Spring Show #4.
Cute girls doing cute things, and yuri lolis. What’s not to like?
720p: [Doki] A Channel - 01 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [10D37E83].mkv
Torrent Dead | XDCC
480p: [Doki] A Channel - 01 (848x480 h264 AAC) [334E2628].mkv
Torrent Dead | XDCC
First! Banzai! glad you guys are doing this show!
Loli yuri? I’m so approve of this!
What’s not to like, indeed.
Thanks for doing the series..
Hopefully you’ll pick up “Ore-tachi Ni Tsubasa wa Nai” too.
Thanks! Really curious what this series will be like!
Thx, loli + yuri = WIN
Great release, but try to tow down the 100% literal translations. A little localizing is good, especially for Japanese saying that have an English equivalent. As in, you shouldn’t have lines that nobody would ever say in English.
Will work on that >_>
Loli’s galore! Thanks!
Doki, I’m worried for your health. You’re taking on so many shows. In any case, Haruhi vol 1 please.
There seems to be a frame rate issue around 8:08 on both 720p and 480p
It’s the typesetting. Turn off the subs and see if it works.
Turned off the subs, and It works. Any way to fix this on my end? I’m using CCCP, and a pretty powerful PC.
I’d like some tips with this too. I’ve been encountering small troubles with heavy typesetting too with the Seto BD’s. BTW, great to know you are doing this show.
Hell yes! been waiting for this! thanks alot~
This needs update
Best possible screenshot.
This show = Duh Winning!
Thank you x2
You guys are on a roll.
The manga is cute. And the screenshot is great!!! <3
Thanks for doing this show.
You need rest thu. That many shows?
The subs and sound seems a little off at around 8:12
Awesome! Was looking forward to this! Yuuko is so cute. <3
Just a question, have the Shuffle! bluray encodes been dropped?
^Doki never drops anything, should of known that by now.
You could try getting the BD encodes from Kira if you can’t wait.
No, I can wait, just curious.
I don’t believe in coincidences…
yuti + loli = godlike
I am in utter awe of how many shows you’re taking on this season; hang in there! Thanks so much
I am a happy man :3
Thank you for subbing this Doki! I was fully excited waiting for this to be subbed!
So… Just wanna ask… How’s the translation for this? Can someone fairly judge? Or if there might be anything to point out?