1080p (h264): [Doki] Clannad After Story – CM1 (1920×1080 h264 AAC) [D72D769F].mkv
Just a reminder that the release date for Clannad After Story approaches.
I hope that these are uploaded to Share ASAP! I really don’t feel like raiding the bank to buy it lol.
- 1920×1080 h264 FLAC
- 1280×720 h264 AAC
- 848×480 h264 AAC
Subs: [SS-Eclipse]
Dual Audio Verdict: No Dual Audio. The BDMV does not contain English audio. For me to do dual audio, I would need to download the DVDs, extract audio, sync audio, make patches, etc. In short, :effort:
I have other shit to be working on.
Joseole99 will be working on the DA versions so they are in good hands.
Am I the only one who LIKES ordered chapters? It saves a lot of hard drive space. OP/ED scenes usually have more movement than the actual show itself, resulting in a higher bitrate required for those scenes.
Besides, Clannad uses the same OP/ED for every episode, so it would definitely be beneficial to use ordered chapters. In addition, its a 24 episode series, which is double the usual 12 or 13 episodes.
And therefore, I am requesting for ordered chapters because I believe it could be real benefit to this series.
Also, @”Doki is the best”, MediaInfo states that:
– its CRF 15
– its 5.1 ch audio
Yes, you’re right about the audio being 5.1, sorry for the misinformation. But the video is certainly CRF 14:
“…rc=crf / mbtree=1 / crf=14.0 / qcomp=0.60…”
strange…mine says crf=15.0
CRF 15 is the 720p version. The 1080p version is CRF 14.
I too like ordered chapters, they save space/make the download smaller and downloading the exact same thing 24 times when it can be avoided is redundant. I don’t really mind too much if they aren’t used though, I think of it as a bonus if ordered chapters are used.
Would you mind an extra 1GB for the sake of having a release with good integrity to the BD source? There is an overhead on the player when it comes to playing linked .mkv, not to mention that not all players support them.
i copied Kanon 2006 Blu-ray from my friend…and i was disappointed because they were using ordered chapter….
i dislike the cutting video…. and in some episode, the soundtrack that flowed with the video looks terrible because it been cut off
but i couldn’t do anything…. to download Doki’s Kanon that 25 GB….. too bad i can’t stand it…. the biggest file that i ever downloaded is 18,2 GB……
so until the very end, i’ll against ordered chapter…..
especially Clannad ~ AS Blu-ray….
Excellent news! The only way this could be better is if they moved the release date forward. xD
And regarding the dual-audio…
PLEASE do not bloat the files with (more often than not) sub-par english voice acting.
It’s easy enough to remove the audio channel and remux it once I have it downloaded, but that isn’t my concern, it’s the increase in file size. I did that for Hellsing Ultimate when I downloaded it (it had like 5 audio tracks and subtitles for different languages), and IIRC when I removed the 4 extra languages it reduced the file size by about 450mb, for one 50min DVD quality episode.
I will download your release either way, but I would prefer it without the dual-audio.
Thanks in advance, April/May can’t get here soon enough. 😀
i love how people bitch and moan about a dub that they don’t even have to listen to if they don’t want to.
We can choose to not listen to the dub, but we can’t choose to not download it if it’s a dual-audio release.
if it come on the BD what is the problem with them encoding it and creating patches for those that want it?
just like they were thinking about doing with shuffle. hopefully they do it for both.
Ahhh nice to see you here joseole 😉
I am very excited about this news, EPIC ANNOUNCEMENT
However, i agree about the whole english voiceacting, in most animes Ive seen, its just a huge waste of space. I am not a slow reader, and I enjoy connecting the japanese words with the english translation on the bottom of the screen while I watch. Infact, its the way I learned English in the first place LOL. (But that was when I was a kid) Anyways, Ushiro in 1080p is going to rock this planet
@ redhades777
Not completely true at least for After Story, there are up to four slightly different ED animation sequences according to the offer on BBT from Rabit-Force release.
There might also be two vocal tracks that are slightly different in the ED but unsure there.
Dual audio would be nice if you could.
are you still going to do v2’s for some of the Clannad 1080p that had glitches?
some v2’s had already in the batch…. download it from there 😉
the link to the batch doesn’t work…
u mean this one?
good thing to hear!
