The speed continues.
HD (h264): [Doki] Seto no Hanayome – 16 (1280×720 h264 BD FLAC) [B77FE664].mkv
SD (XviD): [Doki] Seto no Hanayome – 16 (848×480 XviD BD MP3) [BD1BCC7C].avi
Due to recent events, the TV stations have earthquake warning borders around the anime when it aired. Therefore I will use the CR stream here, even though the video quality is not ideal. But we’re doing the Blu-Rays anyway, so who cares, right? You noticed that we’re becoming faster with TV releases. This kind of speed will become standard in Spring. In fact this was ready 8 hours ago, but I fell asleep, lol, so it can’t be helped. HD (h264): [Doki] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka – 10 (1280×720 h264 AAC) [26397988].mkv SD (h264): [Doki] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka – 10 (848×480 h264 AAC) [BCDA4019].mkv
Yeah, I forgot to put Ep 12 1080p onto last night’s torrent, lol. Credits:
1080p (h264): B Gata H Kei (2010) [Doki][1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC] 720p (h264): B Gata H Kei (2010) [Doki][1280×720 h264 BD AAC] 480p (XviD): B Gata H Kei (2010) [Doki][848×480 XviD BD MP3]
I’m not sure if the TV version of ep 12 was censored or not, but it is most definitely uncensored here. Yeah, lots of boobs. …and complete in less than 2 weeks! (Actually, in just under a year, lol) Batches coming soon. 1080p (h264): [Doki] B Gata H Kei – 11-12 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC)
720p (h264): [Doki] B Gata H Kei – 11-12 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC)
Nearly there! 1080p (h264): [Doki] B Gata H Kei – 09-10 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC)
720p (h264): [Doki] B Gata H Kei – 09-10 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC)
As you may have guessed, Zombie was delayed for 1 week. 1080p (h264): [Doki] B Gata H Kei – 07-08 (1920×1080 h264 BD FLAC)
720p (h264): [Doki] B Gata H Kei – 07-08 (1280×720 h264 BD AAC)
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