1080p (h264): [Doki] Clannad After Story – CM1 (1920×1080 h264 AAC) [D72D769F].mkv
Just a reminder that the release date for Clannad After Story approaches.
I hope that these are uploaded to Share ASAP! I really don’t feel like raiding the bank to buy it lol.
- 1920×1080 h264 FLAC
- 1280×720 h264 AAC
- 848×480 h264 AAC
Subs: [SS-Eclipse]
Dual Audio Verdict: No Dual Audio. The BDMV does not contain English audio. For me to do dual audio, I would need to download the DVDs, extract audio, sync audio, make patches, etc. In short, :effort:
I have other shit to be working on.
Joseole99 will be working on the DA versions so they are in good hands.
I’d like the dubs for a dual audio release. If it’s possible for you to add them as a patch so the naysayers get the hell off our backs, then that would be great.
I can not lie about it: those English dubs are bad. The choices for Nagisa and Tomoya sound great, but Greg Ayres has been type-casted as “the wierd friend”, and it’s really getting to me because he has a very distinct, unforgettable voice. He was already Kitagawa in Kanon 2006 and many people who watch Clannad will have seen Kanon already. Don’t get me wrong on this guy, he kicks ass as Yamazaki in Welcome to the NHK.
The big problem then is that people are not pronouncing the names correctly in the dub! What the hell is wrong with these voice actors? Many of them have dubbed over 30 series and they still can’t get their shit together on this issue? Mimic the pronounced name phonetically if you have to. It must be the studio forcing them to pronounce names as English-wrong as possible, because I find it hard to believe that you can mess it up after dubbing more than a few series.
Regardless, I still vote for that dual audio release. If you’re reading the subs, you’re not paying as much attention to the video. Don’t give me that peripheral vision or read faster crap, I pwn online muliplayer FPS games and have trained to read fast (see EyeQ). I don’t care what’s wrong with the dubs, it’s the thought that counts.
^You know Man there’s still a lot of International Fans who couldn’t pronounce Japanese Words preperly even if they’ve heard it a thousand times before.
Like “Narutoe” or “Toekyoe” for example XD
Ah, you’re probably right, I hadn’t thought this one through; there are languages which don’t use particular vowel or consonant sounds and native speakers of those languages will have a tough time with them. We got that problem but with vowels I guess, by falling back onto a known vowel sounds.
I was saying it’s easy, but I probably don’t have a problem mimicking what I hear only because of my English+Spanish upbringing: it’s probably a big range.
Interesting, it would be funny to put a correctly pronounced Tokyo into one of your conversations. Maybe the person you are talking to would have a ‘WTF?’ moment on what happened to the “kiyo” in Tokyo.
^Haha You’re right XD
Spanish pronunciation sounds closer to Japanese than English (to me at least)
I’m Filipino so it’s not that hard for us to pronounce Japanese properly.
I also agree on mimicking,you just have to copy what you’ve already heard a thousand times. it shoudln’t be that complicated to say single words.
But speaking in Japanese is totally different though 😛
I’ve been raised trilingually in two Germanic (Dutch and English) and a Slavic (Polish) language. I can pretty much pronounce every language in existence without any training (apart from weird shit like Chinese). You can’t imagine how gravely I’m disturbed by mispronunciation in dubs… I mean, they should at least pick people that are able to speak some Japanese… :/
Does anybody know whether a Blu Ray edition (english sub) will be released by Sentai?
The Japanese version is $700+ so I was hoping for a localised version.
I want to buy!
dual audio plz. Its so my little brother can enjoy it as well.
As long as we’re counting, I vote against including English dub, Japanese and subtitles all the way, baby!
I’m not a fan of the dub, but my vote is for dual audio. This is a show worth sharing with non anime fans, and they won’t give it a chance if there’s not a dub. For everything good this series has, please include dual audio.
I vote for Jap. audio and en sub. Making dual audio makes the file size more bigger and sometimes it’s pain in the ass..
I vote for the Japanese audio + English dub. I heavily dislike the English dub of Clannad… as a matter of fact, I dislike nearly every English dub for an anime. Personal taste, I guess.
sub even -_-
can you add a XVID version 848×480 so I don’t have to convert them to play on my PS2.
please, since you have XviD version of Clannad, might as well for After Story.
dual audio for kicks
Just wondering when you will be releasing episode 24 of season 1 =)
Gomen, being a baka right now >< episode is 24 is the OVA
the only dub i ever watched in my life was clannad. i vote for dub pwease.
I vote for Japanese Audio and English subtitles. This is how an anime should be :p
Engdub? No offence, but I would probably rip it out to conserve space.
“I hope that these are uploaded to Share ASAP!” <– Me too.
And I hope that you'll release it ASAP 😀
Voted for Dual audio.
Sure, let’s make all the files larger just to cater to people who care about bad dubs. That’s a great idea.
I vote for Japanese audio and English subs only!
saves time for the people waiting and the subbers
btw, is there XviD version?
Vote for Jap+subs. Personal opinion on the dub after watching a few episodes:
-Tomoya sounds like a guardian angel rather than a lazy bum with a big heart
-Kyou sounds nothing like a high-school girl, rather like a middle aged woman (no surprise given the age of VA)
-Sunohara… no just… no ;_;
I couldn’t bother watching more dub eps to form a more comprehensive opinion, but it fails to register as “I can definitely watch the dub” category after just those reasons.
…forgot to add, no objection to provide patches to include dubs, if you’re up for more work… 🙂
If you do dual audio, put the English dub in a separate folder please. Those who want it can mux it in.
*puts on compromise hat*
If there is dual audio, add it as a patch. That way people who dont mind the extra filesize can watch this show the way they want to, and the people that dont want dont care about the dubs dont need to worry about the extra filesize.
just add separate english audio please….so i can mux it by myself 😉