If some like the dual audio, I guess it will come on a patch. If the Doki staff will do it. Still the original language will always prevail. The ordered chapter is ok, but it will take time to cut the OP and ED. And I think the Doki staff is not a fan of ordered chapters. But it there’s many requests for that, maybe they will consider it…
Yes Dual-Audio
I dooooooon’t caare anymore, this was the best thing I heard about this year. looking forward 😀
Thanks DOKI!
just make a English dub patch separately like for Haruhi and everyone will be happy~lolz
I endeavour to keep the integrity of the BD as best as possible, therefore I am always against ordered chapters. The BD provides the episodes to you with OP/ED uncut, and so will I. If you are going for 1080p, the extra GB or 2 shouldn’t bother you.
thanks for the statement…. i’m one of people that dislike ordered chapter ( or u can say it, I HATE IT )
Yes, ordered chapters sucks – i’m fully agree with you.
I would love a dual audio verson
Then.. are you going to use the the eng. Subs provided, or are you aiming for eclipses engrish one?
maybe u can take a look at the announcement picture 😉
SS-Eclipse are superior to official subs, therefore I will use SS-Eclipse subs.
IF you want to have official subs, I am certain THORA will rip them and use them in their release.
Honestly, I probably wouldn’t bother with the English dubs for Clannad (either one). Now, ordinarily, even if a dub is sub-par, I can live with it (the Higurashi dub (or what I heard of it at least) is a prime example of what I CAN’T stand), but I watched some sample scenes, and unless I somehow stumbled upon a fandub (I can never be too sure sometimes), Tomoya and Nagisa sounded okay; the rest seemed either meh or outright terrible.
Now, I heard the dub for Haruhi (or at least enough). Compared to this, I’d sooner watch all of Haruhi in English (including every iteration of Endless Eight if applicable) rather than watch this in English for more than ten seconds of dialogue (based off what I heard).
Of course, I’m willing to attempt to change my opinion if someone can find me a surefire official source to go off of (as like I said, it could’ve been a fandub I saw; I’m not too sure).
No dual-audio and no ordered chapters. 🙂
That’s the news I’ve been waiting to hear ^_^
Only a handful of people likes eng dub so pls don’t add english dub inside the file, rather release it separately. That way, the rest of us won’t have to download extra data.
atleast for after story let it be ordered chapters ,
the ending(torch) in clannad after story ruins the mood
As for the english dub… all we need to remember is “thebigdangofamily” if you’ve never seen it, go look at it on youtube.
Also…. HARUHI where are you?!?!
Like I said, if two full audio tracks spells the end of the world for people then I think the English audio as a separate download to mux in is fine. However, I still think dual audio makes for the best possible release for a show this popular. But, if it get’s the thumbs down then I’m sure someone else will do it (ie Joseole99) so it’s not the end of the world. What I’ve realized is people can go from and enjoy English (dub) to Japanese audio, but vice versa is taboo. To say one is terrible or worse then the other is based on preference with obvious bias because whichever audio track you listen to first fits. But let’s just see what happens (not until April after all). Not the end of the world either way.
of course i will be working on a dual audio remux if for some odd reason doki finds it too hard to add them as a separate download. haha. should be easy tho, since there is no retiming what so ever to do.
either way, you guys can expect a dual audio release whether it’s from doki or a remux from me.
Here we go again with dual-audio, even when we had the same discussion earlier.
I say NO to dual-audio releases, except if it’s a Ghibli-movie. Make separate audio files with a patch to those who want it, of course if you have the time and dedication to do it.
Ordered chapters: it can save precious gigabytes when the opening/ending is used for many episodes, but it often has problems with audio/video sync and compatibility, especially with flac audio. Many releases of other groups were flawed because of this. So I’m neutral on this.
In the meantime, we’re awaiting Haruhi!
if you have the time release the English audio as a separate download.
I am also always against ordered chapters.
holo already stated that there would not be ordered chapters.
i say screw the japanese audio and release only english! the japanese audio is a waste of space.
No Joseole! No! You will start an internet riot :p
hey, dude….. it’s all about drama, you know? 😀
i was just trying to show them how stupid it is to argue for only japanese audio. haha.
let all hell break loose!
drama = about ordered sh1t
no need to say that….of course that’s just stupid XD
It’s nice to know Joseole’s got it covered since he did the same for Clannad and Kanon 😀
yeah. i feel kinda bad about using their clannad and kanon, but they by far had the best releases. and i, along with others love dubs =D
Don’t feel bad, I am actually quite honoured that you chose Doki over the other alternatives.
Was just about to say lol it is a compliment more then anything.
That’s an awesome news!!!