’m excited for you!!
Hey guys, thought I would put a video link up so we could all enjoy some good music thats related to the VN :3 Enjoy l:3
‘Hope’ – The very first song you will hear in the game. Soothing, yet ominous, isn’t it?
If there is a Japanese song in the game will you display subtitles somewhere during the song or leave the game for us to see the english lyrics?
Well, forcing you to leave the game to just read the lyrics wouldn’t be very nice, now would it?
Even Doki’s biggest critics (Doki has critics? Pfft! =P ) admit that Doki’s typesetting & karaoke is top tier. You can expect to see Master Odinigh’s fine craftsmanship on display when a song with lyrics plays.