Spring show #6.
Excuse the filesize, but the show needs it.
Delayed because we TLed the OP/ED.
3 more shows to come…
HD (h264): [Doki] C – The Money of Soul and Possibility Control – 01 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [78DB866E].mkv
SD (h264): [Doki] C – The Money of Soul and Possibility Control – 01 (848×480 h264 AAC) [16E38F08].mkv
Ohhhh yaaaah. So glad this made the release list
You guys sure you’re not over working yourselves with all the shows you are picking up? Not that I don’t appreciate it.
we’re probably going to die like the uncle in bakuman from too much work
/finished translating denpa /dies
Wow, I am so glad you guys picked this up. I was freaking out earlier today when I couldn’t find out who was subbing this and then I found out you guys were and let’s just say you made my day. Really looking forward to this show!
Thanks so much for doing this show, along with A Channel, Iroha, and Nichijou 😀
Oversubbing unlimited >.>
Wow, you guys are subbing a lot this season.
Would it be possible to get a avi version? :0
And I really appreciate you guys for subbing this! I nearly died when I only thought that gg and funimation were subbing this.
I’m sorry to say, but we have phased out of XVID releases. If you would like your own .avi, you’ll have to encode it yourself or get someone else to. We decided to phase XVID out, since H264 is more popular, up-to-date, and convenient.
Our 480p .mkv should be able to play fine on your computer, unless you’re using a really old computer…
yay thanks! You guys are awesome.
Thanks so much for this, but you guys still have 4 other shows that recently aired left to do so… hope no one burns out.
(Here’s hoping that you do do those other 3 shows because I’m interested in watching Aria and Denpa Onna)
Just thought I’d throw this out there, but the official OP lyrics are out since the full version was released recently. I don’t know how you guys went about Tling the OP, but if you weren’t doing it off written lyrics, you can find them here: http://gendou.com/amusic/lyrics.php?id=10577&show=0. Hope that helps if at all. 🙂
hmm big filesize is that a good thing or a bad thing…?
well regardless thanks for the release guys!
This Doki’s getting craaaaaaaaaaazy!
I’m going to kill you faggots if you die from exhaustion before you finish A Channel.
People die when they are killed.
i like to say.. thank you for all ur releases!! really appreciated it.. u guys rock!
btw.. y is this group called doki? ><
it’s derived from “doki doki waku waku” a cutesy Japanese expression for getting excited
Thanks for the release ..
but I always wonder… Why you are not indexing your torrents in Nyaa ?
I am not used to Toshokan :/
Thanks again.. 🙂
I had a disagreement with Nyaa in the past, and as a result he banned doki torrents. His loss.
MAN YOU GUYS!!!! 😀 you guys saved me almost 1/3 shows, because I’m downloading around 31 shows this season 🙂 and I’ll be sure to follow your 11 episodes 🙂 Oh and guys don’t
burn yourselves out. btw thanx for the release
^lol 11 releases*
Thank you very much!! I aprreciate your work 🙂
But what is gonna happen to qwaser BD?
3 More shows!?
Maria Holic Alive! *hopes* xD
No idea what this is about, checking it out.
I think the 3 more shows they are talking about is this Ano Hi Mita Hana, Hidan no Aria and Denpa Onna
Hope you guys will sub Steins;Gate too with CR subs 🙂 would be awesome
thanks a lot for your awesome work ^-^/
doki doki~
So you decided not to do Steins;Gate and Qwaser season 2, am I right? Sorry to bother you if it was mentioned directly somewhere but I didn’t visit your site often recently.
Really liked this one, didn’t understand nothing for the fight part, but really awesome series.
[…] can get it from Doki Fansubs, gg fansubs, Hatsuyuki, or […]
[…] […]
Something strange occurred with the 480p ver.
The entire ep. is consist of 23:26 mins.
But when I played it using mine KMPlayer… The vid only played up to 22:54 mins. w/no preview for next ep.
Thought it was strange… But when I converted the file…
Whole video played fine on medieplayerclassic & kmplayer…
Weird… 😕
Does this ep. truly have no preview at all…?
Cause I had the very same issue… Except…
The entire ep.’s total running is 23:23 mins. for video…
While 23:25 mins. for audio…
But once played… All else plays fine except for the preview after the ending… Although I can still hear some talking like a preview for next ep. but picture is stuck on the last frame of the vid…
Anyone know how to fix this…?
Cause I don’t know how to convert or tinker w/vids for that matter…
Eheh heh… 😉
The “preview” was actually an ad for something, not related to this anime, so it was cut. just forgot to cut the audio, lol